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Pain is the proof that I’m still alive right now. Heartbreak… I never thought that I would be able to experience that kind of thing. f**k, I hate this feeling. It’s been five years. Five f*****g years… And I’m still here, stuck in the same place that we were together. We were so happy back then. But what happened to us? I still didn’t expect that we would be separated. “Jax, move on. You know what, Brother? You’re the great Jax Maximo, the great womanizer! Many women want to have you. But why are you still keeping yourself for your last girlfriend? I mean, it’s so not you. Wake up, Jax. You know that she’s not the only woman living in this world,” Jade, my sister, told me. I’m always staying here in our favorite place, me and my ex-girlfriend’s favorite place. I haven’t known what to do in my life for the past five years. My life became worthless when she left me. “Jade, you still have no news about her?” I asked. I’m hoping that there will be news about her. “Give up now, Jax. You won’t find her anymore. Maybe she fled to a country where you won’t be able to find her. Jax, please… You’re not like this before. It’s been five years! Stop hoping that you will see her again. And even if you see her again, what do you think will happen? She will just kill you! She doesn’t love you! She didn’t love you!” I immediately stood up and held Jade in her collar shirt. “That’s not true! I know that she loves me! She loved me before! We had so much fun before! We were so happy back then. We were in a relationship for three years, Jade! Three f*****g years! So don’t you ever say to me that she doesn’t love me, because she does. I felt it back then…” I calmed myself down and started crying again… Damn. I know myself that I am not like this before. I didn’t f*****g know how to cry before! But when she left me… I was crying to death. I can cry twenty-four hours before. But I don’t want to die yet. I want to know why she left me and what she meant by the last words that she told me before. Memories came flashing to my mind… [FLASHBACK - FIVE YEARS AGO] “Xandra, can you please explain to me what’s going on with our relationship right now? Did I do something wrong? As long as I remember, I didn’t do anything to make you mad. Please tell me. I miss you so much, Xandra,” I said. She did not answer my calls for days. She also didn’t want to meet me, not until today. She texted me earlier that she wanted to meet me because she wanted to say something to me. So I immediately agreed to meet her at our favorite place. I thought that she wanted to apologize to me for being cold. But what I expected didn’t happen. When I saw her in person, I could sense the coldness in her eyes by looking at me. She’s not the Xandra that I knew. Also, her appearance… The Xandra in front of me is new. “We’re done, Jax. I’m breaking up with you,” she coldly said while looking straight into my eyes. Damn, that hurts. Her words immediately darted to my heart. I’m looking at her, so confused. “Did I do something to disappoint or hurt you anyway? What happened, Xandra? What is your reason for breaking up with me right now?” I asked her again. I don’t care if I’m looking desperate right now. I know that I’m the great and famous billionaire, Jax Maximo. But when it comes to Xandra, I can do anything and anything just for her. “I don’t want to be with you anymore. We’re done. I’m done pretending, Jax. I’m so sick of you. I’m going to migrate to another country.” My eyes widened when I heard what she said. I held her hand, trying to calm her. I thought I could change her mind. I thought I could stop her. Because I know that she loves me. “Xandra, please. What’s happening to you? Why are you being like that? Where are you going? Why are you leaving me? Don’t leave me, please,” I begged. I don’t want her to be gone to my life. She immediately removed her hand on my grip. I started crying. It hurts like hell. Her words are hurting me. I know she meant those words. I can sense it by her expressions that she’s showing me right now. But I’m so confused. I can’t even think of anything that I did to make her like this. “I don’t want you, Jax. I didn’t love you. I don’t love you.” “But we have been in a relationship for three years! We are so happy to those years, Xandra! How can you tell me now that you didn’t love me, when I felt your love for me in those years?! We made love!” “No, Jax! It was just full of lust! My feelings for you were lust and nothing more. That’s it. I’m tired of playing with you now. Those f*****g three years were just a game for me. I’m a player and you became my toy. Now, I don’t want you anymore.” I’m having mixed feelings right now. I am angry and hurt at the same time because of her words, and the way she’s telling me those damn words. “Are you sure about that? You want me gone? No. I won’t let you leave me. I won’t give you up. Never. Just kill me if you want to leave me.” She moved closer to me. I can feel her coldness and bravery. “I will really kill you the moment that I see you again soon.” “W-What do you mean?” I asked, so confused. “This is my warning to you, Jax Maximo. We will see each other again soon. But when that time comes, I’m sure that I will going to kill you. I won’t be the same Xandra Cari that you knew at that time. Remember my words.” [END OF FLASHBACK] And because of those words, I’m still waiting for her desperately. I want to see her again. She told me that we would see each other again. Even though I don’t understand what she meant by her last words to me, I still want to wait for her. When I see her again, I promise myself that I won’t let her leave me again. I will do everything and anything just to lock her in my life. I won’t let her break my heart. Once is enough and twice is too much.
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