23. Reunited Again.

1170 Words
TONY. On my way to Lara's house, I couldn't help but think about why she would leave me on the alter that way and for what reason it could be. I had even made up my mind to show how her pissed and hurt I was and how what she did made no sense, but all these didn't happen. As soon as I set my eyes on her, I fell in love with her once again. And that was the thing about Lara, I love her so much that I can't help but overlook her mistakes no matter how big they might be. When she began to talk, she looked sincere. She explained to me why she had left the alter, saying she had cold feet and was scared of commitment. I could understand where she was coming from because after all, she's a beautiful lady and a lot of men will just want to have s*x with her and leave. So, I guess that was why she was scared. She needed to be sure I wasn't one of such men. And as if not enough reason, her best friend has gone through a lot in the hands of men too, so it was understable when she said she was scared of commitment. The moment she started crying, I couldn't hold it anymore, and the anger left in me dissolved, which made me pull her close and pet her. "I missed you so much. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, please don't run away like that again." I said as I kissed her forehead, making her smile at him. I couldn't help but notice her white set of teeth, which was the opposite colour of her skin, which made her even more beautiful. That was one of the many reasons I fell for her anyway. We were still on this when I noticed her smile had drew into a frown. "Are you okay?" "Uhm… there's uhm… there's something I want to tell you." She stuttered as she spoke. Now, it was time for my heart to skip another beat. Was she about to leave me again? Does she want some space and only came back to tell me this so I would wait for her? A lot crossed my mind as I looked at her and let my mouth speak instead. "What is it?" "I'm pregnant." The words rolled out of her mouth. For a brief second, I just stared on because I couldn't bring my mind to process what she had just said. It was only when she spoke again that I was jerked back to reality. "Tony?" She called my name, tapping my arm a bit. A look of fear crossed her face as she tapped me. "Yes? Yes, babe?" "Did you not hear me? I'm carrying your baby, Tony. I'm pregnant for you." For a moment there, I had a couple of doubts. The first one was that why did she come back now that she was pregnant? Is it because she loves me that she truly returned or because she found out that she's carrying my baby? The second doubt I had was about how I got her pregnant. From what I remember, all the times we had s*x, we made sure to use protection, and none of the condoms have ever torn in the process. So, I couldn't help but doubt that news a little. I asked her anyway, to clear my consciousness. "But babe, how…" my voice trailed off as I thought of how to phrase the sentence in a way that would not hurt her. "How did you get me pregnant?" She scoffed. "I knew you were going to ask. Remember the other day you came to me drunk? You literally begged me to f**k you but I had no condoms at home and when I checked your pockets and realized you had none, we did it raw and you spilt all your juice in me!" She replied and shrugged. "You still don't remember?" I was flushed with embarrassment when she said that, but I tried to hide it anyway. "Uhm, yeah. But you know I don't fully remember things when I'm drunk." "I know. That's why I'm telling you." Then she rolled her eyes and removed my hands from her cheek. "You don't even sound happy or excited about the baby. I guess you don't love me anymore after all." She said and turned her back to me. Immediately, I pulled her back and crashed my lips on hers, much to her surprise. It came as a shock to her so she wasn't able to kiss me back before I retreated. "And… that was for what?" "Babe! We're having our baby! That was what it was for! I'm happy for us!" I exclaimed, a large grin appeared on my face. Not only would my father be glad to hear that I was finally getting an heir, but he would do everything possible to make sure Lara doesn't leave me again. "Wait, really?" She asked with a look of joy on her face. "Yes, babe! This calls for celebration. Don't you know?!" "Oh my God, babe! I thought you weren't happy about it for a minute there." "Why would I not be happy? I am literally the happiest man in the entire world at the moment. Don't you get it?! I am going to be a father to the child of the woman I love the most! Isn't that just perfect?" "Gosh, I don't know what to say to show how amazing you are," she exclaimed. "Don't say it then. Show me," I said to her in a flirtatious manner. And immediately, as if she had been waiting for that moment, she pulled me closer to her by the neck and crashed her lips on mine. The second my soft lips made contact with hers again, she lost all sense of time and space. She kissed me back instantly. This time, the kiss felt more than just soft or romantic. It felt demanding, excited and simply fresh. I kissed her as if I wanted to devour her and to her, I could tell that it felt like the best thing. I opened my eyes a bit, about to bring my head to crook of her neck and trail some kisses down that part, but I suddenly pulled away. "Why'd you stop, babe?" Lara whined like a little baby as she opened her eyes, wanting more. My eyes went to the door as I saw the figure that had just walked in while we were having our session. On her face were emotions I couldn't quite explain, but for one, I knew I saw a flash of pain on her face but it went as quickly as it came. "Hi, Beth. Didn't see you there!" Lara exclaimed as she also turned to look at the door, flashing her teeth at Beth, who just stood by the door staring at us.
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