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AGNES I arrived home feeling the impact of sheer betrayal still affecting me. It was like a constant slap in my face, and it stung like hell. It was literally hell. I couldn’t believe she said I wasn’t strong enough to get the rank— to my face! I woke up this morning eating confidence as my breakfast, expecting to be a changed person the moment I walked out the building. Instead, I get insulted by my favorite person in the world. Instinctively, I lifelessly walked towards the kitchen hoping food would compensate for my wounded pride and my empty stomach, growling in agony. However, that was soon crossed out of the option when a familiar scowling face appeared from the living room. She stood from her overly massive cushioned chair with gold for a framing. The sound of her heels clicking against the floor was enough to express how she was feeling. The deafening silence of the room was a killer. Of course, she decided to show up to add insult to my injury and remind me once in a while that she still lives here. “Agnes,” She spoke, loosening the button on her collar and brushing her polished black hair backwards. “The principal informed me you haven’t been attending your classes for a month now.” “A month? I think you’re mistaken.” I replied, shaking my head at her statement, eyes squinted at her direction. “I believe it’s been two months already.” I proudly raised two of my fingers to show her I could still add 1 and 1 together, and I certainly didn’t need her to spell out every situation I get involved with. She shook her head slowly. “When will you take studying seriously? You’re already in high school and you’re still a Grey caste.” For a moment, I thought I was slowly accepting my failed attempt to walk back with a new caste, but no. “At your age, your brother and sister had already been a rank away from the highest. You’re—” “A disgrace to the Sathana family?” I cut her off, doing her the favor of finishing what she had to say. “Oh, that’s right. I’m sorry I forget even after your constant reminders for the past sixteen years!” I gritted my teeth, balling my fist in anger. I felt as though every vein in my body was going to pop any second. Not because she sees me as a failure, but because she thinks she has the power to control me to play in her make-believe, perfect family. We all knew this was far from the truth the moment my father walked out of those two wooden doors that I hated so much. He had to give up his family for his own freedom, that selfish bastard. “This is not a matter of biases, I’m merely concerned about the uncertainty of your future.” She stated, crossing her arms over her chest. I let out a sarcastic chuckle. All this unwanted counselling from her wouldn’t change the fact that I failed the Promotion Exam today. “You’re starting to sound like a mother, good for you. Do you want to read me a bedtime story as well?” I asked, leaning closer, head tilted with a sly grin on my face. It was enough to show that I wasn't letting her superiority get to me. “It seems that you know where you stand in this household properly. And as long as you’re living under my roof and holding our last name, you will follow what I say without question.” She raised her head, showing who the more dominant one between us was. “I’m giving you one last chance to redeem yourself. If you still refuse, I will have no choice but to send you to that place.” There it was, her favorite ultimatum to use against me. That oh-so scary place, the Helaku Temple, where she allegedly grew up and studied her magic for years. It was supposed to be located on the peak of the southern mountains, far from civilization and no electricity. Everything they did was purely used for training the mind, body and soul— or so she claims. Yet when looked up on the internet, no such thing exists! “Right, your ghost hometown.” I unenthusiastically replied, removing the dirt under my nail. I had to make sure she saw I wasn’t threatened nor am I interested in this discussion we’re suddenly having. She exhaled loudly. “I’m serious this time, Agnes. I won’t tolerate your imprudent behavior any longer. When will you understand that this recklessness of yours needs to stop? It’s not good for our reputation.” I gasped, clapping my hands slowly. “So after all of this, it all comes down to your reputation!” I looked away, scoffing at this, letting my hands fall to my side. “That’s hilarious! Forgive me, but I also have my own standards that you people will never reach!” “That’s enough of you. I have a headache as it is.” She pressed a finger over the side of her forehead in frustration. “Just go to your room and prepare for school tomorrow. I already talked to your teachers to give you extra tasks to recoup the half semester that you missed.” Excuse me. “What?!” I deliberately turned to her, brows creased at the sudden mention of going back to another hell hole. “You can’t do this to me! Nothing that you will say or do can force me—” “I’ll double your allowance.” “Triple.” I corrected her, raising my chin a little to challenge her. “Take it or leave it.” She intently stared at me without breaking eye contact. A second later, she clicked her tongue and waved her hand in defeat. “Fine. We have a deal, shitty brat. But if you fail any of your classes, you’re going straight to ghosttown.” “Pleasure doing business with you, old hag.” I smirked. She was wrong to provoke me. If I was going to do this, it should be under my own will, not because she told me so. No, no, I wouldn’t allow such submission to happen. I would do something even better than passing my grades. I, Agnes Sathana, would be recognized as the strongest mage that ever existed. The person who would be watching the world burn down to ashes.
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