I'm Gone

994 Words
She walked behind me as we walked down to the dining room. The time on the wall said ten forty five. Louise looked out from whatever it was he was doing and froze. Everyone looked at him and then at me and stood up. He walked over to me slowing, touching my face lightly and then moved his hand down my arms to my hands. When he looked at me one minute it he had the look of sadness but then he looked like he was going to kill me. At dinner they're where only ten people. They didn't even know what I was doing. Once they were in bed I was running. I made should I didn’t let them know what I was thinking. Abby looked at me and smiled. No one said or look as I looked at my plate. The food looked good but I didn’t know if it would kill me. Abby stood from the table and walked behind me. “Abby?” Louise said. “Come here a minute.” She slowing walked off to him. He stood up and looked at me. “Nora this is what happens when you have people help you.” He had his hand to her chest. I didn’t know what happen tell he pulled a knife out of her chest. I screamed. I moved to her as she hit the ground. I held her close. I looked back up at him. “You see she didn't listen to me and well one day when I told her not to help you she did it anyway, I just didn't want her anymore.” I looked away from him and down at Abby. I was breathing hard and couldn't say a word. He moved around behind me and spoke slowly. “Is only else here help poor, poor LeNora? He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me away from Abby’s cold body.  “So you killed her?” When I could breathe. “Well something like that.” He throw me to the ground. I slowing stood up to my full high. He moved from me faster than I could think. I moved out of his reach and ran to the door to be stopped by two guys. I turned around right into Louise. He moved my hands behind my back and started walking to the basement. I kicked him as hard as I could but it didn’t seem to faze him when I did. He moved me into the ceil and closed the door behind him. I sat down and looked at nothing tell my eyes got use to the dark. He move close to me and sat down. “Who else is helping you Nora.” “No one Abby wasn’t every helping me.” “You’re lying to me!” He yelled at me. “I know that she was helping you to run.” I looked at him then away. “I know that you’re going to run, I just don’t know when you’re going to.” “Let me into your thoughts Nora.” “No.” I said as I moved away from him. He looked at me and laughed. “You see right there Nora, your having someone help you with blocking your thoughts.”           “Yeah you killed her.” I snapped. He grabbed me and pulled me to my feet. We walked back into the kitchen. He let me go right next to Abby body.  I looked around the room at everyone. I slowing stood and take a step and stopped. The door was open no one was by it. I thought to myself what’s the worst that could happen now? I looked at Louise as he looked at me I thought to him. “Better run fast.” And with that I was out the door running. Missing guys as they ran after me. I ran as fast as I could when I hear my name being called out. As I hit the gate. I heard Louise yell. “Kill her, don’t let her get far. If she does, I kill you. Do you hear me?” I ran faster going around trees and down hills. I found a place that I could hide out in; tell I got my breath back. I couldn't breathe for minutes on end.  I looked around to make sure no one was behind me that I could see or hear. I sat down to get my breathe back. “WELL, hello there Nora.”  I looked up to see Lux. “Lux what are you doing here?” “I've come to get you.” “Will you take me home to my family?”  “Yes I was planning on doing that for you?”  “Thank you.” “You're more than welcome.”  I smile and walked with him out of the woods. I stopped as the boy voice come into my mind. “Only trust two people me and Abby.”  He looked at me. “What are you doing? Nora we need to go.” “No I’m not going with you.” I take a step back. “You’re not going to take me home to my family.” He laughed and said in a low voice. “Well Nora you know what.” Grabbing me by the arm and pulling me back. “Life is what it is in the end now does it?”  “I trusted you and you - you how could you?” “Hey guys I got the brat.” He said. I kicked and screamed. I remember so many things that my brothers showed me if I was to get into a mess like this one.
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