All eyes on me

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Ant entered the building first with Casey close behind him marvelling at everything, she was so young when they left their old pack she didn't have many memories of what pack life was like and the splendor that could surround it. She was memorized by the size of the grounds, the vast forest, the beautiful flowers lining the pathways the pretty little houses and most of all the huge pack house that looked like castle. As soon as they entered he took her to the trainer to make introductions. Dan was late twenties, with a strong build, chizzled jaw and dark hair that he kept close shaved at all times he was the beta of the pack and had been doing everyone's training for the last 8 years so he knew everyone, what they could do and what they needed to work on. When he saw Ant and Casey approach he smiled widely. Hey Ant I was beginning to think you didn't really have a sister but here she is, hey I'm big bad Dan here to kick your butt. He said holding out his hand to Casey. She took it with a laugh and quietly said hi. Dan glanced at Ant to see him stood stiff like he was going to tear his head off if he was too rough or even looked at her wrong so he just stepped back and asked a few questions. So Casey I've been informed your 14 but haven't had any official training in combat as either wolf or human? Casey smiled shyly glanced at her brother who just nodded and confirmed he was correct. OK no worries we will do a few one on one combats to gage your level, find your strength and weaknesses so we can build you up. that sound good? that sounds brilliant she said getting giddey at the thought of finally training with someone other than Ant, he was good but always pushed so hard leaving her exhausted no way this could be worse. Fight one, entry level, stay on the Matt two taps on the Matt if you give in otherwise to knock out I hope you both understand. They both nodded Casey stood across the Matt from a 12 year old wolf, with from her best guess 6 months training looking at him. She could see the stance and him sizing her up before he finally approached. Just as Ant taught her she watched and waited noticing how he moved picking out the key points he was right handed as he hesitated before putting his left leg out to lead on but had a slight smirk implying he didn't think she'd noticed. She easily avoided the weak left hook he through and dropped straight to the matt taking his legs out before he could follow with his stronger right which was meant to catch her off guard. She then rolled and pinned him ensuring he couldn't move his right arm or leg if he wanted to flip her for the pin himself. He immediately knew he'd lost and tapped out. When Casey glanced at Dan he was obviously impressed but she could see her brother next to him and he wasn't. He'd be taking notes of things to correct her on later and that was a training session she knew he'd be planning for right after this one. Next Dan called over another shewolf this time Casey noted she was her own age though impossibly slim and very well toned. He set up the next match calling all the same rules, this time Casey noticed a lot of the wolf's had stopped training and were paying attention to their match. Taking a deep breath she focused on Bray as Dan called her again watching how she moved noticing the lack of hesitation, she believed she'd already won and wore a bored expression as if she was having her time waisted, this slightly angered Casey so she centred herself and made very fast work of knocking her out, not because she couldn't pin her just for the satisfaction of it, she hated being dismissed by those who didn't know her. This time she noticed the slightest smile from Ant and knew he was proud of how she handled that one. Dan however seemed a little baffled at Casey's skills dispite lack of official training. After two more matches with wolves that should have easily flattened Casey and her winning both fights with minimal damage, which had drawn everyone's attention and had completely stunned them, Dan put an end to the test and requested both her and Ant spoke with him in his office. Now here's what I know said Dan taking his seat at his desk 1. You both came here a few years ago having had issues with your previous pack requesting to stay on our territory edge also offering additional man power if we needed 2. Ant dispite your young age you have worked hard in training, school and raising your younger sister, showing strength mentally and physically as well as dedication. 3. There is a definite power of you Ant over your sister who seems to not talk unless you gave permission 4. You Casey have combat training far superior to where you should be at your age even surpassing the fully trained omagas of this pack. Now I have no problems with any of that it's great for the pack to have wolves such as yourselves within it however....the door opened and in walk alpha Christian...Dan nodded to alpha and continued, however as I was going to say I do think there is more to the story of the two of you and it's time we were aware of it. Starting with who your pack was prior to ours, why you left, why Ant feels the need to censor everything spoken and done and finally who and where Casey has been training with and by. As I've stated I'm aware Ant is very much in control here so Ant why don't you fill us both in. Ant stood for a moment taking it all in, trying to sort in his head what he should and should not say and how it should be said also considering leaving without explanation and starting again somewhere new. After taking a breath and weighing the options he decided Casey wouldn't want to leave and he'd be best telling everything if he wanted to stay on good grounding with the alpha and beta who seemed like good men. we were part of the black night pack, he said taking a deep breath knowing the pack wasn't particularly popular with other packs. Dan and Christian both nodded for him to continue our dad was the alpha this comment causes both alpha and beta to look at each other it seemed this was big news. I got home from training one evening to find dad raping Casey as soon as I saw I threw him out the window and we ran, not smart I know but I didn't know what else to do, I couldn't leave her there and I knew I wasn't ready to take dad in a fight so I used suprise and a long drop to concentrate to buy us time. Seeing a sympathetic look from the alpha to Casey reassured Ant this was the best option. I don't know if it was the first time or not I couldn't bring myself to ask he said putting his head down in shame while trying not to look at Casey who he could see from the corner of his eye was about to cry. We ran for as long as she could take, when we got here and I saw your territory layout I tested a theory that you wouldn't mind a couple of wolves keeping an ear out at the edge as long as we didn't draw attention and kept our heads down so I asked, gaining permission we have lived that way since. Casey looks to me for speaking so that the wrong information isn't given to anyone who could feed it back to our parents. I had been in training my whole life to be alpha one day and did the only thing I could think to keep my sister safe which was teach her everything I knew in an intense training package and we spar every day, so anything Dan picks up with me I have been passing on to Casey. That means where she isn't pack trained she is alpha trained to the best of my ability which I know is a long way from where it should be with me leaving in the middle but it was the best I could do. I figured been as we both hold alpha blood there was little I can do that she can't and so far there's nothing I can do that she can't. Everyone sat quietly baring Casey who was crying quietly at the side of Ant. Christian passed her some tissues and a drink while he mind linked his beta regarding the implications of this new information. Finally he turned to Casey. He lowered himself to her eye level and said to her this is in no way going to stop you living here first let's be clear of that you've nothing to worry about there this information just made her cry more but Ant breathed out what seemed like years of fear and tension that he didn't even know he was holding. I do however need to ask some questions about what was happening to ensure we can protect you legally from your dad even if he finds out where you are. Is that ok? he glanced at Ant knowing she'd need his ok and reassurance to answer which he without hesitation gave taking his sister hand to say I'm here for you. Casey gave him a thankful glance before nodding to the alpha. Ok I'll rapid fire the questions and you can answer in your own time in any order that feels ok to you ok? he waited for her to again nod and proceeded with the questions. was the time your bother caught your dad the first one? if not how long and frequently was it happening? was there anyone else in the pack aware of what he was doing to you? and finally how are you holding up? do you want someone to talk to about it maybe a doctor or my mum even is really good to talk to? Casey took a moment before answering looking shyly at her brother. No it wasn't the first time, around three years around once a day and around 8 other pack members that he shared me with. I'm better than I was now Ant got me away he's an amazing big brother she said giving this hand a little squeeze as for someone to talk to I wouldn't know what to say to be honest. After speaking she looked up at Christian for the first time since he entered the room and said please don't be mad at my brother for keeping all this from you, for Keeping me away he was just protecting me, he gave up so much for me already he doesn't deserve to suffer any more. Thats when he snapped Ant stood up unable to hold the tears back obviously so angry he turned to his sister wrapped his arms round her tight and begged forgiveness, I'm so so sorry Casey three years you had that and I didn't know, how the hell did I not know, I'm a terrible brother I don't deserve you I'm so sorry I was too weak to see. With that he stood and left the room going straight to the punching bag and started pounding it with all his anger putting his fist straight through the bag and having to put a new one up, luckily the pack kept a few spares laying around just in case. Casey was shocked and heartbroken that her brother thought that of himself, she didn't see him that way at all he was her big brother, her saviour, her protector he gave up everything his pack, his beta Dave and gamma Bret who were his best friends his girlfriend Lucy his training everything and left it all behind for her as soon as he knew with no hesitation at all. He was the best person she knew and here he was beating himself up as not good enough because he didn't know from the start. She did the only thing she could think of and turned to the beta and alpha in the office with her..... please I beg you, help my brother he's done nothing wrong he only ever thinks of me he's lost so much because of it he's a good man and you won't find anyone better
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