Chapter Sixty-Five: Storm

608 Words
      I was upset that Crisa stepped in front of me, but when I felt the gun at her back I understood why she did it. It escalated so quickly I had a hard time trying to figure out what to expect.Next thing I know Dan laughed before saying, “you can’t kill me without taking me back to the family for them to decide my fate. You are only Zanthus’ niece. That doesn’t give you power to make decisions like that.” Dan finished with a smirk thinking that he had won, but then Crisa started laughing like she went crazy. When Crisa stopped laughing she looked at him with a straight faced and said, “that’s cute. You think that Zanthus doesn’t already know you are here and what you have done. I have every right to end your life right here and now. You went against family and tried to harm someone in the family. You see I’m not just his niece I’m next in line to take over. You aren’t very smart.”      Dan’s face went white, but he didn’t give he reached into his jacket and pulled out a gun aiming it at Crisa. Before he could get a shot off I shot him right between the eyes. Within seconds Crisa had the phone to her ear and began saying, “Hai sentito tutto quello zio? Volevo farti sapere che era qui. Mi ha lanciato un coltello e Storm ci ha mancato di poco. Mi ha puntato contro la pistola e Storm gli ha sparato. Se hai bisogno che venga a sistemare la cosa, lo farò.(Did you hear all of that Uncle? I wanted to let you know he was here. He threw a knife at me and Storm barely missing us. He pointed his gun at me and Storm shot him. If you need me to come and settle this there I will.)” I  couldn’t hear the other end of the conversation. I could tell that she was speaking to her uncle. She smiled and said, “Ti amo zio. Ci vediamo quando sarai in grado di visitare.(I love you Uncle. I will see you when you are able to visit.)”        Tristan had the guys cleaning up the mess and walking Crisa’s motorcycle around back so they could wash that as well. I was just standing there staring at Crisa trying to figure out what language she was speaking and wondering if she knew how amazing she is. When she turned and caught me staring she didn’t even acknowledge it she just asked if we could go get food now. I laughed shaking my head in the process and lead her over to my car before heading to the diner. I was curious to find out what language she was speaking because this is the second time I heard her speak it so I asked. She looked at me in surprise and said, “I’m sorry that was rude of me. Sometimes when I’m upset and speaking to my uncle it happens and when he doesn’t want anyone else to know what he’s tell me he does the same. When before everything happened with my mom he taught me Italian as our own special way of communicating because nobody else in my family could speak it. Thank god he thought to teach me so young because it was easier to learn at that age and it ended up saving my life. That’s a story for another day though right now it’s time for food I’m starving.” With that said we got out of the car and went in the diner. 
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