New school

489 Words
 It's Monday...the day i have been dreading since we left our old sleepy town for another. The  reason i dreaded today is because it's my first day at a new school. i could not say that i had left many friends behind at my old school, i could honestly say that no one would miss me. I was a loner with my nose in a book most of the time. It's just that i will have to learn how to adapt to this new environment. I got up at the last possible minute, i was a night owl and though i really enjoyed the freshness of the morning air i struggled to rise before seven. With great effort i got out of my little nest of blankets and pillows. i took a quick shower and grabbed a snack and my lunch before rushing out the door. Both my parents were already at work, having kissed me goodbye some time after five while i was still trying to wake up. With a 15 minute walk ahead of me i put on my headphones and turned up the music because, i do almost everything with music in my ears. The sweet symphony of 2Cellos Benedictus flooded my head and i was off. You could say the walk was uneventful and i was in my own little world as i studied the trees on either side of the road. They had probably been planted when the town was founded and i wondered what stories the could tell if only i could understand their voices. They were massive with scarred trunks from the centuries of weather and animals that called them home. At that moment i noticed a car drive past, they were kids my age, they did not seem to notice me and i could not be happier. Camouflage stage 1  achieved. Some 5 minutes later i sneaked my way past the majority of students who were lounging outside awaiting or dreading the first bell. With my head down and body language sending out signals to people that i was just another one of them, someone that they didn't need to take notice of, i achieved camouflage stage 2. Why do i take such pains to blend in you ask? Well, i never really liked socializing since hitting puberty, add my long auburn hair, freckles and awkward sputtering when i feel pressured i was a magnet for bullies. They were mainly of the male variety, with hair pulling, abusive name calling, hair pulling and various neanderthal tactics, i learned to disappear and avoid them.  Nope, I'm smart. I have blending in down to an art and thus no conflict and no humiliation, which in my opinion is a teen's worst fear in high school. Yes irrational i know, but hey, when you find any person above 4 years old that likes being laughed at and isn't a comedian or mental, call me. 
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