Felicity Pov

292 Words

Gosh! I hate that Amelia. Jackson was mine for as long as I could remember until that thing had to come along and ruin it for me. She deserved to be kidnapped and thrown in that dirty dungeon. My only regret is that I didn’t throw away the damn key. That rejection was a waste of time. Jackson is still chasing after the waste of space. I don’t know why he can’t see that I am the better fit for his Luna. Even though Amelia’s parents think the sun shines from her arse. I can’t stand anyone of them. They are so stupid. Jackson ignoring me is the most horrible thing that I’ve experienced. He used to look at me with such love and admiration in those beautiful eyes, but now he has that look for her and I hate it. I punched the wall so hard it made my knuckles bleed. I cursed under my breath

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