Growing Close

2956 Words

[Austin] The door opened behind me and her scent entered the room. Eucalyptus and pine. It was a sweet, but almost soapy scent. It smelled clean and pure. Her arms snaked around my waist and I felt her lay her head on my shoulder blade. I touched her hands, feeling the spark of our connection. My body thrummed in response to the sparks. “You’re not getting away from me that easily, mate…. I finally found you and I’m never letting you go,” she whispered. “You’re really not disappointed in me, Gemma?” I asked. She kicked Timothy’s ass. She was searching for her mate and if I had been allowed to go to the national conference, she would have found me on the first night. I knew about her before I knew she was meant to be mine. “I could never be disappointed in you, Austin. Never in my

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