To Surpass Dao chapter 35: sea region

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Thinking of shrinking the soul in the process he also decided to come up with a technique. The most useful technique to refine the soul and compress it to the maximum making sure that the laws are properly intergrated. He put that issue aside and thought evolving the soul mattered more so he kept following the direction he sensed the purple stone. "Are we after something? You seem to keep changing direction." Yao asked and also seemed amused. Actually Luo Ping rarely gets excited over anything so moving towards a direction as if searching for something seemed interesting. The other issue also being the fact that they had just entered the god realm yet he had sights on something already. He just observed everything and nodded also feeling like this purple stone might not come easy. Boty had already restrained their auras and since they hid even their original appearance to normal faces nothing could be more troubsome along the way. Moving from the Foret region they entered the ocean region, he actually had difficulty understanding the nature of the water since it seemed to have Spiritual energy of the god realm. They moved on the water until they encountered a barrier. He also seemed to have understood since his senses couldn't move past the barrier. The materials used to make the barrier seemed very high level though the formations seemed weak and after some seconds he managed to bring Yao along as they passed through without making any waves. He also had some curiosity towards the race called poseidon, the rumors about it even in his previous life were too many. The moment they entered the barrier, some force seemed to be trying to oppress them but they had no aura so it ignored them. Observing the place, they could still see the massive water surface and thus they descended into the water. The more they dived the things inside indeed seemed more attractive. Some other species also preferred to keep human form thus they managed to move unhindered and the attraction towards the purple stone just magnified. Luo Ping also thought of a problem, the black substance. The creature seemed to have been sealed by whoever had the stone. He wonderd if the case was also the same. Hurting to the direction they managed to pass many places and the number of sea creatures he had captured increased. Some shrimps and even octopus were packed up. Arriving in a city, they noticed that a barrier also existed here and it seemed to hold the water thus a huge city seems present and many business operations in progress. Many paople could also be seen, but the individuals seemed to hold some status in some organizations or families in the city. He could already feel aura of alchemist on some of them. He moved and observed feeling the direction of the purple stone. They entered a restaurant and took a seat at the second floor next to the window. Along the way they had met some sea creatures that attempted to rob them since thrley lacked strong auras and took their wealth and bodies stored for food. The number they met seemed a lot and it was done intentionally to gain some currency in the place. Each place has their own currency and thus coming to the water region, currencies should also be from here. After destroying some bandit dens along the way and accumulating wealth and sea food, Yao seemed very relaxed. The moment they entered the restaurant, they ordered some wine, something common everywhere then just sat there listening to rumors. Turned out that the water region was even more chaotic and conflicts occur occasionally. Clans are always fighting each other for dominance. He also managed to understand the strength of forces in the region, and main areas deemed forbidden regions in the water. The information this time he obtained without even sparing a cent. He also found out about the clans in conflict and those loosing out. After that, they left and biked a hotel. The couple stayed there for three days and occasionally visited the hotel to drink in evening and listen to stories. The purple stone seemed to be always moving and on this day, Luo Ping felt its movements going further from the city so he followed it. Yao also came along and they managed to discover a group that seemed to be headed in a direction. They followed but the anxiety from the group seemed too much. It seemed like a clan had been annexed and they had to hurry and get to another city but lacked strong guards. The couple just followed them and Luo Ping eventually saw the purple stone. It seemed to be embedded on a walking stick of an old lady. She also seemed to have authority, her grand daughter and others eight people weaker than her seemed to be very tired and even some injured could be seen. She had reached the peak of profound God realm and only needed some opportunity to breakthrough the next realm. Her accumulation in the realm seemed so much and thus she only seems to have too much responsibility holding her. Some groups of individuals with the same black substance in their bodies attacked but their bloodlines seemed different from the woman. Luo Ping and Yao then descended and everyone could see them. The men seemed agigitated and said, "mind your own business the treasure is ours and this people of the Hua clan have to die." Looking at them, Luo Ping asked, "what treasure are you talking about?" The old lady said, "young master if you can save my family then I will pass my family treasure to you. It is in the carriage." Luo, Ping said, " OK give me your walking stick first then." she just threw it over and Luo Ping removed the huge purple stone before keeping it away and throwing the stick back. He then asked her," who are this paople or to be exact which clan do they belong to?" The confused old lady had taken back her wlaikg stick and still wondering why he took away her decoration from the stick. She said, " they work for the Mobei clan, we have some minor conflicts but they decided to s*******r our family suddenly due to our treasure." "Yaoer don't make a scene end It quickly probably leave no one behind" passing. The message to her she attacked the men immediately and using space law sealed up the ares and destruction law managed to erase them.
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