I Watched From Afar

399 Words
She waited for a very long time staring at her phone hoping and waiting for his call but it never came through and she is so frightened to call him and say am sorry as she walked down the stair case with tears rolling down her eyes she tried to hold them but she couldn't hold them back slowly she walked down as she stepped slowly she could feel eyes on her then she slowly stopped her pace and raised her head to the second floor, he immediately hide behind the bar so she couldn't see who was that staring at her she left in such a hurry that she bumped into someone which almost got her to fall he held her down her waist with a fast reflex and and a calm muscle, she felt a chill down to her feet as she held her breath due to the tears and fears she said a simple and shy thank you with the head bow down to earth# She left the hotel she just entered the taxi without checking on the taxi without checking on the car to her greatest surprise the taxi driver started driving in the right direction without asking her she slowly raised her tearful eyes to the fore mirror in front of her who she saw made her heart skipped a beat. Meeting or seeing him in the taxi she was, it was never a coincidence it was all planned by him to take her home,give her a warm dinner hot coffee , but she felt a rushed of blood through her veins as she kept staring at him she feel she should just get hold of his neck and choke him to death but that is not a good plan said a voice in her head, just let him take u home then he is urs to deal with I have always thought and think I could live my life like that I do watch in the movie forgetting that I live in the real world of human I always dream and wish for fascinating life and a fairy dream that always happen in my head but now with what I have to deal with when I get home, I need to think of the right punishment, .......ding dong a message came through distracting her thought as she saw it she almost puKe blood........
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