Chapter 4

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ALI "OH MY GOD, Sash, you should see this place. It's a wreck." I told my friend on the phone that night. "What do you mean a wreck? Didn't you hire a nanny like I told you to?" she asked. "Don't get me started," I sighed into the phone as I picked up Jackie's favorite doll. "Well now you have to tell me everything." "Who knows how the manny they sent got a job. I'm scared to leave him home with the baby. Brie agreed to take Jackie most of the week because he has no idea what the hell he's doing with babies. I asked if he'd go fix her a bottle, and he came out asking for duct tape. What's duct tape got to do with bottles?" "Maybe he's just rusty? Give him something else to do and see what happens. You can at least get your house work done." I groaned, remembering the mess he made. To prove my point, I sent a picture to Sasha. "Incoming." "What in the fresh hell happened to your living room?" "Zach happened. He vacuumed, and that was the end result." "Oh s**t. You have to fire him. Just call the company and tell them you need someone else." "You should have seen his face. He was so proud of himself. I thought it was a big joke, but he acted like he'd done a great job. I didn't have the heart to tell him Jackie could have done better." "You little floozy. I should have known something was up." "Up? Nothing's up." I squeaked. "Oh yes there is. You like him." I paced my living room, my wrecked living room, and tried to explain the situation to my friend who wasn't getting it. "Sash, he works for me." "So?" "So, that's wrong." "Hear me out. You don't want to keep him on long term. Right?" "Right." "So why not have fun and then cut him loose?" "I dunno." "Ali, you're strung tighter than a girdle on a Baptist's minister's wife at an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast," Sasha said quoting one of my favorite lines from The Golden Girls. "Am not." "When's the last time you got yourself a nice piece of man then?" "It doesn't matter," I told her in a huff. I didn't want to admit that she was right. It had been way too long. The fact I had an infant didn't help matters either. "How long?" she pressed. "It's not like I can go out on dates with Jackie. It's just too difficult." "I'm not talking about dating. I'm talking about a hot and sweaty night. Who cares if you ever see the guy again. Let him rock your world and wear you out." I shouldn't want that, but I did. Ever since Zach had shown up at my place in his tight shirt and jeans, all my fantasies involved me climbing him like a tree. When he called me gorgeous, I spouted off something stupid like it wasn't professional, but my insides melted. I needed him to get away from me because if he didn't, I would do what Sasha suggested. I was rusty, but I was pretty sure he was giving off the vibes. I had to decide what to do about it. Did I take a chance and let Zach rock my world like my friend was suggesting? "Earth to Ali!" "Sorry. It's been a long day. I'm going to bed." I had to think about what I would do about Zach. "Surrrre." I rolled my eyes even though I was alone, said goodnight, and hung up the phone. If I was going to seduce Zach, I needed my beauty rest. Or I'd be dreaming about him all night. Either worked for me. ... I WOKE the next morning and after I dropped Jackie off with my friend, I drove back to my place in record time. I'd overslept, and now I was cutting it close. That's what happens when you spend the whole night awake because you can't stop thinking about the manny you're trying to lure into your bed. I gave up on sleep after several hours and tried to come up with anything to take my mind off Zach. Nothing worked, so I did the only thing I could think of. I ran my hand down my stomach and into my panties to relieve the tension I was feeling. What made the whole thing more frustrating is that my body didn't respond. It's like it already had a plan, and that plan was to get Zach to rev it up and ride it hard. As long as I'd been up, I somehow was still running late. By the time I got back from dropping Jackie off with my friend Brie, I only had a few minutes to get ready for Zach. There was no time for sexy or slutty. I would have to go with... skimpy and hope it did the trick. I found my smallest pair of shorts and paired them with a tank that, while not skimpy, was skintight. When the doorbell rang, right on time I might add, I took a deep breath, wondering if I was actually going through with this. My head was telling me it wasn't sure, but my body was saying hell yes. Before I lost my nerve, I grabbed the handle and opened the door. "Hey, baby - " "You wanna come in?" "Thought you'd never ask," Zach said gaining back his composure. Once he was inside, I turned and caught him looking at my ass. "Where's the rugrat?" "She's with a friend today. Play date." Zach made no attempt to hide he was checking out my body, and that was all the encouragement I needed. This stupid plan Sasha had put in my head might work. Operation Seduce Zach was a go. "She's... not here?" "No," I told him as I came closer and ran a hand up his arm and over his shoulder. "You're playing with fire, baby girl." He was getting worked up, but at this point I didn't care. I wanted Zach. Now. My body ached for him, and one way or another he would help me take care of it. "I'm picking up what you're putting down, and if you don't want me to pounce, you better step back right now," he warned. The growl was the last warning I got before his hand fisted in my long, blonde hair and his mouth crashed down on mine. I'd like to say I was dignified, but my body arched into his, and I rubbed up against him like a cat in heat. "That's right. You want this. Big John and I have wanted you since the second we saw you too, and now we'll give you what we all want." I stiffened at what he'd said. I was okay with a wild romp with my manny. A threesome wasn't happening. I didn't even know this John guy. "I don't even know this John guy," I said, echoing my thoughts. "You'll get to know him really well." "Zach, listen," I said trying to put distance between us, "this thing isn't going to work. I can't handle another man." "Oh, there's only one man, and that's me." "Who's this John guy then?" Zach grabbed my hand and placed it on his crotch... and his very large c**k. "That's Big John, and you two will get along just fine."
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