7. Two left feet omega

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"Are you sure?" Britney from the other side of the phone asked to which Aniya looked forward and noticed grins on the faces of Evan and Erik. She hummed. "Yeah... Maybe some other time" She lamely replied to which she heard an exasperated sigh. "We don't cater to your needs Aniya. Don't call us the next time." She rudely said and hung up the phone to which Aniya's eyes widened. Well, that was unexpected! What happened to be nice? "Hey! Are you coming? The game is about to start" Erik yelled from over his shoulder and she notices that few wolves stared at her with envious glances but she didn't care. "Wouldn't miss it" She responded and hastily walked towards the hall. *** Before she could walk towards Evan and make fun of him she was dragged by Julia to introduce her to the other female associates. She had to follow her. "You're really young for a pediatrician. Did you cheat?" Someone giggled from the crowd and Aniya noticed that it was one of four omegas. A gynecologist. "Sorry to disappoint but no ladies. Skipped few classes and well here I am" The omega responded while moving away from the wine glass from her lips. She noticed impressive smiles on their faces. She was actually amazed at how massive the ladies staff was but sadly only four omega doctors in that. But there were several nurses who were omegas so it didn't matter. "Way to brag Dr" Leila Reed, of course, it had to be her. Aniya sweetly smiled at her. "My achievements call for it Dr. Reid" She shrugged "I like you already" Nia, the physician laughed while raising the glass to her and Aniya bowed at that. It went on for a while and they all started complaining about how it was difficult to bring their mates along and find a babysitter for their pups. Nia and Leila were unmated just like her so they were humming along to the conversation. Aniya looked around and noticed that Troye Sivan, the world famous omega singer was busy laughing with some kids and she couldn't believe it. It was true then, celebrities actually attended the Gala. Just then her eyes fell on Evan and she noticed that his face painting was completed and he was making silly faces at children. It made her feel a weird funny sensation in the stomach and she couldn't look away. "Excuse me ladies" She interrupted and everyone looked up at her, "I'll have to go and fill my poison" They laughed as she raised the glass and she swiftly walked towards Evan. It was he was already expecting her because the Alpha turned around and raised his eyebrows at her. "Good evening Dr. Martin." He cleared his throat as he looked at her. "Good evening Dr. Romano" She slurred. "And why are you here?" He questioned rudely while glancing at the painter and then focused his attention back at her. "But I thought tonight is the Gala? It is not?" She gasped looking at him and noticed that the kid in front of Evan laughed and immediately covered his mouth. She noticed the Alpha roll his eyes at that. "I meant why are you here? Did those ladies throw you out already? Thought you would last longer" He tsked while shaking his head and she glared at him, trying not to smile. She loved a good banter and Evan always indulged her even though he loses every time. "Actually no Dr. Reid sent me for you. Said she had to give you an STD" "What's that?" Kiya widened her eyes looking at Aniya who stuttered about it. She wasn't aware that the kids were listening in on their conversation. "Yeah, Dr. Martin. Do explain" Evan crossed his arms against his chest and smirked. "Something EE will tell you. Ask him later. Hmm?" The little girl nodded her head obediently and then focused back on her art. "Nice save" Evan snorted "Anyways the real reason I'm here is to compliment your look. Just a suggestion though next time you should put on some yellow and black stripes to go along. You would rock it" She bit her lip looking at him. He had a tiger face painting on and she just couldn't resist it. "Wouldn't want to be a threat for others in the room Dr. Martin" He drawled while crossing his arms and she looked at him closely. Even though Erik and Evan were twins, identical at that they were so different. But it would be easy to confuse them. Evan had a tiny mole at the corner of his mouth and he definitely doesn't have a sense of humour. From the interactions the omega had with him, it was evident that he was uptight out of two of them and he seemed to be a traditionalist and she should not know so much about the person she is about to get revenge on. "And you say I'm overconfident Dr. Romano. Tsk Tsk" She shook her head. Before he could respond to her comment she noticed that his personal assistant whispered something to him and from the way his face went rigid it was something important. "Afraid you have to find someone else to annoy Dr. Martin" Evan said while buttoning his jacket button and then he was walking towards some table. She glared at him. How rude. *** After a few minutes of entertaining herself with the kids, the Gala had started. The performances were announced one by one and she couldn't help but smile at the way the kids were screaming and cheering for their favourite artists. The auction was going to be held in another room for obvious reasons. The kitchen was opened and some people already started eating but she didn't feel like having anything. She went back to the ladies corner and chatted with Nia for a couple of seconds when she heard the announcement for the ballroom dancing. "I didn't know ballroom dancing was included as well" Aniya mumbled staring at Nia but before she could reply Julia interrupted her. "See I told you. It is way different than your traditional Charity Gala." "Yeah I get that now" Aniya dryly replied. The music which was upbeat and loud a while ago turned slow and soft and she peeked over towards the stage and noticed that couples were already gathering at the floor. The omega looked over at Nia and noticed that some beta already asked her hand and then they were heading towards the floor. She smiled at that. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed Erik walking towards her. She pretended that she had no idea and casually sipped at her wine and she felt a tap on her shoulder. "Fancy a dance Dr. Martin" Erik questioned with a sincere smile on his face and it made her toes curl. She could feel all the ladies glaring at her. Great. So much for thinking about blending in the crowd. "Afraid I have to say no Dr. Romano. I am blessed with two left feet" She nervously laughed and placed her wine glass on the nearby table. "I think I'll take that risk. Besides I am no Michael Jackson either" He chuckled while forwarding his hand towards her and she couldn't back down then. He had crinkles by his eyes just like his brother and she sighed. She was going to regret her decision. "Fine it's your funeral then" She placed her hand in his and felt a slight shiver at the way it felt against hers. They were rough and calloused unlike her and his grip was so firm. She then took the glass from the table and downed the entire content. At least she would be able to blame the wine for her embarrassment. All of Me by John Legend was softly playing in the background as they entered the stage. Her breath hitched in her throat as soon his hands came around her waist. She tried to force a smile on her face, even though his fingers digging into her skin made goosebumps prickle at her skin. The omega wound her arm around his neck and used the other to tangle between his fingers. He tried to sway them and in a panic, she stepped on his feet. "Ow... How did you manage to step on both of my feet?" He winced while looking at her to which Aniya blushed. "I already warned you." She weakly argued. "Just...just follow my lead. Alright?" Erik softly said and she nodded her head. She followed his lead, not caring about others who were staring at them. For some reasons she felt her insides flutter and him looking at her was the only, she cared about at the moment. After a while Aniya she was able to follow his lead but avoided looking into his eyes even though Erik was following her every movement. When the song came to end he questioned her, "Want to get some fresh air?" ***
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