Chapter #29 - Broken Hero’s

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Mason replies , “You have a gift Dave , think about the life we had after this plus you will keep your wife happy .... “ Dave replies , “ Alright , I try my best ... “ Mason saw Dave's face and asked him , " Alright ! So I can see a clear frustration and some sort of fear on your face so what it is ? " Dave replied , " No ! I have no fear , why would you say that you know me , I am not afraid of anything ... " Mason said , " Well ! I'm your best friend and we had a understanding Dave and I know you are hiding something in that heart so you better upon up now ... " Dave replied , " Fine ! I have one fear and that is the most dangerous fear , I have ever had in my life ... " Mason asked , " What is it ? " Dave replied , " I might lose all of you during these heist ... " Mason said , " Come on ! Don't be like that , how come you became so over protective , you were supposed to be a leader and leader shouldn't worry about his soldiers because he has confident in his decisions that nothing will happen to his soldier for what steps , I have been taking .... " Dave replied , " I know but it's hard Mason , it's not that easy for me to handle this sort of pressure ... " Mason said , " Why are you taking everything so negative ? You don't have to do this , just be confident in your ability that you could do this ... " Dave asked , " Can I tell you something ? " Mason replied , " Yeah sure , what is it ? " Dave said , " I have been having these dreams , these nightmares that frightened me , in it I always saw all of your deaths and I'm afraid of it that nightmare might get true ... " Mason replied , " It won't be if anything happens to anyone , I will be the responsible because I forced you in this and I will be the responsible , I will be accountable for that so don't worry , I know that you can make decisions that will bring us closer to our revenge , come on now Dave , let's get prepare for it and take our parents revenge .... " Dave said , " Alright ! I will take the command ... " Mason replied , " Honestly ! I'm not worried about death or anything , I'm worried about Josh , he's kinda acting creepy ever since he got here ... " Dave said , " He's always been like this , no worries he will gonna be just fine ... " Mason replied , " Are sure about him ? He's kinda freaking , sometimes I think , his motives are something else , he talks about taking revenge but at the same time , he talks about killing everyone ... " Dave said , " I'm sure it's nothing , just relax he will be fine ..... " Mason replied , " If you say so .. " Dave said , " Alright ! Let's go then ... " After 1 hour, Dave calls everyone to gather up and they all sat down on the chairs in the middle of the room , Dave brought a white board in front of them and some blueprints , Cormack And Lucifer were sitting in the back , Cormack asks , “ Hey ! Do you think that plan is too big ? “ Lucifer replies , “ It better be because I won’t work anywhere without any fun , without a big plan there won’t be any fun .... “ Cormack says , “ Bro ! Come on big plan means big risk of life ... “ Lucifer replies , “ Remember one thing brother , live your life as if it is your last day .... “ Dave shouts , “ OKAY GUYS ! ATTENTION PLEASE ... “ Everyone pays attention towards him , Dave says , “ First of all ! I would say something to all of you , you guys been my side for years back when we were kids and still you guys support me and acknowledge me as your leader , so I would like to thank you brothers and I want you all to believe me in this plan because this plan will gonna make us hero’s in eyes of the world .... “ Ethan asks , “ How world can recognize us as hero ? Because we were never supposed to be hero’s .... “ Lucifer agrees and says , “ Yes ! And why would world will accept us as a hero although we were nothing but some criminals .... “ Dave smiles and replies , “ Just remember one thing , a hero doesn’t need to live a heroic life , a hero is nothing but a lost soul who’s been guided towards the right path , although we are not hero’s but we will be in our stories , we will Became the broken hero’s in our stories . A hero doesn’t need to sacrifice anything because he had to choose only one path which is good path but the broken hero’s have to choose bad path to do good but world will look this as bad but in our eyes it’s good .... “ All agrees and Dave says , “ So let’s dive into our plan , our plan consists of 3 parts . First part would be we have collect intel upon the cooperation ... “ Ethan asks , “ What source of intel ? “ Dave replies , “ Anything regarding their corruption or money laundering , because we have a positive intel that cooperate manipulate their stokes in different countries by giving there government a half slice of there profits as black money , if we steal that money cooperate will starts getting crippled and bankrupt .... “ Connor asks , “ But how ? I mean they give half the slice to governments which means the government supports there illegal operations in their country ... “ Dave replies , “ Of course ! But if we got there money when the government needed the most and they will ask the cooperation for the money but without knowing them we steal that money , so you know the rest of the part , the currency and stock market will be crashed and they will blame the cooperate for not sending them the money , and the government in retaliation shut down there operations in country , we just have to gather intel upon in which country cooperate has the strong holds ..... “ Cormack asks , “ But as you know Dave , every country has its reserve money and government won’t need that money until his reserve money got invested . How we supposed to that ? “ Dave replies , “ That’s an easy one don’t worry about it , everyone knows where government puts there reserve money .... “ Josh says , “ Everything is alright but cooperate is a big company who uses his power to manipulate stokes and everything even little mobs and mafias as well ... “ Dave replies , “ That is why we have to be extra careful this plan will take a while but no long before cooperate will beg us to return there money .... “ Connor says , “ I don’t think so , they will give up that much easily .... “ Dave replies , “ They will , no matter what happened we won’t give up in front of them , they have to give up and will pay for what they done back then .... “ Josh asks , “ What exactly we have to do right now ? “ Dave says , “ We have to do research first but let me explain you something , we have to rob the bank because cooperation will keep there money in the banks so , the banks will be our target so start sniffing and gather intel .... “ After the meeting , In the night , Cormack was sitting on the chair with his laptop trying to find clues upon the cooperate operation activity but he couldn’t find it . Ethan saw him and walked towards him and says , “ If you are not that much busy so can I sit ? “ Cormack replies , “ No no ! Sit here just sniffing my nose into there trust sites thinking about I might get something .... “ Ethan asks , “ So did you find it ? “ Cormack replies , “ Apparently no ! But am trying .... “ Ethan says , “ Why don’t you hack there sites maybe you will get some illegal data .... “ Cormack replies , “ It’s not that easy bro , hacking is really a risky job ... “
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