1058 Words
Răzbunare: Lycan's Torture 2 When I entered my room after the odd encounter with Lysander there was a sky blue dress waiting for me in the room, is this what I'll be wearing at the mating? I can't mate him, I reminded myself. It's either we mate our blood bond or I escape. Escape. How do I do it? It had to happen! Should I disguise myself? That could work, if I mate with him I am as good as dead, anyway. I had thirty minutes, I could pull this off easily. 2 hours later. I kept running my feet sank into the dirt digging it, getting out the pack was easy, too easy. I couldnt help but think if he had let me run off. I slumped against a tree to catch my breath, oh God. I was breathing heavily when I heard the rustling of the leaves and my ear went on alarm. I looked everywhere in panic, had someone followed me? "You know you are pretty smart for a shy blonde girl," A voice all too familiar mocked, my fate was definitely sealed, this couldn't be worse. I looked into Lysander's eyes as he slowly walked towards me like a predator and squatted down. "You," he laughed, "have no idea how much I am going to enjoy hearing your screams," leaning closer he gripped my hair, "when I f**k you and when I break every little bone in your body." He snarled before slapping me across the face. My ears rang and then I processed what he said, I couldn't take more of this, I knew. I couldnt let him have his wicked way with me again, I didn't deserve this, "What have I done to you?" I sobbed, he gave me a incredulous look before yanking me up by my arm gripping it tight enough to break my bones. He slammed me on a tree hurting my head in the process, for a moment there was a strong spasm in my stomach but it went as soon as it came. "What have you done? What haven't you done? You pathetic human," he spat. "If I am pathetic then I wonder what I should call you," I retorted not knowing when the words left my mouth. "This tongue of yours is good for screaming and that alone, use it otherwise then Avery I must tell you, you'll regret it," and with that he started to drag me through the woods back to his packhouse, where I don't know what he'll do to me. A fear was lingering around in my heart as we neared the house, my breath quickened as he dragged me downstairs where I was told it was forbidden to go. He threw me in one of his rooms which had all sorts of creepy things I never had the unfortunates to see. Sharp objects. Leather whips. Dried blood and what not. It was so dark I could hardly make out anything, it had only one small window which was somewhere high and the moon shined right in from there, emitting everything. "You'll stay here for the next two days, hopefully when I come you'll be in your right senses," his voice was taunting, "Go to hell." I muttered. He growled before lunging at me, "What was that?" "Go. To. Hell." I did regret those words for the next thing I know he's chaining both my hands to two different nails, "Let's see where this tongue gets you," tears rolled down endlessly as he teared the fabric of my shirt and started his whipping, I was surely bleeding by now, I must be. I cried at every lash not being able to take it, I soon passed out. When I woke up I was still tied to the chains in the dungeons, it was still dark, my back stung and pained as my muscles ached. I gasped as I heard a voice, my quickening heartbeat was making me have difficulty to breath. When I moved my legs I saw blood, I gasped again as it was too much, my whole body was bloody. I bit my lip to stop the tears but they just couldnt stop. "Why are you here?" My head jerked upto see a silhouette in the neighbour cell. "W-Who are you?" I hoped that this guy could help me but he was in a cell too. "Soner, former beta, you?" Former? Why did they change him? "I - I'm Avery," I replied, looking down. "Are there more from where you are?" I wondered looking around the cells, do each of them has someone? "This dungeon is for his personal enemies, not every prisoner, they have much worse underground mines for them, why are you here? I must say, you hit a nerve in him talking back, he's usually calm and collected," he mused. I let a smile creep up on my face, "I-I am his m-mate," the words were out before I could stop them, oh no. "Say what?" He bellowed standing up. Now I could see him and he was a very good look guy, not that I was making a impression in that state. "Can't be." "Huh?" "His mate died. Dalton killed her. I remember." My ears were deceiving me, dead, then why did I feel those sparks? Dad always say I might be human and I may never shift but I had senses and I had a mate too, he knew that. "I dont understand," I mumbled, "Neither do I," he said in a low voice. "Why are you here?" I questioned, how did he got banished? He chuckled humorlessly, "I helped the rogues to try and save a pack which was innocent, the Black trio? You know them? They help packs because Lysander's too adamant on vanishing them. It was my mates pack, I couldn't help her," he slowed down, "She died," I gasped. Lysander killed his betas mate? By now I was convinced he could do any heartless act there was, any. This didn't surprise me and I was shocked how quickly have I admitted to his cruelty. "I-I am sorry," I said in a sympathetic voice, "I am." "Me too." The doors of the dungeons were slammed open and I desperately wished it wasn't Lysander. But my wish went unanswered, not fulfilled.
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