Chapter One

1249 Words
Ocean Isle, NC It was another long ass day at work. But in order go be able to go to a decent college like my friends were heading off to I had to save money for college. So therefore, I had to work. Money, my world ran on money. I never had enough of it. Ever. It was impossible to save it. I always needed money to live, eat, breathe. You know? I desperately wanted to go to college. Not because my friends were all doing it. But because I had plans for my future. I was not going to be staying at this dead-end job here giving tours at the local aquarium. I loved the ocean life animals'. But other than that, I hated it. I worked long hours. I stayed on my feet. By the end of the day my feet literally ached. And I never got a long lunch break. I was starving by the time I got home. I had my lunch and my dinner when I got home. I could not ask my parents for anything. You see I was not poor. But I was not well to do. I was adopted. Along with two other kids. And my younger sister Noreen she was a little brat who expected the world. And I had an older adopted brother named Jackson. We were a mixed up messed up bunch. But none the less they were my family. We looked out for one another. I kept to myself. Jackson and Noreen were always the ones fighting. Noreen hated sharing a bedroom with me. Jackson was moving out soon to his college dorm room once more in the fall. So, he would be out of the house. For the time being. He went to college out north in Michigan. He was hoping to connect with his real family out there. I kept telling him that was not a wise idea. When you are adopted you are for a reason. They do not want you. Either they do not want you or they can't afford you. Either way they do not want you. So why go looking around for someone who did not want you? My adoptive parents Marlene and Lonny had always been good to me. The loved me. And I had no reason to go looking for parents who did not want me. Or were not looking for me. Marlene and Lonny were not perfect parents. But they were decent ones. And they loved us. All that I knew was that I was actually from this area. Myrtle Beach. Who knew if my parents were still in this area? I bet they were long gone by now. Marlene and Lonny could not have kids. Marlene wanted a family. They adopted Jackson first while they were waiting on Noreen. And then I was a surprise. Turned out one stormy night they were out walking on the beach with Jackson. They heard a baby crying. They sound me stranded on a beach. On a blanket. Crying my eyes out. They took me to the hospital. They did everything to find my family. But none could be found. They looked into adopting me when no one came looking for me. And here I am. Here I will stay. I try to provide myself with whatever I need. Because they have done so much for all us kids. That was why I began to work at this job. That way I could begin to save for my college fund. I planned on studying oceanology. I did not care for how some of these special creatures were treated around here. I wanted to be a doctor. I felt a strong connection with the living beings here at the aquarium. They were not just a show for people to watch. They had feelings. They were living and breathing just like us. And humans did not even care. That was why so much ocean life was dying off. It was scary and it was sad. But that was how life was. And I wanted to help change that. I began to sweep the floor once the last tour was done with until the afternoon came around. I was by the area I was not authorized to go in. I hear a loud banging sound. It makes me jump. Gary Tudors comes rushing out of there. His normally perfect blond hair was all messed up. He is catching his breath. He looks stunned. • ❤︎ •• ❤︎ • "Gary is everything alright?" I question my boss. Well he was not the main boss. He was one of my bosses around here. He nods then leans against the door. "I will be. I need a moment" he sighs deeply. He was ten times taller than me. I was shorter than most people around here. He was tan. He loved the beach. We were always running into each other at the local beach around here on our day off. He was ten times older than I was. Gary was in his forties. I was in my twenties. Well I just turned twenty. And I still was not in college yet... "What is going on in there?" I ask him. We both had on the gaudy Ripley's Aquarium work uniforms on. Sleek black shirts with the logo printed on the front. We all had to wear brown tan khaki slacks to work with leather brown or black shoes. "You would not believe me if I told you" he huffs out. I shake my head. "Did a new creature get turned in here? I heard there was something coming in today" I mention. "Another shark?" I wonder. "Bigger than a shark" he stammers. "Oh, much bigger than a shark" My eyes grow wide. "A whale?" I joke. • ❤︎ •• ❤︎ • BAM! CLATTER! CLANG! Gary and I both jump a little at that noise. "Do they need my help?" I ask him. He shakes his head. "Stay out of there. What ever you do! Do not get involved with their project" he warns me sternly. "Gary what the hell is in there?" I ask to know. "GARY! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE NOW!" I hear one of the bosses yelling from behind the door. Gary, come on I am on break let me help!" I beg him. He shakes his head no. "STAY OUT OF HERE!" he warns me sternly. He rushes in before I can get a peek inside. Then shuts the door behind him. I go to try to head in. But the door was locked shut. I sigh. What the hell was in there. I place my ear up to the door. I hear a high pitch squeaking sound. Kind of like a dolphin maybe? I hear yelling now from all the men in the room. Fear was in the air. I shiver. • ❤︎ •• ❤︎ • "Get in control! We are men! They are not in control! Get this over with!" I hear one of my bosses yelling out loud. I decided to head away from there. Maybe I should listen to Gary's warning. I had a feeling I did not belong in that room. I was curious though. What was in there they did not want us all to see? I shiver thinking about it. Well time to get back to work. Another day another dollar. • ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •• ❤︎ •
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