I Have to Ask

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When I could get off and head back to my house with my mom stopping the car every five minute to look at me. A thousand questions ran through my mind that I wanted to ask her. I sat in the car looking at my hands that had white gauss tape warped around them. You would think that after two mouths they would be healed. But no the wounds were still open and still hurt. My arms and hands would never be the same again. People will never look at me the same ever again. “Mom did you try looking me for?” I said as I looked up. “Je t'aime-“  I loved how we lived in London but my mom would talk to me in French. She grabbed my hand. “Je t'aime you know that me and your father looked for you every day.” I looked out the window to see the Big Ben. “Look Doux Coeur I know you think that we didn't look for you but we did.  Every day for the last year.” “I was gone longer than a year mom.” I said under my breath. “What’s that?” she asked  “I said that I’ve been gone longer than just a year mom. So what where you doing the other three months mom?” I asked. “Je-...” she tried to say again. “Just stop the car mom.” “What?” “Stop the car.” I yelled out.  “Look Nora we looked for you... me your dad.” I looked at her for a second. “He not my dad mom.” “Why sure he is.” “No mom your wrong Maurice is not my dad.”  I didn't say a word as I walked into my house and up to my room. Nothing had changed anything out of place. No one had been in mine room since the day I was kidnapped. My mom came in two hours later to tell me that the school was going to work with me on the last year of school that I missed. Good thing I was good at learning fast and well. I skipped a year of school and now if I didn’t learn everything in a the time of two mouths plus seven in school with this school year I would be in my normal class. But I could do it in four mouths it would be easy. Two months now and two within school. Four mouths for nine. The first day I got my books and tests I worked all day. For the first three week I got three mouths of school down. One day they call to see if I did understand the knowledge. After a mouth of working on school I wanted to see my friends and Sean. I was in my room when my mom came in to tell me to come down. As I got to the last five steps I saw that Sean was in the living room.  He smiled at me. I jump the last steps and run up to him. He hugged me. Man it felt good to been in his arms.             My mom wouldn’t let any of my friends or Sean see me. Tonight was the first time that she did. I looked at my mom. “Really?” She looked at me as she and Maurice walked to the door. “Yes.” And with that she was out the door. I looked at Sean and smiled. He kissed my forehead. Before we moved to the coach. “You stay. After so long here you are.” I said slowly. He smiled at me. “I will always be here for you Nora. Never forget that.” I looked at him for so long but if I was to look away it would feel wrong. He didn’t say a word about it but looked at me as long. I spoke first. “Thank you for being here still Sean it means a lot to me.” He smiled and moved me closer to him. “You’re welcome Nora and you know I would never leave you when you need me.” He rubbed my back for a little bit and then when he moved to my arms he stopped. Right over the ‘Mark’ only I and Nick could see. He kissed the back of my head and then got up. I watched as he went into the kitchen. He phone rang on the table. I looked at the caller ID and then walked it to him. He smiled as he answered to his dad. He walked up to me and hugged me. With his dad on the phone and me in his arms was a lot. But I could hear what his dad was saying. “Hey boy, I need you to do something for me. I need you to get the books that I was talking about tonight and all so go and get your bothers. But before you go and get them run by the Mid’s and get what I need for Mr. Mid just say my name and he will give it to you. Can you do that?” He let out a sign. “If Nora can come as well.” “Wait your at Nora?” he asked. “Yes father I’m at Nora. Her mom and step-dad are got for the night and asked for me to come over and keep Nora from working on her school work. She been working on it since the day she got it. And she needed a break.” “Okay then, well, never mind about the things that I need I’ll have your mom go and get them for me.” He said. “And tell her hi for me.” He hung out the phone and leaned down and kissed me on the lips. It was warm, smooth, sweet, and loving with each kiss. When he pulled away I felt sad. “Tomorrow I’m going school shopping if you want to come.” He said. School starts in a week and the only thing that I had was note books. I smiled up at him. “Okay. That would be fun to go and get school stuff.” His smile was sad. “You know the doctors said you don’t have to go back so soon if you don’t want to.” “Sean I want to get out of this house I’m tired here. My mom doesn’t stop asking questions and wondering my every move. She won’t let me see my friends or you- “He looked at me. “Nora she loves you and doesn’t want anything to happen to you again. And as for not letting you see us, well that’s messed up. But don’t worry now okay she letting me see you. And I will be here every day now.” My mom walked throw the door right as Sean pulled in for a kiss but didn’t finish.  “Thank you Sean for coming over tonight.” She said. “You’re welcome.” He looked down at me. “I will see you tomorrow.” I looked over at my mom as she put down her bags and walked into the kitchen.  I grabbed Sean hand and walked into the kitchen after her. “Mom may I walk Sean to his car?” She looked at me with sadness in her eyes. “You can stand at the door and watch me walk him to his car.”  “No it’s okay and yes you can walk him to his car.” She said. Once we were outside Sean picked me up and walked with me in his arms. We got to his car and stood there for a minute kissing. “I’ll stay tell your inside the house so that I know your safe.” He opened the car door and sat down in the seat.  I held his hand until I had to let go. “Thank you Sean.” “You’re welcome.” He kissed me one last time. I walked to the door and turned to see Sean starting the car. I walked into the house and looked at my mom. Without a word she hugged me. “I love you and never want to lose you Lenora.”
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