Chapter 43: On the Ship

1220 Words

The ship sailed peacefully in the ocean, headed to the east, towards the Isles of Kenshin – a little country situated on many islands bound together. People there ate fish as the main dish. Blade Warriors were an ancient order of Kenshin – one of the oldest orders of the world – founded by Yoko Matsumoto, the first-ever swordswoman in Kenshin who was disguised as a man for almost her entire life before she got gravely injured in the chest area and was discovered to be a woman. But due to her loyalty to swordsmanship rules and her work on founding the order, the ruler of the district preserved her life, married her shortly afterwards, and had a son with her. Thus, the long-living order of Blade Warriors was born, the main rules of which were called the Code and were to be preserved and fol

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