Late Night Chat

2560 Words

[Carmen] Later that night, I woke up thirsty. It was rare for that to happen, but I figured it was a new place and the air here was different from the air back home. Perhaps I just didn’t react well to it. I found my robe and put it on, tying it at the waist, before I went to find water. I didn’t remember there being a cup in the bathroom, so I went to the kitchen. Using my magic to see, I managed to get there without bumping into anything. It didn’t take long to find a cup and get myself a cold glass of water. It felt like I was wilting before, but the water perked me right up. I drained the glass, then filled it again to take with me. “I thought I might find you here,” Maia said from behind me. I nearly jumped out of my skin. She was quiet. It was hard to sneak up on a werewolf,

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