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Amelia’s POV My phone beeped and curiously I glanced up to see an unknown number on the screen. I looked around the room everyone was getting on with their own work and Mr Evans looked like he was having a nap. Quickly grabbing my phone I opened the message to reveal a photo. My hand flew to my mouth as a loud gasp escaped my lips and almost flying back wards in shock. What the hell was that. I glared up at the desk beside me but Alissa was deep in thought and Jake on the other side of her was to engrossed in some stupid football magazine. I swallowed hard and tried my hardest to regain myself but I needed answers. Whoever sent me that photo had seen my boyfriend and my best friend together snogging their faces off. My heart just couldn’t take the pain gripping at it, I felt so sick and it was difficult for me to keep my s**t together. I wanted to rip her stupid hair out and claw at his face for what they had done to me. How dare they laugh behind my back and humiliate me. I wondered who else knew about this. My damn parents going out last night and me having to stay home and babysit my younger sibling. This would never have happened if I had been there. Then my eyes widened as I felt someone’s eyes on me. Andrea. A huge smug smile on her face as it dawned on me that message was from her. What the hell was going on. I don’t know what happened but I just saw red. Throwing my chair backwards as I stood up, I rushed towards her grabbing at her hair and pulling it so hard that she yelled out in agony. But I didn’t care. The class erupted and I felt someone tug at me in a pathetic attempt to pull me apart from Andrea. She slapped me across my face causing it to burn and I returned that slap even harder until I heard a c***k and blood was everywhere. It didn’t stop me though because I just kept hitting her ignoring the screams and shouting around me. She had ruined my life. They had ruined my life. Turning around for a second I made eye contact with Amelia. She looked stunned and scared at the same time. “That’s right you lying b***h. I know all about it.” I screamed spitting in her face. “I’m sorry Amelia.. it was a huge mistake.” Alissa shrieked hysterically and I couldn’t even look at Jake. I knew he was starting at me though because I could feel his eyes on me. “Fight! Fight!” “THAT IS ENOUGH!” Mr Anders the school head yelled loudly causing us all to freeze on the spot. The authority in his tone sent shivers down my spine. We didn’t see or hear much from the headteacher but I knew from that very instant that I was in a whole ball of trouble. “My office now young lady!”The headteacher bellowed in my direction. Without hesitating I grabbed my bag and hurried out the rook and down the hall to his office. Andrea was sitting in the other room covered in blood and crying like a drama queen. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest watching as she was seen to by the nurse. This wasn’t my fault and I shouldn’t be the one getting in trouble for it. Ten minutes later I was in Mr Anders office and he looked insanely furious. “I do not tolerate such behaviour in my school young lady. You will do well to remember that.” His tone was aggressive and I swear I saw his eyes turn black for a second. I shook my head and frowned. Mr Anders straightened his tie before sitting down in his black leather chair. He may only be in his early twenties but he certainly had something about him that made me want to sink into the ground. “Tell me Amelia. How is it that a young girl such as yourself is so strong. It took five people to drag you from the girl you attacked.” I didn’t know what to tell him, I had just seen red and lost my temper. It’s not often I lose myself like that. “I um.. well I don’t know really know. “ I stammered almost in a whisper but he still heard me clear as day. “I think you know. You can smell it. You’re not like the rest of them are you Amelia.” His voice alot calmer now but I didn’t dare make eye contact with him . “ I don’t know sir but I am really sorry for my actions. “ I whispered wishing I could just get the hell out of this place and go home. I didn’t ever want to see foot in this place again. He sat backwards and was silent for a moment before telling me that my parents were already on their way to collect me. I was being suspended for the rest of the week and was to write an apology letter to Andrea. It was weird, like he was reading my mind. But that couldn’t be possible. My parents arrived a few seconds later. I was so confused my parents bowed their heads at my headteacher before my mother yanking me out of the room and dragging me to the car which was parked out the front. I guessed everyone was still in lessons because the halls were empty. I looked back to see my dad talking to Mr Anders. “Mum im so sorry.” I tied to reason with her but she remained tight lipped and refused to meet my gaze. Unlocking the car door she pushed me I and I immediately clicked on my seat belt. She shut the door and got into the front passenger seat taking a few seconds to glare at me from the interior mirror. She looked so disappointed in me and I hung my head sadly because I hated the thought of upsetting my parents. It had only been two weeks since we lost my grandad and I knew mum was already stressed and struggling with her grief to now have to deal with this. All because of some stuck up cow causing me to lose my temper. Jake suddenly popped into my head and I felt sick at the thought of him snogging my best friend. Or ex best friend as I should put it now. They were as bad as each other and also welcome to each other. I didn’t need backstabbing liars like that around me anyway. The drive home was awkward and silent. My parents avoided me like the plague until we got into the house and my dad ordered me to the dining room to discuss my actions. Seating myself in the dining chair I stared at my fingers as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. My dad let out a heavy sigh and my mum started to cry for the hundredth time. Why the hell were they getting so dramatic over a stupid fight. Kane was always having fights at school but never received this kind of reaction. “You are one day away from your sixteenth birthday.” Dad said. I looked up at him and nodded. I think I knew what he was about to say. More punishments with losing whatever privileges I would have gained turning sixteen. “So what is it? I won’t be getting a party this year? I have to babysit Kane extra times? I’m grounded? Whatever it is.” I rolled my eyes and sighed bored already. “It’s time you knew about your past and who you truly are.” Mum added. She dabbed at her tearful face and handed me a small box. I raised my eyebrows and frowned at the small white box placed in front of me. Carefully I opened it to find a baby’s blanket and small pink teddy which read the words ‘warrior princess’. I was confused. Was this some kind of weird ass joke. “What is this?” I held it up in front of them questioningly. My mother burst into tears all over again causing my dad to put an arm around her shoulders. I waited for a few minutes wondering what was going on. Everything was happening so fast. My dad reached for my hand and said some words that sent my mind into overdrive. What the hell. Adopted… “You’re not serious?” I eyed my parents.. strangers whatever the hell they really were. “We adopted you from werewolves. Now you are almost sixteen it’s time to return you home.” Was I dreaming? How on earth was that even possible? I mean werewolves? They didn’t exist in the real world, only in fairy tales. Didn’t they?
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