Chapter #70 - Finale Day

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Mitchell was taking air outside the house and was looking at birds and thinking about his daughter for a while , he began to have thoughts about her daughter , how she been going through all this lately and still she's struggling because of him , he was feeling guilty and all sort of stuff and was trying his best to look normal . Dave inside the house was restless and he said , " Let's bring him inside .. " Ethan replied , " I'm sure , he will be fine outside just have to convince him a bit ... " Dave replied , " Ahh f**k ! alright Ethan with me ... " Dave and Ethan went outside , Dave said , " Excuse me sir ! hi my name's Dave Marston , I'm Ethan's friend ... " Dave moved his hand forward to shake hand with him but Mitchell didn't shook his hand with him , he replied then , " I know about you Ethan told me everything about you all ... " Dave said , " Did he , oh well sorry about that , please come inside ... " Mitchell replied , " I don't feel okay going there it looks dark and depressing inside ... " Dave said , " Ahh ! don't worry , there is a lot of space inside , you won't feel depressing .... " Mitchell agreed on it and followed him inside the hideout , they all settle down and sit down , Dave and Josh came brought a board in front of them , he said , " Guys ! now we are officially beginning our grand finale preparations ... " Josh said , " After our preparation we will wait for the grand finale , but first of all I wanna make 1 thing clear that anything happens if one of us die , we will still proceed with our plan .... " Everyone agreed , Dave said , " Guys from now on there is no turning back .... " After 2 months few hours before heist of Italy , Dave and everyone were in a apartment in Rome near Scala Santa , they were getting ready there guns and equipments , Cormack was hacking the cams and ready to Jam all the circle cameras around the city , Dave walked towards Josh and asked him , " Is everything perfect , we got one shot at this .... " Josh replied , " Don't worry nothing will go wrong just hold on to your nerves ... " Dave gathers up everyone and said , " Guys ! from here we won't take step away from today the bad days of cooperate is about to began , we will put everyone down and take revenge , we will not bow to them , we will show them , what goes on comes back too , so prepare your gears , we are leaving .... " Everyone shouts , " For Mom and Dad ... " Everyone starts getting ready there gears for the heist , Dave picked up his diary and starts writing , " Today I'm a bit nervous for the first time in my life , I'm afraid because there are too many life's on stack and I want to make sure that my decision will not affect anyone's life , we have to succeed in the plan and we will , I hope so , I pray , because there is no turning back , the back up and everything is on us if anything happens to us , we are screwed .... " 4 hours later after the heist of Italy bank , Dave and everyone were safely on board on a ship , they were heading to island , Josh and Mason were looking at the documents they found in the manager office , Dave walked towards them and asked , " Did you find anything good ? " Josh replied , " I'm afraid not , just bank statements and something related to G2 meeting , don't know about that .... " Ethan came running towards Dave with phone towards him , he says , " Hey ! It's Sammy ... " Dave picked the call and said , " Yeah ! Sammy ? " Sammy replied , " Just wanted to sure , you guys are okay or not , you hit the bank quite well , they are talking about you guys on the TV ... " Dave said , " We got escaped because of your mans ... " Sammy replied , " Haha ! I know Dave , they told me everything , well just wanna let you know , our schedules have been arrived and our meeting will take place in Moscow at my place .... " Dave said , " Do you have the guest list of , how many lords are coming ? " Sammy replied , " I'm afraid not , but I do know the numbers , 45 lords ... " Dave said , " Alright ! keep us updating regarding the meeting , we will hit the Indian Bank soon ... " Sammy replied , " All the best for that , take care ... " Sammy hanged up the call , Dave said , " The schedule regarding the meeting arrived to Sammy now we have to finish Indian heist then we will hit Moscow meeting .... " Josh replied , " But we didn't planned for the meeting , we do know the city about but never know the location , we have nothing regarding the meeting ... " Dave said , " Don't worry , Sammy has something in his sleeves , he will pull out when the time is right ... " Josh replied , " Hope so ... " On the other Officer Horn was at the bank of Italy investigating the scene , she saw the vault opened and saw two masks of mimes laying on the ground , she asked his fellow officer , " Where is the CCTV footage of the bank ? " Officer Marcus replied , " The footage is missing and we don't even know , how is that possible and some of the CCTV cameras are destroyed ... " Horn said , " Well ! that's cleaver , but do you know every robber leaves something behind as well , check the vault camera when ever someone opens a vault , camera takes a photo of him so check it and develops the picture fast ... " Officer Horn went outside the bank , where Detective Robinson arrived and walked towards Horn , when Horn saw him , she makes a very hard face and said , " Well ! the biggest moron of the department arrives at the scene ... " Detective Robinson walked towards her , he said , " Hey Horn ! " Horn replied , " What do you want here Robin ? " Robin said , " Chill out ! I'm here to work with you on this heist .... " Horn replied , " I don't need your help on this ... " Robin said , " I'm afraid , I'm assigned to work with you on it , you have no other choice ... " Horn replied , " Fine , just keep your distance from me ... " Robin asked , " Why you hate me so much , what have I done ? " Horn replied , " You are asking me ? what you have done , you slept with me in office and next day , I asked you to tell me if you love me and what have you replied , well it was just one night stand nothing else , I was just a toy for you ... " Robin said , " Oh come on ! it's been 3 years since that happened but you haven't forgive me yet ... " Horn replied , " You played with my heart , I won't forgive you not in my life ... " Robin said , " Oh ! come on Horn , you know as well as I that ..... " Horn interrupted between them and said , " Please ! we are in middle of something better for us we don't talk about past anymore , we are just partners for once on this case nothing else , after this case , we will go on our own paths .... " Robin got sad and replied , " Alright ! " Horn felt bad and said , " Alright ! Sorry for that but listen , we need to focus on our work first then we can have a chat about our personal reasons , alright ! we need to find that group who robbed the bank and recover that cash ... " Robin replied , " I understand but I wanted to clear all the misunderstanding between us and wanted to clear everything between us , it's been so long we haven't met or had chat with each other ... " Horn said , " What do you want to clear ? There is nothing to talk about , you know what happened with us and we both agreed , we will stay from each other then what's the problem ? Why you wanna open that chapter again , that we closed so long ago , listen I know , I been harsh at that time , we both were and that is why , we both agreed to stay away from each other and that's it , there was nothing else to be discussed right ? " Robin replied , " Yes ! I know , but I felt empty after you left me , I want my old times back , I know that won't happen but at least , I can get my old friend back , like the old times when we used to be partners and solve crimes and many other things , because I can't see our friendship being ruined , this isn't what I wanted Horn , I just wanted to be with you as a friend nothing else , and when I mentioned friend , I meant it , please ..... " Horn said , " Alright ! But I have a condition if you accept it then we can work like the old times , deal ? " Robin asked , " And what is that condition ? " Horn replied , " We will both won't talk about our past , not anymore alright ? " Robin said , " Alright ! I won't so don't worry , we will be fine by that okay ? " Horn replied , " Good then , shall we get back to work ? " Robin said , " Alright ! Let's go ... " Horn starts walking towards the operation van , Robinson followed him and asked , " So far any developments ? " Horn replied , " Simply no , dawn bastards killed 10 of our officers and injured 15 , one thing is clear , they were not afraid of anyone , they were brave enough to pull this off .... "
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