2. Ready for the trip

1061 Words
Alexa's Pov- "Are we ever going to decide on where we have to go!?" Rhett yells at all of us. We've been discussing where we should go sitting here on the bleachers on the basketball field, ditching our classes.  "Shh... Calm down, Rhett.." I say pressing my index finger on my lips as a representation.  "How the f**k am I supposed to calm down, Lex!? We still don't know any perfect location, somewhere that will give us a very scary feeling. I want to go where we can enjoy a little sense of terror in our hearts. I planned it with so many fantasies and here we are, sitting and racking our brains still deciding where to go!" He lets out. I can understand his anxiety. He has been looking forward to this trip for so long along with his twin brother, Brett. But if they are so excited and so enthusiastic, shouldn't they have set on a location first and then decide everything else?  "I'm telling you, we won't be able to go anywhere and will end up celebrating our birthday with Lex and Desmond bringing a small cupcake in our room with two little candles on top," Brett says. He has always been the one to get anxious and draw conclusions beforehand itself. "We'll bring a cake rather than a cupcake if you want." And here comes Desmond. He has never been the one to put up with their antics.  "Desmond! We are going camping and that is certain. Brett, don't spit bullshit!" Rhett scolds. "Look I know this place but it is way more dangerous. You do want adventure but don't say anything if you feel sacred cause once we reach there, we won't return until we celebrate your birthday among those wild lonely, sky-touching trees." Desmond says after a few seconds of silence and Brett and Rhett become excited instantaneously.  "We'll go!" They both say in unison. "Where is it?" I ask. "It's far away from here. I don't really know the name but it's dark with eerie winds flowing in the air that puts your whole body on vibration mode because of the continuous chill that runs down your spine..." "Desmond stop freaking them out!" I stop Desmond mid-sentence who is smirking looking at the twins who seem to be in a trance. He is just freaking them out! "Well, I told you, now you tell me if you want to go there." He asks. "If you don't even know the name then how can you get us there?" Brett asks. "I know the direction," Desmond says and after he informs us some more about the tall trees, wet soil, and once we cross-check the things we have already packed, our decision is finally made. "Now let the fun begin!" Rhett rejoices. "Yeah! Now finally you can f**k one of the female ghosts there and let out your stress." Brett pipes in before running off, quickly slinging his bag on his one shoulder as he gets out of our sight. Rhett who immediately sprang out from his seat too vanishes in a second to follow his twin and probably beat his a*s.  "You had it again?" Desmond, more like of states. I look at him and nod slightly. He being my 'everything' knows about the nightmares I have every time I sleep alone. There have been even times when I slept in his apartment. Yeah, I can't even have my own apartment because I can't stay alone and my dad wants me to stay with him about which I'm not complaining.   "You wanna go to the therapist?" He asks. "You know it's of no use," I answer him heaving a sigh. "Well, how are you gonna sleep when we'll be on a trip?" He asks while smirking. And I know what he is implying upon. Brett and Rhett don't know about my unusual, senseless dreams. They just think that I've got a different daily life schedule and often calls me 'Owl'. Now that I can't create a scene and scare the s**t out of them by screaming in the middle of the night, Desmond is hinting at me sleeping with him.  Ha! Men! "No, that won't be needed Desmond, cause you, my dear are going to stay awake... whole night... by my side," I say in an overly sweet tone and making circles with my fingers in front of his face. He gives me a serious look before again amusement fills his brown orbs, "Then we'll share our tents in the daytime." He says. "Yeah? Then when are we gonna ever enjoy?" I say. "That is what I'm implying upon. When are WE gonna enjoy?" He says. "You are such an asshole.." I say calmly, perfectly making the sense out of what he just said.  "Okay but seriously though, you'll have to share with me." He says. "Aren't we taking the tent that can accustom four people easily?" I ask. "No, Brett said that we'll take two tents that can have two people in each. He said that it would give him a real feel that more than one person has come for camping. And according to his fantasy, bonfire should be held in between at least two tents." He says.  Brett and his fantasies! "Then why not we all have our own single tents," I say furrowing my brows. "YOU are the one who is saying that? I made him agree to have it at least like this or else that man was all up for what you just said." He says. Yeah, of course, he did say that the bonfire must be held in between at least two tents at least, so four would obviously be appeasing for him. "Ah! so generous of you!" I say dramatically and he just shakes his head at that.  "Yeah, I just said that you are scared of sleeping alone and might pee your pants." He says and I narrow my eyes at him. "Sometimes I wonder what made me be friends with you." He says and I continue narrowing my eyes at him before smiling, "I'm crazy but you like that..." I sing a line from the song 'Daisy' and wink at him and he again just shakes his head before we both move out. 'Let's see what memories we'll have to cherish later by this trip!'               
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