Chapter 1

1136 Words
Dalia's Pov: I found myself looking in the mirror in my bathroom brushing my hair getting ready for the day when I got a phone call from my mom. I set my brush down and picked up the phone to answer, "Hey mom what's up?" She immediately went on a rant about how my father decided that he needed a new lawnmower even though the one he has is only 2 years old. He saw a newer model at the hardware shop and decided then and there to buy it. I laughed and listened to my mom go on and on about how irresponsible it was of him to do that without talking to her first. " Mom, just sell the old one and make some money back from it. " She huffed, " That's not the point. I don't care about the money. I want him to ask first." I shook my head, she was always about wanting to be a part of every decision from both me and my father. So when I decided to open up my own Nursery on a whim without saying anything to either her or my dad she lost it. She called to yell at me and then didn't speak to me for a week before my father made her call and apologize.   I wasn't upset with her at all, I knew that I was going to have that reaction from her when I bought the building. She is very nosy and wants to have control of everything, a control freak my mother is. But I love her anyway. Sometimes I'm surprised my father puts up with all of her nonsense most of the time but I knew that it was only because he loved her more than anything in the world... besides me of course. So when situations like this come into play my father doesn't consult her on something and he just takes the heat, he tells me every time sometimes it's better to ask forgiveness than permission. I didn't see how that applied to things like a new lawnmower but I just nod and agree with him every time he says it. I took a look at the time on my alarm clock and knew if I didn't finish getting ready and leave in 30 minutes I was going to be late opening up the nursery. " Mom. I love you, but I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." She stopped ranting and said, " Oh of course sweetie. I love you! " I hung up the phone and finished getting ready for the day. Once I was dressed, had a coffee in one hand and a banana in the other I was walking out of the house and to my car. My cat Lily who was a white Bengal zoomed out the door at the last second of me shutting it. " Goddamit Lily! No, you can't come with me! " In response, she just meowed at me and jumped onto the hood of my car. I sighed and decided that I didn't have time with her stubbornness and that she was lucky I kept an extra harness and leash in the car. " Alright come on we're late." I opened the passenger and watched as she hopped off the hood and into the car. I went to the other side and got in. Soon enough after putting her harness on and hooking her leash to it, we're on our way. It was about a 10-minute drive from my house to the nursery, it made the morning and evening communities nice. Plus, it was a huge save on gas. We pulled up into the parking lot right as the clock hit 9:00. I quickly grabbed Lily's leash and my coffee and rushed to the door. Once inside I walked to my office and turned on the lights. I had a cat tree in my office for times Lily joined me at work, I dropped the leash and she sauntered her way over. She hopped up and immediately went to her favorite spot and laid down to watch me. I went to the safe and started my morning routine of opening up shop, after an hour it was time to open the doors. I walked out to the front door and turned the sign hanging there over so it said open. Usually, I had employees come in but on Sundays, I usually run things by myself as it's not very busy.  I made my rounds making sure that all the plants were in a healthy state, I will not sell customer's bad plants. I have a separate part of the building set aside for just those plants. I try to nurse as many as I can back to health before they go back on the shelf if not then I keep them until they die.  When I was finished no one had come in yet so I decided to get some payroll done, I walked back to my office keeping the door open so I can see or hear someone if they come in. After an hour or two I felt this tug on my chest ... I got up and walked out of my office and noticed that no one came in. I felt a harder tug and I gasped, I put my hands to my chest and bent over. What was that?  Was I having a heart attack? I didn't think so... It didn't hurt but it felt like... like I had to walk leave... leave where I have no clue. After a couple of seconds, the tug was gone. I straightened up and took a deep breath. I decided to ignore what just happened, I went back to my office to try to get my work done. After a couple of tries I decided I couldn't focus back on my work, it felt like I had so much energy. I started pacing, I wasn't sure what was wrong. I felt anxious and.... a longing. I'm not sure for what, but it didn't go away after the tugging feeling I felt earlier. Maybe I should call my mom? Maybe she would know what this was or I could just go to the hospital? That might be a bit I wouldn't do that. I'm not hurt or anything. I continued to pace while Lily watched me from her perch.  All of a sudden I felt calm. Everything just stopped including me. I stared out into the nursery, after a minute or two someone walked in and the bell on the door went off. I took a deep breath and shook out my hands unsure of what was going on. I put a smile on my face and walked out to meet the stranger. 
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