
988 Words
'A thought streaks through your mind one second before you almost fall asleep.' ANDREA (I forgot to ask about my pills!) (I need to get them back!) NARRATOR 'You are contemplating the situation as Lance walks in.' ANDREA I should… Not talk to him. { NARRATOR 'You close your eyes, pretending you are asleep.' ANDREA (I have not got an idea yet.) LANCE 'Save your lousy acting, ANDREA.' NARRATOR 'Lance exposes you without mercy. You have to open your eyes and look at him.' ANDREA 'What?' } Ask him why he is back. { ANDREA 'What’s this drama again?' 'I thought I had called it a night.' } NARRATOR 'A maid behind Lance presents you with a white tablet and a glass of water.' LANCE 'Take it.' ANDREA 'Are you kidding me? I won’t take an unknown pill.' LANCE 'This is folic acid to help you ready to conceive.' ANDREA 'It’s hilarious. I want a divorce, not a pregnancy. I have made it very clear to you.' LANCE 'This is your responsibility.' ANDREA 'Mrs. Hamilton is nothing but a machine for reproduction.' LANCE 'Don't challenge my patience.' 'Keep tomorrow afternoon free— I'm having someone take you to the hospital.' ANDREA 'The hospital?' LANCE 'Do you think I believe Charles’ bullshit?' LANCE 'I will have Charles' father reexamine you.' 'Charles told grandpa you are infertile, then his father will tell grandpa his son was utterly wrong.' NARRATOR 'You quietly clench the quilt.' ANDREA 'I refuse to…' NARRATOR 'Lance interrupts your vehement objection with a simple act.' 'Lance pulls a brown pill bottle out of his pocket and puts it on the bedside table.' LANCE 'You take the pill now and go to the hospital tomorrow.' 'Got it?' ANDREA (My birth control pills!) (He wins this round.) NARRATOR 'You take the pill in silence and lie back, refusing to talk to him any further.' 'Lance tugs a satisfied smile on his lips, then he slides into the duvet.' 'You can tell he is lying by you as the mattress sinks.' ANDREA 'What the heck?' NARRATOR 'You've never slept on one bed before.' ANDREA 'You are not invited to my bed.' LANCE 'I am your husband. I don’t need an invitation to share a bed with my wife.' ANDREA 'I'm a terrible sleeper.' LANCE 'For example?' NARRATOR 'Lance's fingers entwine your hair.' ANDREA 'I grind my teeth, snort, talk, and even sleepwalk at night."' 'I might even kick you down."' LANCE 'I don't mind.' NARRATOR 'He grasps your waist with his other hand and holds tightly.' 'As you struggle to get away from him, he keeps you firmly against his body.' LANCE 'Stop moving unless you want something to happen.' 'Or maybe you're yearning for that?' NARRATOR 'You can feel his growing excitement.' ANDREA 'You're too sensitive, Mr. Hamilton, I did nothing.' LANCE 'This is because of you.' NARRATOR 'He bites your earlobe vaguely, smelling the scent of your hair with satisfaction.' ANDREA 'Pervert.' NARRATOR 'It’s useless to disobey him. You calm down your emotion and fall into sleep soon.' [INT. MCBEDROOM.DAY] NARRATOR 'When you wake up in the morning, Lance has left.' 'You have a fresh breath by the luxury French window and find several robust bodyguards standing by the gate.' ANDREA 'Even an agent or spiderman can’t slip out.' 'Lance does not trust me. He is still the same condescending and paranoid person.' 'I am used to the unknown dangers anyway. Nothing can stop me from getting a divorce and fancy dresses.' ANDREA Choose the outfit Fancy. Cute. Simple. NARRATOR 'Beep.' 'Your phone lying on the bedtable sounds, and the lighting screen shows numerous notifications from Facebook.' ANDREA 'Right, Leonie’s apology,' NARRATOR 'Most of the notifications are because of Leonie’s post.' 'You scroll the screen, skimming over her apology post, which is apparently written by her PR team.' 'Right at this moment, to your surprise, you receive a friend request from Lance.' ANDREA What should I do? Accept. { ANDREA 'I'd love to know Leonie's face when she finds out that Lance is following me.' 'It must be funny.' } Decline. { ANDREA 'Urgh! This man is everywhere.' } Ignore it. ANDREA 'But…what’s the profile image of Lance?' 'Instead of Lance's photo or the company's logo, the picture shows a girl stands under a big, weeping cherry tree, and the wind swirls her skirt.' ANDREA (Why does it feel familiar?) NARRATOR 'You try hard to search for any info in your memory about this, but nothing appears.' ANDREA (Is the girl Dianna?) (I have never thought Lance is a person who’d show his lover on social media.) (I was the one who did such a thing every day.) (Wait!) NARRATOR 'The thought reminds you your f******k is full of Lance’s photos!' ANDREA (It’s humiliating!) NARRATOR 'You delete them one by one.' 'After doing so, you feel content.' ANDREA 'I should treat myself to an omelet for such a wonderful morning.' [INT. KITCHEN.DAY] NARRATOR 'You are making an omelet, humming a song, as Robert walks in.' ROBERT 'Mrs. Hamilton.' 'The Hamilton family's cyber security department has just discovered an anomaly in your account. All photos on your account have been deleted, and Mr. Hamilton says your account must have been hacked. Therefore, the security department has restored the contents of your account and reset its password. The password will be sent to you by email.' 'Mr. Hamilton said your f******k account will be protected 24/7. You can be assured.' ANDREA 'f**k his protection! It’s surveillance!' 'Where is Lance? I need to see this god damned control freak!' ROBERT 'Well, Mr. Lance will have lunch with you.' 'Please come to the gate two hours later, the car will be waiting there.' 'You will attend your physical examination later in the afternoon.' NARRATOR 'Your muscle tightens as soon as you think about the physical examination.' ANDREA (Now, everything is under Lance’s control. I have to do something to turn the table.)
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