Chapter Five- Moonlight Madness

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Arriving at a nightclub in the heart of London, James paused outside before entering what would be the night that would change his entire life. Crossing the threshold of the busy establishment, he was met with a strong screen of smoke and the eyes of consistent patrons who looked at him with a lack of ease.  "I believe I was supposed to meet you here…" a familiar voice spoke as James turned from the bar and allowed his gaze to fall to Poppy. She had appeared so different from the last times he had seen her; once in lingerie and once in a bloodied dress. Now, she stood before him in an expensive dress that was still edgy for its time.  "Poppy-I was hoping to see you again to apologize-" "Whyever we were brought here tonight, I doubt it was to mend whatever transpired between us. We are both here because of Reggie-" the bartender looked up to the duo upon hearing their shared affiliate. Sensing it was a taboo name or one of great interest to those nearby, the couple smiled politely to the man tending drinks and moved deeper into the club. With the modern music filling the air around them, Poppy began to sway her hips while moving through the crowd.  "What are we supposed to be doing?" James asked when seeing the free spirited woman in front of him seemingly unphased by whatever was expected of her.  "You'll know when it comes to you. Until then….blend in." James looked to the couples around him and blushed at their lucrative behavior.  "It is just a jig…" she reminded him as she held her hand out in waiting for his acceptance, finding him too sheepish to do anything but linger. "I know you are new to the Krays-but just know that if they asked you to do something...they have eyes on you to be sure you are doing it right." "Then what am I supposed to do?" He questioned as she pushed herself against his frame-surprised at the muscles hidden beneath his thick ensemble.  "Right now, dance with me…" she spoke while taking his hands to her physique. Although his knowledge of dancing had been more proper, he was magnetized to the bold woman; unable to decline her any further. He allowed the beat of the music to control his rhythm as he kept her firmly against him. It seemed whatever animosity lied between them had melted into their shared feelings and shed with its accompanied memory.  As her hands rested over his shoulders and his laid firm on her hips, Poppy became forgetful of her purpose. She had believed her initial goal had been for the Krays, but now lingered because of her. In this portion of the night, she would have given him a choice; to take her home or to someone who would. But as they both swayed and grinned at the music, she did not dare risk a moment like this with such sinful forces. At least, not yet.  Having to break from the dancing in order to catch his breath, James made his way to the men's room, where he would learn the Krays' purpose for him on this night. A man with dark hair and pale skin lingered near the far stall of the bathroom, seemingly eyeing James with close precision. As he ventured to and from the urinal, he could feel this pair of eyes firm on his physique. The warm water beneath his hands had distracted James for just a minute before the man pushed himself off the far wall and made his way to James.  “Be quick, yeah?” He spoke before slipping something into James’s pocket and leaving the bathroom. James glared as the mysterious figure disappeared, feeling a sense of curiosity, he then slid his hand within his pocket before feeling a small vial. Without needing to pull it to view, James was well aware that it had been a drug; one of the worst-and now in his possession. Withdrawing himself from the bathroom and returning to Poppy, he stopped in his tracks as he saw the police having entered while he was distracted. The music having now ceased to emphasize the voices of the officers, James looked to Poppy who was being frisked by a male man of the law. James couldn’t help but feel envious of the man as he was able to touch Poppy in a more intimate way than he could and it was deemed acceptable.  “‘Scuse me sir,” An officer spoke to James as he ignored him in just enough time to slip through his verbal confrontation and into the crowd-where the officer had since forgotten him.  “What the bloody hell is going on?” James questioned Poppy as she shrugged worriedly while seeing those around them having been searched for what was theorized to be narcotics of any kind.  “Are you ‘right? You seem pale-” “I was just given ‘H’ in the bathroom.” Poppy’s eyes grew wide.  “ used-” “No...given...handed...I have it in my pocket and am about to be arrested-” As an officer made his way to the duo, Poppy pushed James up against the nearby wall and shoved her hand in the pocket of his pants. Bringing her lips close to his mouth to appear as if they were sharing a sensual moment, Poppy’s eyes locked upon his own. Unbeknownst to him as he was distracted by her close proximity, James was relieved of the vial of drugs and given a moment of pure torture as she was so close, yet still so far from him.  “There.” She teased his lips while brushing them with her own just as an officer pulled them both apart and frisked them. James, of course, was clean, but Poppy was found to have been carrying h****n. As the crowd around them looked to the young beauty with surprise, Poppy shoved the officer away from her and took James’s hand before climbing a set of steps that divided the club, and forced him with her outside.  His heart racing a million miles a minute, James followed behind Poppy as she took him from the club and into the night, the cover of nightfall having protected them from the police chasing after them. James could not believe he had run from police as he thought of himself as a law abiding citizen. Now, he was running through darkened alleys and dodging those he considered allies that morning. When she felt as though they were a safe distance away from the bobbies, Poppy allowed them a quick pause to be sure-unaware of James’s gaze fastened upon her. As she focused her own gaze to the streets beside them, James brought his hands to her hips, holding her as close to him as he could manage, before her eyes finally met with his own.  “Hi…” She spoke nervously before looking down at his lips as they parted to her words. “So I suppose pushing up against ya to retrieve the black pearl was pretty pointless…” “I wouldn’t say that…” Her hand resting upon his chest, Poppy pulled back from him for just a moment before setting her bottom lip captive between her teeth. Despite the reminder of matrimony set upon his hand, James had been unable to pull himself away from this alluring woman. In this moment, her chest damp with perspiration, her voice quick and tired, and her eyes drifting to and from his own mouth-she was his ideal woman.  “We should go…” Her sweet timbre added to the goosebumps upon his skin as he began to nod without the intention of moving from this position. Instead, he turned her inverted from him so her back was the one pushed up against the wall previously behind him. Despite the fact they were sought after by the law or connected to other people, they seemed to shed the worries that accompanied those thoughts and gave into the moment.  “This is only going to cause more trouble…” She responded as James brought his hand to her cheek.  “I would rather be in trouble with you than at peace with anyone else…” The words surprised them both as his nervous lips cracked into a smile. “You seem to be a lot of trouble…” “Does that scare you?” She asked while she turned her head into his palm. He paused for a moment, his mind becoming white noise to the reasons this would be a bad idea, and yet, her lips called to his like a siren in the night.  His head slowly began to bob into a nod. “But you also seem worth it.” His eyes locked upon hers one final time before he placed his free hand on the wall behind her. With his dominant hand still on her cheek, he tilted his head towards hers before parting his lips in the sense of pressing them to hers. Before this could be done, however, he stopped-longing to make her wait as he felt life had done to him. Tormenting her with the anticipation, he allowed his breath to rest upon her mouth, seemingly kissing her with his exhale. Just as his lips came to brush her own, the light from headlights landed upon them-ruining what would have been their first kiss. 
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