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[Gemma] Drake met me in town around lunchtime the next day. We found that stands were selling food during the day and giving it away in the evening, so we were able to buy something from the stands for lunch. It was like a fair with even more stands set up downtown with novelty goods, gifts, and mementos. North of town, a carnival was set up with rides, games, and more food stalls. I guess it was as good a time as any for them to have a carnival. We goofed off and rode some rides, but ended up wandering again. We were sitting in a park, chatting when Drake froze. He turned and started looking around. I knew that look. I had just lost my conference buddy. A woman with platinum blonde hair, a sweet face, and a killer body froze as well. She had been walking with a few female friends. He hopped up and started walking toward her. Drake stopped right in front of her, knelt on one knee, and held his hand out to her. She gave it to him and he kissed it tenderly. I never thought he was the type to do that, but she seemed to like it. His mate smiled and blushed. I got up and headed in the other direction. Maybe I would find my mate soon, too. I headed back to the carnival, figuring the most people would be drawn to it. As I wandered, I watched mates cuddling and playing, people finding their mates, families who lived in the area with their children, and everything else to remind me I was horribly alone. What Ben and Darla told me about not everyone being able to afford to send their pack mates to the conference sounded in my head. Maybe he was from a poor pack. Shaking it off, I clenched my hands into fists. If I didn’t find my mate by the time I was thirty, I would take a chosen mate. Until then, I would trust in the goddess. She would give me my mate when it was time. “Gemma!” Darla called out. I looked around and saw her and my cousin in line for the Ferris wheel. I went over to hug them both. No one was bothered because this was a couples' ride and I was obviously talking to a couple. “Hey, guys, having fun?” I asked. “We are, but I was notified about an issue last night. Are you alright?” Ben asked. “I’m fine. The bruises were healed by morning, but his broken nose will probably take longer. I’m sorry I caused you problems. I really didn’t mean to.” “You didn’t do anything wrong,” Darla told me. “You absolutely did nothing wrong. Listen, you tell me if anyone from that pack bothers you while we’re here. They’re in our region and I’ll take it to Trent,” Ben assured me. “He’s the Alpha’s son and seemed pretty sure nothing could touch him. Does that mean I might see him at the next regional conference?” I asked. “We’ll make sure the Alpha in charge of that one knows about it. With luck, you won’t be at the next regional.” “Right. I’ll see you guys later,” I said, and headed off. Wandering off, I kept my nose up. I would find him if he was here. Dear goddess, please let my mate be safe, no matter where he was. - A week of partying was way more than anyone really needed. I didn’t know how humans did it every year for spring break. When our bus was loading up, I saw almost all of the people who came with us saying goodbye to their new mates. Finding your mate at the national conference was different from finding them at the regional. You could go home with your mate and send for your things in the region, but there were more complicated logistics in bigger moves. There would be two weeks of talks and planning before either these wolves came to our pack or our wolves left. Two of the omegas who came with us looked really down. I knew they had both been rejected. I was at our campgrounds when they came back and said that. I took care of them while they dealt with the pain of their rejections. It took a long time for it to go away for an omega. Part of me hated that the goddess made them hurt longer, but it was because of the weakness of their wolf side that they hurt that long. It didn’t seem fair that the weakest wolves had to suffer the most. I carried my small bag onto the bus with me and found a seat near the front, where my cousin and his mate would be sitting. Some people didn’t make eye contact, but others threw pitying glances at those of us who obviously didn’t have mates. Darla sat next to me and hugged me while Ben patted my shoulder. They both knew I hadn't come to them about a mate, so I hadn’t found one. I’d seen them around a few times but mostly spent time trying to find my mate. “It looks like that’s everyone. Once we get home, we’ll start working on logistics with the packs of those who found mates. If you didn’t find one, don’t worry, and if you were rejected, we will find a solution. Thank you all for being on your best behavior. Only a couple of you ended up in the cells once and none of you offended a second time. Our Alpha will be proud of you,” Ben announced. The group applauded. I was proud of them, too. Though, I knew I was one of those who ended up in the cells. It was a little embarrassing, but at least I got to enjoy the whole conference, unlike Asshole Alpha Brat Timmy. When we got to the airport, I gave up my seat to one of the omegas who had been rejected. One of the bigger guys gave his up to the other one. We were taking care of them the best way we knew how. They would have more room and better treatment up there. I charged my phone up while we were in flight. I didn’t have much access to chargers while we were at the conference. All of the charging stations were overrun. I would get an hour or so when I was at a restaurant, but I didn’t want to take up a table for too long. Drake had found me the day before and introduced me to his mate. Her name was Nora and she was a head warrior’s daughter from Georgia. She had the cutest little drawl in her voice. I got to congratulate them both and we exchanged information so we could keep in contact. At least I made friends, even if I didn’t find my mate. I would focus on the positives. I made a lot of connections with other people while I was out and about. It was a great chance to network. It felt like it took less time to get home than it did to go to the conference. All too soon, I was getting off the bus in the Hallowed Moon pack lands. I was too tired to pay attention to Trent’s ‘welcome home’ address and rushed off to my apartment as soon as we were free to leave. When I got home, I got my clothes into the washer and went to take a hot shower. There were showers at the campgrounds, but they were always full, so I didn’t have time for a shower the whole time I was there. Normally, I wouldn’t mind, but I smelled like a mishmash of different people. Even if my mate was there, I didn’t know if he could have picked me out of the crowd by day four. Finally clean, I put on my robe and went out to the living room. I called the pizza place in the pack lands and ordered an extra-large pizza for delivery. I was in no mood to cook and I had cleaned out my refrigerator before we left. I put my phone on the charger and went into my room to pull out my comfy pajamas. They were extra cozy, and so was my apartment, after a week of dealing with the discomfort of the national conference. I didn’t want to go to another one, but I knew I would be at every possible conference until I found my mate. My pizza was delivered and I relished every bite of it. No one was watching me and trying to hurry me along. I put on a movie and ate while I watched some humans find love through a silly series of events. When I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer, I moved my laundry to the dryer and went off to bed. I curled up on my soft bed with my thick comforter and closed my eyes. Part of me felt like a failure, but another part was hopeful. Maybe my mate would come to me. - The next morning, I got dressed for work and headed into town. It was my last week with the company. Next week, I would start off my new career as Ben’s assistant. He would probably cry with relief when I started. I hugged Carmen as soon as I saw her. She held on to me a little longer than normal. I knew it was because she was sad for me. Carmen wanted me to find my mate so we could both be happy. Once all the guys arrived, we went into the meeting room. I sat next to Viola. Reid, one of the rogues was staring at me for a moment. I showed off my lack of a mark and he nodded sadly. Reid was a sweet, gay wolf. He left his pack when they told him he couldn’t mark a male mate. “Sorry the trip was a bust, Gemma,” he said. “I met a lot of new people, made some new friends, and at least one new enemy. In all, I think that was the second-best outcome,” I replied with a laugh. “It means we all get a little longer to hope you’ll give up and accept one of us. Well, accept me. No one else here could make you as happy as I could, Gemma,” Ramsey said. A few of the other guys hit him and I giggled. They made me feel a lot better. I didn’t take them seriously and I told them I would only accept my fated mate, but I’d be willing to date any of them that were appealing. I was mostly stringing them along, but it pepped up most of our mornings. After the announcement that this was my last week, the guys were sad but wished me luck working for the pack. A couple trolls made comments about nepotism and I shot back with comments about them not having to worry about that since their families didn’t want to acknowledge their existences. Forrest and Rock laughed. Carmen wasn’t the only one who could dish it out like a troll. I would miss that about this job. I didn’t have to hold back when I got the urge to insult someone. Working for the pack would make holding back a necessity. Not that I had the urge often, but I could get mean when I was being playful. It was one of the things Carmen, Ashley, and I connected over. Viola was perfectly doing her job. She knew what was needed and when. She didn’t coddle Carmen but didn’t get frustrated when she needed help. Everything was running smoothly without me. It was good. This was all going exactly as planned. I would miss the office when I had to leave, but I was happy Carmen had a good crew with her. Everything here would be fine, it was really time for me to move on anyway.
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