To Surpass Dao Chapter 25: Beast domain

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From the gate, Luo Ping already could see the situation in the Beast Domain seemed different compared to other places he has visited but the rules had yet to change. The locals from the cities in the domain seemed to just enter after taking out their identification tokens. The same could not be said for unaffiliated members like him, as they lacked identification, paying up seemed the only option. “Hey look at those people they are flying towards the Beast domain city gates. Do you think that a war will break out?”  “What war breakout. Those people seem to have powerful backing, check out that person that, he seems to be n the supreme God realm.” “Hisss…! And the followers all seem to be also half-step supreme. I wonder if I can also fly through the city like that” “A bunch of fools… if mere supreme realm experts were allowed to fly in the city, that might become problematic. Those people seem like disciples from the Unity sect.” “Unity sect indeed is worthy of its name, but I heard that the individuals from that sect are arrogant because they have  a half-step god monarch ancestor” Listening to people’s discussions Luo Ping and Yao kept moving slowly to get the most important information. The more they listened to the arguments among those entering the city the more Luo Ping could assess the situation better.  Some individuals from the outside like him also had doubts about some issues and one couldn’t help but ask,” Isn’t this the territory of demons how can a sect be set up here?” “Yeah, it is their territory but I heard the one in charge of the head of the Unity sect has some relations with some devil family.” “Those that join the sect and have great potential eventually end up being absorbed by the family eventually after they reach a certain realm. In this way allowing them to gather the geniuses from the beast domain.” Listening to the discussions that kept coming, Luo Ping could also figure out some things and from the understanding, he knew how some clans managed to expand. Demon clans like the dragon and Phoenix might not put such means in their eyes but in reality, it becomes more difficult for them to expand since their strong bloodline limited things like giving birth.  Walking away from the crowd, he led Yao to the town closest to the city gate, and indeed it had become lively.   Yao seemed obsessed with some things and thus kept pulling on his arm as she observed them. The idea was initially to look for a place to stay but in the end, they started moving into the city.  It kept on like this until he observed the darkness seemed to be creeping in and he reminded her it had almost reached nighttime.  The couple then kept moving around until they found a place that had yet to be completely occupied. Luo Ping directly entered the hotel and a very enthusiastic middle-aged man approached.  “Sir do you want to book a place to stay, our Nivarna hotel is the best around.” He went on to say so much about the hotel and even offer advertisement and before he could finish Luo Ping cut him off.  “Can I get a mid-level room for about a week?” He asked and the man seemed excited introducing it to him. He had read many novels about the cultivation societies. Such a setting could trigger some enmity with a clan due to offending a young master that seemed to also want a high-grade room.  Paying in god stones they headed towards their room and once inside he set up an array with a thought.  The level of arrays he had reached was profound and thus being a hotel that didn’t belong to him, he just set up a concealing array. The place also seemed large enough, planning to have a meal he let ‘their home’ the artifact out and it only covered half the room. They entered inside and it seemed like a world itself.  “I have been hungry along the way, husband do you want to make something nice for me?” Yao seemed excited and even tried to act cute. Looking at her he couldn’t help but say, “ Befitting of a foodie” She seemed confused and asked, “ Are you preparing a foodie today?”  He seemed to have gained some inspiration from her words and said devilishly, “ Yeah today, I plan to properly consume the foodie for a week. That is why we booked this place. The action though might occur in our house. “ Very excited the innocent foodie seemed to be celebrating unaware she had altered her fate for the worse in the coming week. He then prepared more meals and some even stored in the storage he had created, that retains the state of things.  They dined on everything until they could hardly stand and after some hours some action had been initiated that if had occurred in the hotel room, the entire city could have heard it. One could think someone had been put under a serious punishment and despite the crying, moaning, biting even excitement happening in the artifact space nobody noticed anything.  In their passionate activities, the seven days ended just like that and once the time ended Yao seemed somehow happy and resentful at the same time. She seemed to understand something and thought of how naive she had been celebrating. The meal that had to be consumed for an entire week had suddenly changed something she had not expected.  She become someone else’s meal though resentful, she seemed very satisfied for some reason and also bashful. Having moved around in the mortal realm before ascending she also learned of some things and thus her knowledge of some matters improved.  She just seemed to change her resentful look once some bribe was offered and looking at the table filled with meals she had yet to taste she become ecstatic. She seemed to have forgotten everything and jumped onto the table, looking warily at Luo Ping she decided to behave else be ‘punished’ for another week. “We should finish our meals and leave since our time in this place seems to have ended. Obtaining some information in a tavern could have been better but you might end up causing drama.” Looking at her amusingly eating to her fill, he said, “ Visiting your clan then should be our priority, and once done have to collect some stuff. The other issues can be arranged later.” He hoped that the situation in the dragon clan could go easily and also that their power remained so that they could help them collect materials. Improving strength could also give him some confidence in visiting some forbidden grounds.  Once cleared they then could face the dangerous ruins that exist in the gd realm.  He had to take advantage of some of the inheritances left in that place. Using them he could also manage to create even better techniques.  That could have to wait since he had also set his eyes on the libraries of all the powerful forces in this demon region.  The information there might be very useful and based on the data he got from his previous life in novels, every library usually has something unusual in them. Mostly a heaven-defying technique that has been abandoned to rot since it looks less impressive or too old. Pushing such thoughts aside, he decided to move of their artifact before collecting it and leaving the room. The middle-aged man bid them farewell and even invited them to use their services again.  Looking in a certain direction, Baoza could feel an aura similar to that of Yao and she seemed to also have the same sense. Though little flustered she maintained her cool since he held her hand and caressed it eventually she relaxed. “Husband what is this feeling” she had been unable to comprehend how her blood had just reacted. She even panicked also looking in the same direction.
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