Chapter 72: Traitor

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“Mr. Alvarez, are you here to confirm that you have indeed ostracized an attack towards Mr. Leviste?” “No. I am here to disprove such ridiculous rumors.” Alvarez left to meet the media after dropping me off at the office. Right now, Vin and I are watching him being interviewed by the media while he tries to prove our innocence. Apparently, both he and I were mentioned in the said accusation. To be honest, I am still quite confused after Vin told me that we are both the subject of this whole setup. Even after I stayed inside the penthouse for so long, some of the evidence still pointed at us. If only people looked closer into the case, they would have noticed what was wrong. But unfortunately, they were all too busy paying attention to the details presented right in front of them. They didn’t even try to look a little into it! If they had, this whole farce would have ended right away. A sigh escaped from my lips as I looked at the news with my arms crossed in front of my chest. I have been on edge since Vin turned it on so we could watch. “He’s good at this, huh…” he muttered as we admired how Alvarez was handling the situation. “Mm-hmm…” The questions just kept coming one after another, almost giving him no time to speak. Even so, he tried to answer whatever he could. “Where are his guards?” I asked worriedly when I noticed that he only had two guards with him. This guy! He knows he’s a big figure, but he oh so rarely brings any of his guards so close to me. He only does that whenever he’s with me. I looked at Vin, asking for help. I hate how Alvarez just casually walks around without caring for his own safety! This is why I offered to come. But the i***t told me I should just get to work on his behalf. Now, I’m stuck with the conference he was supposed to attend along with a ton of paperwork. To be honest, I would have found a way to escape if I had been bombarded with these as well… A sigh escaped from my lips as I looked at Vin. “Think you can help me?” He looked around before sitting beside me. “I want to tell you something, but I feel like I can’t. Not here.” “Why? Is it that important?” “Yes,” he replied as he tapped his fingers on my desk. “Then, just say it. What’s with the suspense?” He sighed and moved his chair closer. “Do you not understand the situation the two of you are in?” “I do…” I mumbled as I c****d my head to the side. “But what does that have to do with anything?” “That’s why I need you to listen. I’ll only say this once.” I nodded and moved closer so that I could hear him. Perhaps it’s something that shouldn’t be heard by anyone no matter what? “I found the person who planted the evidence, and you’d be devastated when you find out who it is.” Planted the evidence? I mean, I already know that someone did that, but Alvarez has been keeping it to himself. Just the other day, after I somehow admitted that I wanted him as well, I ran away. After that, things have been quite awkward between us. Even so, he told me he already has an idea about what happened. He refused to tell me more information about it because it’s much too sensitive of a case. I wasn’t sure if it was all because he didn’t trust me or if he was just making sure that I didn’t get too involved. Ah, this is making me feel all weird… I looked at Vin, wanting to know more. Even so, I have to consult Alvarez about this first. I can trust Vin, but I can’t do something that would mess Alvarez’s plan up. He has been preparing for something…big. At this point, I already knew that the case with the Levistes wasn’t his priority. He’s delving into a much bigger case that I don’t know of, something that is much more dangerous than the Levistes. And I also know that he is only keeping the information regarding Zenon, but he’s simply leaving it in Vin’s hands. Perhaps that is why Vin is telling me this… Even so, it feels strange. If Vin really did know the person who planted the evidence, he would have told me in a different way. Is it a different case that he has to say it in such a suspenseful way…? I tilted my head to the side as I looked at Vin, curious. The hesitation I feel is getting the better of me that I don’t think I can just listen to everything he says. The only person I can trust at this point is myself. I can only trust Alvarez to an extent, and I’m afraid of listening to everyone else. Shit, why am I even overthinking it? “Hey?” Vin called as he waved his hand in front of my face. “You’re spacing out.” “Uh…” I trailed off as I looked away. “I’m sorry. Can I just get my thoughts together?” He nodded. “Tell me when you’re ready. We’ll find a more secure place to talk.” “But isn’t this place secure enough?” I asked, raising a brow. “I have already checked the security cameras with you, right? They won’t be able to hear a thing.” “There’s a high chance that this place is bugged,” he replied as he looked around. “We can’t risk the chance of alerting them.” My brows furrowed as I stared at him. How come? He checks if my office is bugged the instant he enters, so why is it that he’s telling me all of this? What, has he been much too stressed that he’s failing to do what he normally does? But Vin has never forgotten anything. I have proven from the day he proved that he has already been fully trained. Just as I was about to confront him about it, the noise from the television went up. It was as if there was a commotion going on on the scene. Alvarez… “The Alvarezes are free of any dirty records. I can show you all the proofs right here and right now. If there is someone the media should have their sights on…it’s not us. Besides that, I have no reason to orchestrate an attack on Zenon Leviste. I am very busy as I have just gotten married. I would appreciate it if you people could take some burden off my back by refraining from creating useless rumors about me.” Alvarez is definitely pissed and the people in that space can tell. With the ever-annoying arrogance in his tone, he intimated everyone in the press conference. Wow, he really has that sort of power over the people around him. No one dared to ask any questions after his statement, contrary to what everyone expected. To be honest, I thought there would be at least one brave soul who would make a query about his marriage. I mean, it is a perfect opportunity to find out about our relationship. Why? Because they can use it to destroy the image of our marriage. Everyone has been trying to find loopholes regarding the sudden emergence of our relationship in the middle of our family’s crisis. Many want Gray Alvarez as a husband or a son-in-law. Of course, they would stop at nothing if they found even the smallest hole to fit just to get to the truth behind our marriage. But anyway, he did pretty well in the interview. Heck, I don’t even know if it can still be called an interview because no one was asking questions anymore. “No more questions? I suppose I am free to go now.” He didn’t even ask and just left the place with a triumphant grin on his face! Alvarez looked surprised earlier when no one posed any questions anymore. But at the same time, he looked genuinely surprised upon the realization that he succeeded in shutting everyone up. Ah, I wonder what it’s like to be that intimidating… I sighed and relaxed on my swivel chair. Earlier, I was too tense to think because of the interview. Those things are scary. Even though I have experienced such instances a lot in the past, I still can’t get used to them. “Are you okay?” Vin asked as he placed a cup of coffee on my table. It doesn’t smell the way I like it… I didn’t want to be rude because it seemed like he was concerned, but I told him I already had coffee earlier. Alright, I won’t deny it anymore. I'm suspicious of Vin right now. First, he doesn’t smell like usual. It smells like a different perfume! Trust me, I know his scent after hanging out with him my entire life. Likewise, he also knows how I like my coffee and he knows that I can never finish a cup of coffee that doesn’t smell like how I like it when I’m feeling tense. Is Vin okay or is something going on? He doesn’t really seem like he’s out of it, though. In fact, he seemed perfectly normal to him. It’s just that his actions and words seem out of the ordinary to me. “Vin,” I called as I stared at him. “Hmm?” he hummed in response as he maintained eye contact. “Is there a problem?” I shook my head. “I just wanted to know if you’re doing okay.” “Yeah. I have been in tiptop shape for the past few days.” He’s lying. Vin has been way too frustrated over the past few days that sometimes, he would randomly ask me for alcohol. He hasn’t been in “tiptop shape” at all. I smiled. “I see. Then, can you tell me about the thing you were trying to tell me earlier?” “Oh, finally!” he exclaimed as he stood up. “Come on, we have to talk about it somewhere else.” I pursed my lips and remained seated, contemplating whether I should go and follow him. Regardless of where it is, I might need to come with him. But… I looked back at the television and saw that Alvarez had already gotten inside the car. Will he reach this place before I leave, though? I really have a bad feeling about this. “Alright…” I breathed as I stood up and followed him. I was walking too slowly and he seemed annoyed by it. Because of that, I tried to walk a little faster. However, just as he was about to open the door of my office, he walked away from it and stood beside me. He held the gun that was in his pocket as he signaled me to stay put. “Why? What’s wrong?” I asked him as I looked at the door. “There is a commotion outside, I can hear it.” I blinked twice as I stared at the door, waiting for someone to enter. My body was shivering in fear! I have no idea why, but I feel like I’m in danger. As expected, the door burst open with Alvarez’s guards. These are the ones he normally brings with him when he’s out. Is this why there were only two with him at that conference? But…why are they here? As far as I know, they are stationed somewhere across the building. Why are they suddenly right in front of me, holding their guns up? And they’re pointing them at Vin. “What’s going on?” I asked them as I raised my hands in surrender, trembling in fear. “Mrs. Alvarez, I need you to get as far away from that man as possible,” the man in the middle told me. I looked at Vin and then at them again. “What do you mean? Don’t you recognize him? This is Vin!” He shook his head and tried to pull me away from Vin. “Please listen to us. We’re simply doing this for your safety.” “I don’t understand!” “Hey, get away from her!” Vin yelled as he tried to come closer. “You get away from her or we’ll shoot you dead!”
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