Chapter Two

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Chapter 2 Four days before the juveniles were scheduled to leave, Sliver found his mate Layla waiting for him in the kitchen of their apartment. Judging by the look on her face, she was about to ambush him. She was sitting at the breakfast bar pulling at the ends of her long red braid. “What did I do?” He asked. She pushed a plate full of sandwiches in front of the place next to her. Even though he was suspicious as to why she was providing him with lunch first, he sat down. “Are you sure letting Kiara go is wise?” There was concern and worry in her voice. Silver was aware that Kiara made her feel uneasy, but Layla held no ill-will towards his sister’s pup. He chewed a bite of his ham and salad roll slowly as he thought of how best to answer. “I’m sure she can handle it.” Silver told her. She raised an eyebrow. “Well, I’m not.” She said. “You and I both know that girl is dangerous.” She held up a hand to stop his interruption. “I don’t think Kiara would ever willingly do anything to harm someone.” She paused. “But that wolf of hers? I don’t trust it.” Silver swallowed a bite before answering. “Kiara’s wolf is no different from ours. It’s a part of her and she knows how to control it.” “She knows how to suppress it. I hate to admit this, but we’ve taught her to cage her wolf, not control it. Silver, if something goes wrong? If she loses control? She could kill someone.” Silver slid off his stool and pulled his mate into his arms. “That won’t happen. I’ll take Kiara down into the south end of the forest by Cold Tea creek tomorrow morning. We’ll let her wolf run off all the frustration of being caged.” “And that will work?” Layla asked. Silver placed a kiss on the top of her head. She turned up to him and he kissed her lips. “It has before.” Layla felt relived. Silver kissed her again and her whole body just relaxed. “How much time do you have?” She asked, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I can be late.” Silver picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. The next morning Kiara met Silver at the den’s main entrance. “Are you ready to go?” He asked. Her wolf was squirming inside her, excited to get out. She gripped the straps of her backpack tighter. “Yes.” She nodded. Silver led her to the jeep they were going to use for the first part of their trip. Kiara would have preferred to run the whole way, but her uncle was in charge. The Jeep was faster, and he needed to be able to get back quickly in case he was needed. They threw their packs in the back and climbed in. “Seatbelt.” Silver ordered. Kiara paused before gesturing to her uncle’s unrestrained chest. “I’m older than you.” He teased. “So?” “And driving. Just put it on.” She smiled and rolled her eyes. But put her belt on anyway. Despite the fact that they were shape shifters with impressively fast healing capability, Silver still worried about his girls. They had been driving for an hour. Kiara’s wolf was getting more and more impatient. It knew the shift was coming and it wanted to run. Needed to run. Silver glanced at her from the corner of his eye. She was fidgeting in her seat. Clearly agitated. “Are you okay?” He asked. “Yeah.” She sighed. “My wolf wants out. She’s just excited.” He glanced at her again as he navigated the dirt path. “Do you want to run?” “Are we far enough away from the den?” “Not quiet. But you can run the rest of the way to the camp site.” A surge of excitement ran through her. She agreed. Kiara stepped out of the vehicle. She stood still and took a deep breath. She could smell the sweet pine scent of the trees and a recent light rain. There was a stream nearby with clean running water. She could hear the light splashes and a small animal in the brush. She could feel the uneven earth beneath her feet. Fell the shifting of dry pine needles and twigs. It felt good. She flashed a smile at Silver over her shoulder and took off. Silver watched his niece disappear through the trees. He had forgotten how fast she was. Kiara flew across the forest floor. Letting her muscles stretch. She spied a tree branch up ahead that was the perfect height. Leaping, Kiara caught hold of it and hauled herself into the tree. She climbed up several more feet then looked for a good branch to jump to. Wolves weren’t known for being adapt climbers, but Kiara had always loved it. Being trapped in her human form gave her the excuse to do things the other shifter children hadn’t. There were several human members of the pack as well. Some of the human children had climbed trees too. She spotted her branch and before she could over think it, Kiara leapt from one tree to the other. It was like flying. She landed with all the grace of a wolf, then picked her next branch. Jumping from tree to tree. Hiding her trail, just for fun. The wolf was happy. She may have still been in her human body, but she was using her wolf’s power. Switching direction, Kiara dropped from the trees and started running again. She jumped over fallen branches, weaved between trees, leapt over streams. Kiara and her wolf felt free. Sliver was still setting up camp when his niece walked out through the trees. He hadn’t expected her to arrive so soon. He thought for sure she’d still be running around out there. Playing. He was also surprised she was still human. “Have a good run?” He asked. Silver was in the process of starting a small cooking fire. He had prepared the space first to ensure there would be no chance of starting wildfire. Kiara slumped down beside him and stretched out her cooling muscles. “Yes. Very much.” “Are you hungry?” She nodded and took the apple he offered her. “I’ll have some meat ready soon.” “That’s okay.” Kiara said. “I’ll catch something later.” Her wolf was itching to hunt. “Are you sure I’m safe up here?” She asked. “Positive. There are no patrols in this area right now. I’m the only other person for miles.” “Good.” She finished the apple and lay down on some grass. It was so warm and soft against her skin. Silver had picked a large clearing that they used often during juvenile camping s***h training trips. The sun was warm on Kiara’s skin as she drifted off to sleep. It was almost sunset by the time Kiara woke up again. Silver pushed a plate piled high with beef and coal roasted potatoes towards the sleepy girl. “Eat.” He instructed. “You’ll need the energy.” Kiara did as she was told. After they had eaten, Kiara stood up and started removing her clothes. It was time to finally let her wolf out. She stood still for a moment. Taking a deep breath and cracking open the cage inside her chest. The wolf surged forward. Silver watched her change. A bright burst of light and a second of pure agony before the light faded to reveal a large scruffy black wolf. Silver could hardly believe it. She had grown since he’d last seen her. Kiara’s wolf form was nearly as tall as her human one. She was by far, the largest wolf he had ever seen. “Kiara.” Silver fed all of his command into his voice. “Pull it back.” The big black wolf stared at him for a moment. Deep red eyes meeting his before it started shrinking. When it was done, she was only a little larger than an ordinary wolf. She shook out her fur. The wolf settling into its skin. Joy and anticipation shivered down her spine. She wanted, no needed, to run on all fours. But despite the wolf’s power, Silver was still her alpha. “For now.” Whispered the wolf inside her mind. It waited. Watching Silver as he assessed her with his gaze. It had been a few years since he’d seen the creature within Kiara’s skin. He jerked his chin towards the trees. “Go.” She took off. Silver watched them disappear into the forest and let go of the tension he had been holding. Silver was worried. He had no idea how much longer he could keep that beast a secret. He was silently praying that his plan would work. That after that night, the demon wolf would calm down and let Kiara skate through the training camp unnoticed.
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