Chapter 40: Home

2188 Words
“Are you for real…?” Alvarez nodded and started the engine of his car. “You better tell me why you seemed like you were having a good time with that asshole earlier.” “What? I wasn’t!” “Well, you looked like you were. Now, what was happening back there?” “I thought you were already satisfied with my explanation?” “No, what the f**k are you on?” He scowled at me as he sped up. “I already understand why you were so intent on leaving earlier, but that’s not all.” I sighed and looked out of the window, unable to understand what he meant by that. As much as I wanted to tell him what he wanted to hear, I didn’t know what it was! And he’s being so stingy here! Alvarez went quiet and just looked ahead of the road. The way back to the mansion will take a lot of time, and I’d have no choice but to talk about it while we’re on the road. That way, I wouldn’t have to talk to him about it at home. “Fine…” I breathed as I removed my shoes. “Mm-hmm. Tell me about it.” “They were talking about how you seemed to be in a good mood earlier. And for some reason, the topic shifted to the two of us. Raven was just being nice by trying to deal with it on my behalf.” His brows immediately furrowed, and I haven’t even told him the entire thing yet! “Why? Couldn’t you have talked to them yourself?” Alvarez…seriously can’t understand s**t. I shot him a ridiculed look, unable to even form a reply that would make sense to him. He probably just thinks I’m being petty by not talking to everyone myself! To be honest, I can’t blame him if he thinks that way because I really am that kind of person. I would have frankly told them that I didn’t like being talked about. However, I didn’t want to be on bad terms with the other employees, so I chose to be quiet. This guy wouldn’t understand something like that because he’s not one to care about how others view him. I kind of aspire to be like that, but that’ll make others afraid of me. “See here, you big lummox, people like me would choose to be quiet than make things complicated,” I told him— my tone dripping with sarcasm. “You weren’t that kind of person, though. You never were.” “Why? Because I’ve always been frank when talking to you?” “Yeah…” he trailed off and went silent for a while, thinking. “Wait, were you only mean to me?” I beamed. “Bingo! You finally got it!” He sighed and chuckled without humor. “You’re so f*****g pretentious— it’s funny.” “You’re absolutely right.” “Well, at least I’m always frank with everyone.” “And that’s why people hate you.” His brows furrowed. “No, they don’t.” “Name one person who doesn’t hate you, then.” Alvarez went quiet as he thought of the people he interacted with. There would be no way people liked him with that crappy attitude of his. If anything, it’ll only be his relatives I’ve never actually met. “You, Diaz.” I laughed out loud at what he said. “You think I don’t hate you? That’s hilarious!” That’s right because I’m definitely his number-one hater! Wasn’t that already evident from the very first day we met? Damn, I thought we have already gone through this so many times before. “Yeah, you don’t. At least not in bed.” Oh. “You fucker…” I muttered as I looked away. There’s nothing I could say against that because he’s right. No one has any right to hate him in bed. It’s not fair to use that kind of argument when we’re talking about personality, though. “Also, if we’re talking about personality…then you’re just as hated as I am,” he replied, smirking. I raised a brow and crossed my arms over my chest. “What the f**k do you mean?” “I told you, you’re pretentious. You think people would like that?” “Well, if I show them good qualities, they will.” “You’re so optimistic,” he replied, chuckling. “That’s adorable, Diaz. I didn’t know you were capable of thinking that way.” “I don’t get it.” Oh, we’re already here… Alvarez pulled over, still smiling. “You’ve become so naive, mi amor. This is precisely why I’m taking you home.” What… I didn’t get what his point was because I was sure as hell I’d been doing good acting my part. How does that make me naive? Alvarez sure is acting weird. Anyway, I didn’t want to worry about his words anymore because I was ecstatic to see my mom again! I’m not sure about Dad because we haven’t spoken to each other since I got married. Papa isn’t here because he’s having the time of his life somewhere across the country. I pursed my lips as I stared at the door, hoping it was my mother who would come running out of it. I’m certain the maids have already notified her of our arrival. She wouldn’t sleep knowing the two of us were coming tonight, even if it was this late at night. And true enough, my mother opened the door with a worried expression painted on her pretty face. Oh, how I’ve longed to see her again. It feels like it’s been so long… “Sapphire! Oh, mi vida!” mom exclaimed when she laid her eyes on me. My eyes watered as my worries finally resurfaced with the feeling of being assured by my mother’s presence. It felt like it was finally okay to be myself with my mother. I couldn’t help but run into her arms like a child. I didn’t care anymore if Alvarez saw me in such a vulnerable state! I just wanted to be able to cry my heart out into my mother’s embrace. “Mom…” I sobbed as she pulled me into an embrace. “It’s fine, my dear. Mother’s here…” she muttered as she caressed my hair. I felt Alvarez’s gaze from behind as if he was watching me intently. Still, I couldn’t bring myself to calm down. The frustrations I’ve been bottling up have finally broken the container I kept them in… It took me a while to finally calm down. Mom invited the two of us inside and apologized because Dad wasn’t around. As expected! But right now, she’s all alone inside the mansion. “Who takes care of you?” I asked as I looked around the empty mansion. “The maids and nurses are always here. Don’t worry, sweetie.” “But are you sure you’re fine?” Mom smiled and led us to the kitchen. “Yes, I am. It’s been entertaining lately.” I nodded and sat down. “Did you cook tonight?” “Yes, dear. I was excited when Gray informed me that he’d be taking you here this weekend.” I’ve only been calling Mom for the past months since I've been staying with Alvarez because there was no time for the two of us to go home. As for the Alvarez residence, my husband refused to go there regardless of the occasion. That’s why I’m surprised that he thought of visiting even though there was no special reason to. I smiled and continued chatting with Mom. Since I’m in a good mood, I also included Alvarez in our conversations, who was being extra polite today. For some reason, despite our relationship being pure business, we looked like a family that had been morphed out of love. With the way we ate and chatted together at the dining table, one would mistake us for a real family. A smile escaped from my lips as we exchanged stories of how we have been for the past few months. It was undoubtedly a moment I will be keeping for quite some time. I’ve got to thank Alvarez for this later. “As much as I’d like to continue chatting with you two, I ought to rest now…” mom muttered when we finished our meal. “Sure, mom. Have a good rest!” We accompanied her on her way to her room and then headed straight for the guest room. Alvarez will have to sleep here because I didn’t allow him inside my room. I didn’t want to fool around in my parents’ house either! “Come on, why do I get to sleep here? I want to stay in your room,” he whined when I pushed him toward the guest room. “You’re a guest, so you’d have to sleep there?” “I am? Am I not family?” He was looking at me with puppy eyes, and I couldn’t help but flick his forehead. Honestly, he looked dumb when he did that. It didn’t really suit him… “You need to know that you’re bad at acting cute. This had better be the last time you pull that kind of act.” “You’re so mean.” I chuckled as I pushed him more because he was refusing to enter. “Come on, why are you being so fussy? We’ll only be sleeping separately! We always do that, anyway.” “I want to stay in your room.” “You don’t get to decide that.” He looked over his shoulder, watching me push him further into the room. He’s like a f*****g wall! Seriously, why isn’t he budging at all? I mean, I’m not that weak— “You—!” I almost fell face first when he suddenly moved! I was just about to lash out at him, but he closed the door behind me and held my waist, his face slowly leaning down. I closed my eyes in anticipation of the feeling of his lips against mine. Damn, didn’t I just swear to myself that I wouldn’t fool around with him here? Why am I… “You really drive me crazy…” he muttered as his face fell on my shoulder, gently nuzzling his head on my neck. “I’ve always been right about you being trouble.” I opened my eyes, flustered that he didn’t kiss me when I was anticipating it. My hands flew on his shoulders, my grip firm. Why didn’t he do it? He knew I was waiting, as well! “What…” I trailed off as my right hand went to his nape. “Did I do something again?” “You did. A lot, actually.” I gasped when he planted feathery kisses on my neck. I threw my head back against the door as he did that. Damn, that felt so strange… “I would have flipped the map upside down if I hadn’t received a call from one of the guards I sent to trail you.” “Sorry…” “God, you’re so annoying. Why did you make me worry like that? I haven’t even found anything to use against Zenon Leviste. What if he did something to you while I was—” I lifted his face and kissed him, shutting him up. He didn’t kiss me back at first, perhaps because he was furious about what I did. I’ve already asked for his forgiveness, but I’m certain it isn’t enough. I was in the wrong… But eventually, he gave in and bit on my lower lip. I hissed at what he did, but I wanted him to do whatever he wanted with me. The walls aren’t thin, and every room is soundproof. No one would hear a thing. My heart was hammering against my chest as his hands slipped inside my clothes, immediately grabbing my chest the moment he came into contact with them. I couldn’t help but wrap my legs around his waist when he grabbed my ass. Our suppressed moans were the only thing I could hear as his lips sucked on mine. “I’m sorry about what I did…” I whispered in between the kisses. “You’d have to make it up to me in some way,” he replied as he pulled away, his eyes depicting the desire he is feeling. I nodded and cupped his cheeks. “Please do what you want with me. I’m sorry again. I won’t do it again.” I have to make it up to him and thank him for taking me home. Right now, I feel like I’m myself again. That’s why I have to do as he says. After this, I’ll go back to hating his guts. That’s how our relationship should work, after all. “Let’s move to my room…” I muttered as I looked up at him with hooded eyes.
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