Chapter 18: Fiorette Wagner

702 Words

Edmund folded the spirit’s wings and flew towards the highest tower of the palace at an immense speed. The girls clutched the Peacock spirit’s feathers in order not to fall off. The pets cuddled with Tiger. “Okay, ladies,” Edmund cried, “when we get close to the tower window, I’m going to release my spirit, and we will be thrown into the tower, so be prepared! Blizzard, Christo, Astra, you grab onto your mistress’s hands and don’t let go!” The pets, as if fully understanding the command, grabbed onto Tiger. She clutched them back. They all prepared for the harsh landing. “Okay. Three, two, one… Release!” The Peacock spirit vanished. Edmund and the girls screamed as they got thrown right into the tower window. Luckily, they all landed in. They stood up and dusted off their clothes. Edm

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