
464 Words
Prologue. The scent of blood was heavy in the air despite the falling rain. Panic and fear for his sister Ellaine spurred Silver forward. He had been tracking them for months. And after so many setbacks and brick walls, he was afraid he was too late. The small stone cottage sat silently amongst the trees, the splintered wooden door gaping open. There was blood, so much blood. Silver ran for the doorway. Desperately heading for his sister. At the door, his sharp wolf eyes instantly took in the scene. Furniture and debris littered the tiny kitchen. There had been a struggle, a battle. Blood dripped from the walls and smeared the floor. Whatever had happened here, he’d only just missed it. There, right in the doorway was the mangled body of an adult male. His sister’s mate. His throat had been slashed by large claws. The Bear pack. They were right on the edge of their territory. Silver didn’t have time to stop and check the body. His mind screaming for his sister. “Ellaine!” He called for her. His desperate voice echoing off the stone walls. He heard movement in the room beyond the blood-stained doorway. Her mate had tried to stop them getting to Ellaine. He’d failed. Silver found his half dead sister curled on the floor by the fire. Claw marks ravished her skin. Judging by the blood around her, Ellaine had fought back. Silver sank to his knees beside his baby sister and gathered her in his arms. Blood soaked her pale blonde hair and stuck it to her face. Gently Silver pushed it away so Ellaine could see him. She smiled. It was a weak little smile but she was happy to see him. “You came.” Her voice was soft and faded. “Of course.” He choked out around the agonising pain of seeing her like that. “He’s dead.” She sobbed. “Raine’s gone. But I waited for you.” She reached behind her towards a basket by the fire. The same one she had been curled beside. “Promise me…” Her long pale fingers just brushed the basket before her strength vanished. Silver felt his baby sister’s body grow limp in his arms. Pain tore through him and he howled. Silver howled out the rage, the pain, the sorrow. Half way through, he realised someone else was wailing along with him. He stopped and listened. A baby. That cry was a baby. Confused and hopeful, he reached for his sister’s basket and lifted the lid. Inside was a tiny screaming infant. A baby. His sister’s baby. “Promise me.” She had said. Ellaine had waited for him. So he could promise to take care of this small little girl.
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