03| Seed of coincidence

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Kayla I could hear my heart thumping in it's ribcage and my legs went weak which resulted results me into gripping the nearest pole in support. I can't believe I almost got hit. "Hey woman, can't you see where you're going?" An unfamiliar, manly voice resonates through my eardrums. I lift up my face to have a look at the person. And for a moment, I was short of words. He was dressed in a pieces of black suit, his jet black shining beard didn't go unnoticed. He had that kind of look that make you shiver. His presence held some kind of strong aura. The power of being in charge. "I hope I'm not talking to a deaf person" His husky yet sharp voice snapped me out of my trance. I immediately felt embarrassed for gawking at him. I pushed my body off the ground. "Um.. Sir" "Fvck!" He seethe bending to his car. My brow knit in confusion. I know I'm at fault for not focusing my attention on the road. So I want to get it over with and go on my way. "Sir, I'm-" "What's wrong with you woman! Why do you carry this piece of crap around? And now look it scraped my car. Are you blind?" "What?" I found myself uttering out in a low voice. "Now look at the damage you did to my car. How are you going to pay for the damages? Heck, you don't even look like someone who have a dime" He mumbled the last statement which didn't go unheard by me. For a moment, I found myself taking a clearer look at him again. Is this man in his right state of mind. If we look at it, he was partly at fault too. If he focus his attention on the road, nothing of such will happen. "Excuse me Sir, I'm not fully fault here. If you had focused your attention on the road, nothing of such would happen. You nearly hit me!" I exclaimed. "I bet you're a shameless woman. You still have the audacity to sprout nonsense. It's my car we're talking about" My legs moved on it's own accord, charging towards him. I grabbed him by the collar. "I'm warning you for the last time, get your filthy hand off me!" He seethe through gritted teeth. Fury burned in my eyes like a lightening bolt and before I could have a control of my mindset, I connects my palms with his face. "Filthy huh? You called my hands filthy!? Now you should get a taste of your own medicine" One slap wasn't enough, I raised my hands again to slap him for the second time, when he held them mid air. "Just because I allowed you to raise your hands on me doesn't mean I will let you for the second time and talking about filthy? Yes, your hands are filthy as well as you. Before I lose my temper, I advice you to apologize before you regret the day you are born" I have never been angry and at the same time insulted in my life the way I was at that moment. I felt like turning the stranger in front of me into a punching bag. How dare him call me filthy! I did promised my Dad that I won't cause any trouble in my stay in New York, but the man is making it harder for me. It's better if I just ignore him and go on my way. That should be better. I was about to leave when his next word renders me speechless. "I dare you to take one more step forward" His voice held some authority. For a moment I was short of words. Did I really hear him correctly? "I see that you don't know who you're talking to. I can destroy your life in a snap of finger" A annoyed chuckle escaped me "It's not necessary for me to know who you are. You might be the richest man in this city or even the president. You're human, so I am. I don't see any difference" Something flashed in his eyes. Surprise. If he thinks I'm going to be afraid of him then he's clearly mistaken. I'm sure he's not a simple man by his mode of dressing. The two pieces black suit isn't a common one. "Look woman. I don't have forever. I have important things to do that listen to your stupidity" "Oh so now you're resulting to insult right. If I'm stupid, then so are you. I need to make one thing clear to you. First, you were the one who tried to hit me with your car and then you want me to apologize to you because my fan mistakenly grazed your car? Isn't my life important than a stupid non living thing" The next thing that follows is a fit of laughter which got me thinking maybe something is indeed wrong with the man in front of me. "Important? Why would a stranger's life be important to me? I only care about my car. To give you a light punishment, I urged you to apologize because your piece of trash won't even be a tiniest bit of help to my damage" "I don't know you but your words shows that you're not a kind hearted person. You know I can sue you for attempted murder" I thought he will be taken aback by my outburst. However, he stood calm. Instead, his lips curved up. He trekked his way closer to me which led me to inch back passing him a glare. "Look here woman. Whether you report to the police or file a lawsuit at the court, nothing is going to happen. No one will listen to you. In fact they will take you as a crazy person. Because they know Alexander Carlo is a well reputable man" I would be lying if I say his words didn't send goosebumps to my skin. He might only be making mouth. However, when I look into the eyes of the man in front of me, it held power. His aura made me think maybe. Just maybe I was faster than my shadow And some other part of me reminded me that regardless of the status, humans are humans and it doesn't make any difference. He's only a man and I'm a woman. Feeling some sense of authority in me. I shifted myself back and stare at him directly. "I don't care about how reputable you are in the eyes of people. To me you're nothing but an arrogant and careless stranger" "It seems I didn't scare you enough to come back to your senses. I might have to remind you again. Alexander Carlo isn't a forgiving type. I could allow you to walk away but believe me when I say I can destroy your life in a snap of a finger" His body didn't move an inch from where he was standing only his mouth that is doing the movement. I reciprocated his action instead folding my arms across my chest. Up till now , no soul could be seen around the surrounding area. "I might have to remind you too Mr Alexander or whoever you call yourself. I'm not a forgiving type too. When I'm wronged, I make sure that person takes a taste of his or her own medicine and I think I've done part of it. You know...." I trailed off my eyes going to his chin. "The slap" I let out slowly. His eyes suddenly burned with fury. In a swift motion, I found my body being hurled around a wall. "You have the audacity to lay your hands on my face. Something no one will dare to do. I bet you don't know what you're getting yourself into" He seethe his eyes a shade of pure a anger. "Why? Does it hurt your ego? I will be delighted if it did. I'm wronged here and the least you could do it apologize for your actions. I don't plan on letting you get away with it" "Are you challenging me woman. You think I can't destroy your life?" A small smile spread across his face. "If you call it a challenge then so be it. Bring it on. Kayla Parker ain't afraid of any challenge" We both stared into each other's eyes with anger burning in them. A hiss left my mouth as I pulled my door open. I was burning with rage. I can't believe a stranger insulted me. He has the nerve to call me a shameless woman. What on earth. "Hey you're...." Claire trained off when I pass her a deathly look. She shouldn't forget we're still in a bad terms with each other. "My bad. You look scary" She ushered laughing at her unfunny joke. "Why in the world did I not give him another good slap!" I seethe punching the decor pillow in frustration. "Wait... What happened? Why are you talking about slapping someone?" Claire asked taking a seat beside me. "He has the audacity to call me a shameless woman. Can you believe this. A total stranger. He nearly killed me!" Our fight with Claire completely forgotten. I was literally hyperventilating. Claire places her hand on my shoulder. "Calm down and tell me what happened?" I heaved in and out a sharp breath calming my beating heart. I sure need someone to vent out my frustration. I explained everything that transpired between me and him. From the fight up to the challenge. "So you mean you slapped Alexander?" She asked her eyes widening a bit. Which made me raised my brows in question. "As in Alexander Carlo" She repeated. "Yes. Is he some president? He made a mistake and I gave him a taste of his own medicine" "OMG! Kayla you're doomed. I always advice you to be controlling your anger and now see what happened. Alexander isn't a forgiving man. And he doesn't back out of his word" This time around, she made me stare at her for some seconds. "What are you trying to say? You want me to stand idle and allow him to insult me?" "You don't understand Kayla. Alexander is a reputable man and among the top ten richest young bachelor in New York. Getting involved with him is like getting involved with fire. What are we going to do now" She was now in standing position. My eyes followed her action. Is this woman for real? "And so what?" I said. Just because he's the richest man doesn't mean he'd look down on people. Claire stopped pacing around the room and turned to me. "You don't understand Kayla, you barely spend a day in New York and you're getting into troubles. Alexander is far powerful than you think he is. I just hope he won't do anything" I found my mouth letting out a hiss. Her words are even adding fuel to my anger. "He can do anything for all I care. No matter how powerful he is, he can't stop me from living my life or doing what I want. Good night. I'm sleepy" "Listen Kayla, you-" "We're still on bad terms don't forget that" My eyes travelled to the marble floor, where the fan I bought was splattered. Indeed the fan made me keep a history. I ignored the looks Claire was throwing me and made my way to the room. I have many things ahead of me than listen to her talking about how powerful or wealthy he is. ** Morning came faster than I expected. As we agreed with Mr. Julius on discussing about finding me a job. Claire was literally sulking. We barely exchanged pleasant words. She acts as if she's a relative of Alexander. Going on and on about him. We're not meeting again. Cased closed. "So Kayla, I see that you have quite good grade. Since you studied business administration, I think hunting for a job won't be that hard. I have a connection with some companies. We can apply for it and see how it unfolds" He explained intertwining his hands on the table. I barely touch the lemonade drink. "Okay Mr Julius. Thank you so much" "My pleasure. Since you have your laptop with you we can start looking through some companies" I nodded my head in answer. What I liked with the man is his sharpness. He does things directly. My phone vibrate from the desk. I almost hissed out. It won't pass Claire with her nagging self. It must be one of her new argument. However, it wasn't a message from her. It came from an unknown number. My brows squeezed in confusion. It might be a wrong message. "Is everything okay?" Mr Julius said bringing his attention on me. "I got a job offer" "Really? Which company Is it?". I read out the message. Dear Miss Parker, I am pleased to inform you that you are invited to a job interview at Carlo industry. The interview is scheduled tomorrow by 8:00am prompt. Wishing you best of luck! From Carlo Industry Ltd. "You just got lucky Kayla. No need to hunt for a job again. I can't believe you got an invite without even applying for the job" His words were deaf to my ear as I got into thinking. The name Carlo looks familiar. Alexander Carlo Carlo industry
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