
582 Words
My eyes start tearing up again but so do Eli’s “I’m so sorry, I’m such a bad sibling.” “Brother.” I corrected briefly “Yes, I’m such a bad brother.” We both smile through our tears and puffy eyes. “So... do you think you’ll tell mom and dad that they actually have 2 sons, Elizabeth? Or should I call you Eli?” We both laugh. “Eli will do just fine Mars.” We walked together back to the house, “How did you know about my crush on Cam?” “Honey, you make it obvious.” She blushed more than a red rose in moon light. “So are they going to help you study tonight or is that my job now?” “No!! I definitely will not let you tutor me.” “Your going there then.” “How do you if they weren’t coming to our home?” “If they were, you would have had them over for dinner not after.” “You know me too well.” School started on September 5th, a Tuesday. I figured out my locker (#226) and I made the lock so no one else can get into it without permission. I figured out my classes; Advanced Technology, Anthropology, Business and Wood Shop. Of course though I’m also doing my mathematics, English, Creative Writing and photography online at the same time. People think I’m insane for doing 8 classes at once but I need a solid distraction from the home life plus it’s honestly easier for me than a regular student, it was this same schedule that made me a junior instead of sophomore when my brother became a freshman. This way I will also graduate high school soon, go to college sooner then get a career sooner. I had my whole life planned. The school year flew by with nothing interesting overly interesting happening. I mean yeah, I joined student council, did a few plays and became the DJ for school dances. But nothing excites me. I like writing, which is kind of how I got pulled into the plays. I write the script and teach the characters but then someone backs out and I get the part because there’s no understudy. It’s great how Cam and I enjoy writing while Hannah and Eli like to draw. We all feed off of each other and write comics for fun. We published multiple copies of each of the comics we made. They people at school teachers and students alike had bought copies. That’s what we wanted do do as our paying hobbies to go alongside our jobs. We all new what we wanted to do for actual work. Cam wanted to run a gym, Eli wanted to start his own restaurant, Hannah wants to work for the Government to create new weapons and tech. And I, I want to the best pyrotechnic everything. We all had our plan and we are all ahead of the game but me a little more so than the others. We were excited. Even though we new how scary the real world could be, we never thought our lives would turn out the way they did. Up until a few days ago, I never realized how quickly a whole life’s plan could go down the drain. When reality turned into fiction and the world and our world changed drastically. Our world became a world I have only ever written about in my stories.
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