Chapter 37: Sweetness and bitterness

1221 Words
"Help us in the waterfall valley. Let me see your power as a grand magician! Also, later, let us rendezvous at the gate of heaven, I shall speak something crucial as to whether the sky would fall." I read it aloud confused, though I kinda understood it the second I skimmed the text. In other words, she wanted me to accompany them inside the game and in addition to that, the gate of heaven has a hidden meaning inferring she'd require both of us to meet outside the campus gate. The reason why I was able to decipher it was that for some reason, she speaks differently when we're in the game. She uses too many complex and deeper words to hide the message she wanted to convey, maybe she got influenced by Helenia's fantasies? She was escaping from the reality longer than us she abandoned the real-life terminologies perhaps. Why can't she just say, let's meet outside the gate after dismissal? Can't be helped, I'd meet with her after everyone in the club, including the Council President goes home to avoid any misunderstanding. I replied with a thumbs-up emoji telling her I'm on it. When the message was exactly sent, the SPS turned off on its own; the battery had dried out. I remembered I forgot to charge it at night yesterday, I woke up and kinda threw the game console in my bag. The breeze is getting cooler from my spot, it's such a waste I have to go back in the room and get my charging cable. But I also can't do anything about it as nature's calling me, I'd never take a leak on my sacred sanctuary 'cause I respect the place where I get to have a peaceful respite. A few hours pass by enduring the boring classes we were forced upon until dismissal time came, the Council President nod at me from a distance telling me she'd be busy for the rest of the day, the council vice president waiting outside our classroom for her. I really do have the urge to grind his face on a pavement, that's how much I hate him whenever he appears out of nowhere. "There are things I should take care of, I will be going now. And Ariel, stop daydreaming already." Ged elbowed Ariel who's probably sleep deprived, and he's going to his part-time job after classes, he gets overwhelmed that he's looking into the nothingness sometimes. "Ah... yes! Did I fall asleep while my eyes open again? Taking more than five part-time jobs was harder than I thought." Ariel jolted awake, he should take a break once in a while. "Is it even humanly possible to handle than many part-time jobs?!" I'm astonished he can handle that much workload, it's the strength he needed to become an acting father for his siblings. "You truly are a man amongst men. I swear I'll secure a good position for you once I take over my father's company." Ged could never forget his friends, this puts a smile on Ariel's face. "That's reassuring to hear, I'd expect that in the near future! So we should get going now, good luck everyone!" He held us closer and we had a group high five, I'm glad I'm part of their friendship, it puts me at ease knowing they are fortunate as they walk onto their own path. "Well, what are you waiting for Sattela? I'd give you a drive home." Ged asked if she's tagging along, I had almost forgotten he brings his own car sometimes whenever Ariel has a part-time job outside our district, he gives him a free ride on a weekly basis just because he wanted to help. "Uhm... Something came up, you two can go now..." Sattela meekly rejected his offer. "Is that so? Then we'll be going now. It's up to you Reyler, make sure she gets home safe and sound." Ged's imposing a task on me again, but it's true she'll be in my care, after all, she specifically wanted to speak with me about something. Since we're the only one who's still in the classroom and my sister has another club to attend, we should also get going, I tapped her back and she turned around in a recoil. "Nya!" Sattela's acted like a scaredy-cat. "Ah, sorry for scaring you. Let's go now." I told her and honestly, her cat mimics were getting daintier lately. "It's fine..." She walked beside me and we left out of the room striding in the corridor. The unbearable silence puts a distance between us, I was so awkward that I needed to speak with her while we're on our way out of the campus. "Hm... you gained height from these past few years, I'm above average yet just a few centimeters and we're in the same stature," I complimented her so that I won't mess up our conversation. But for real she's higher than the rest of the boys in our class I find it astounding. "Don't tease me... I don't want to be tall..." She averted her eyes and went quiet, my compliment backfired and that's an unfortunate sign. I should activate my countermeasures and change the topic to dissipate this discomfiture. "By the way. What is it that you want to tell me?" I asked and patted her head when I got straight to the point. We weren't at the front gate yet I already confronted her concerning why she wants to converse with just the two of us. "First of all, let's go to Brewery Café. It's your favorite coffee shop, right?" Sattela bashfully faced me and even went to the extent of seizing my arm. "Wait, how did you find out my favorite coffee shop is Brewery Café?" I got curious about how she figured it out it was my ideal place, did she saw me going there secretly on my own? That might explain a lot why she identifies my preferences. "How could you forget? We went there together with your dad when we were kids. You told to me that it's your favorite and even asked me to keep it a secret." She was telling the truth, then it means I must have forgotten it for real. "Wait... really?!" And then I rummaged through my recollections and then I remembered Brewery Café is my favorite until today 'cause I loved their milk mixed with coffee. I'm conscious that I'm a disgrace buying dairy refreshments in a coffee shop, but such a combination of sweetness and bitterness is heavenly I can't help but go there once in a while. "Yes, I am!" Sattela pouted tugging the hem of my uniform. "Fine, you won. Let's go on our way." I told her and dragged her myself. "Y-Yeah..." She smiled behind her long black hair, does she likes teasing me around just like she used to do when we're still small? Maybe it was for the best that she became a timid girl, she'd become pretty chaotic if she still has her rowdy and loud personality back then. Anyways, I'm wondering why she invited me to my favorite coffee shop. I shouldn't overthink it and jump to conclusions. For now, I shall anticipate what help I can offer once she tells me what's been bothering her.
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