Prologue pt.2

1456 Words
Heath Outside, under the dimly lit street lights, I lifted my hood and scanned my surroundings, searching for any sign of them. Nothing. Yet the scent of her lingered in the air. Following it, I came to the end of the pitch black alleyway that led straight round the back of the building where there was now a cold corpse of the criminal I’d spent my evening torturing. Slipping into the shadows, I stealthily made my way down until I came to the corner. I could hear them now. Heavy panting and f*****g grunting. I glimpsed around the wall and my night vision focused on the huge frame of Rapist Prick caging her tiny body against the bricks. She looked almost lifeless, rolling her head to the side as he kissed her neck and groped her t**s before reaching down for his zipper. Rage throttled me so viciously, my disguise slipped and the deadly beast emerged. Before I could rip his head from his body, everything changed. At insane speed, that a human eye would fail to keep up with, she had kneed him in the d**k, grabbed his wrist in one hand and flipped his whole body in the air until he landed with a hard impact on the cement ground. He wheezed, struggling to inhale a breath as all the air was knocked from his lungs before she rolled him over like he was as light as a feather rather than a full-grown man and pulled a pair of handcuffs from her back pocket. “I should have warned you.” She laughed as the metal slapped against his wrists when she straddled his back. “I’m into some twisted s**t too. Though you’ll never get to partake, asshole.” Once he was restrained, she stood up, rolling him onto his back once more and stood with her boot firmly on his windpipe, causing him to panic and choke for air. She wasn’t even out of breath as she dropped her head back, her white hair cascading behind her shoulders and stared up at the black night sky. Her sharp fangs caught the reflection of the moonlight as she hissed with frustration. I’d never seen a sight so exquisite. And my d**k had never been so f*****g hard. “f**k, you are lucky I know how to show some restraint, unlike you,” she said, retracting her fangs after a few moments and glancing down at the man at her mercy. It was only then that I realised she hadn’t even bitten him, let alone drank from him. What the f**k was that about? My question was answered when I heard the hurried footsteps of someone else approaching and smelt the scent of sweet peaches. It was followed by heavier and more urgent footsteps and I slipped further into the shadows as they came into sight. The same auburn haired female that had removed that girl from the dancefloor appeared, placing her hands on her hips as she inspected the scene. Two muscular human men, dressed entirely in black and carrying handguns appeared next. Snow lifted her face and gave them all a triumphant look that made me grin with her. She was so f*****g cute. “So, did I pass with flying f*****g colours or what?” “Not bad,” the other female who gave off a supernatural aura, possibly a fae and witch hybrid, nodded as she approached them. “And he looks unharmed. Didn’t think you would be able to hold back, but you’ve proved you have control.” “Not that he deserves it,” Snow replied, stepping off his throat so the two men could haul him to his feet. She glared up at his reddening face. “I was tempted to go along with his sick little game a while longer just so I could bite his d**k off when he thought he would shove it in my mouth.” The man looked like he was about to vomit as he spat, “You f*****g psycho bitch.” “Awww, sweetie. You hurt my feelings,” she teased sarcastically as the men started to drag him away with aggression. Once they were gone, she dipped her head back and stuck her fingers in her eyes, removing the contact lenses. “These things sting like a motherfucker,” she groaned, casting them away on the floor and blinking rapidly. I f*****g knew it. They weren’t her real eyes. When her face turned in my direction, my c**k throbbed against my jeans as I bit into my bottom lip with my fangs, holding back my groan. Fluorescent pink eyes. Pink f*****g eyes! Suddenly, she froze. Her head tilted upwards as she sniffed the air and stilled. “What is it?” The other woman asked curiously. “Can’t you smell that?” “Uhhh.” Before the woman could answer, Snow had zoomed with her vampire speed up to the dumpster and grave of Mr Graidern. My smile widened as she leapt up onto the side of it in a crouched position and peered down at his mangled body. I was glad she got to see my work of art. “s**t. Sienna, come and see this. Someone’s done quite a number on this one.” Why thank you, baby. She reached down, searching his pockets for an ID. “Sylvester Graidern.” “Urgh,” The woman named Sienna moaned, rubbing her forehead as if this was the last thing she wanted to deal with. “I’ll call in the clean-up team. That’s definitely a supernatural kill. Best we handle this rather than the authorities. Stay put, yeah? I’ll be back in a sec.” Sienna turned the corner, pulling out her phone and speaking with someone on the other end about getting a squad down here to take care of the body and crime scene. But I was too fascinated with my little vampire to pay much attention. She was c*****g her head to the side, inspecting the body with interest without a flicker of fear or disgust. Maybe she was even impressed. I hoped she was. For some reason, the thought of making her proud with my own perverse methods had me feeling more excited than the idea of actually killing. Finally, that feeling of satisfaction I craved in his death was beginning to appear. My d**k hardened to a painful state when she noticed the heart, picked it up in her fingers and studied the bite marks with her own excitement. When she dipped her finger into one of the torn valves, and then brought the bloody finger to her mouth, wrapping her lips around it and sucking it clean, I nearly came in my f*****g pants. It was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen and now I couldn’t stop fantasising about her smooth, ivory skin smothered in blood as I licked it off. A choked, desperate noise came from the shadows which caused her to drop the heart and stand up on the dumpster, her stunning pink eyes hyper-focused and staring straight in my direction. I knew she couldn’t see me. But she could sense me. Sense that she wasn’t alone but being watched. I heard her pulse quicken but not with fear; with something else. Something I couldn’t quite pinpoint. “Who’s there?” She shouted, jumping off the dumpster. I smirked, willing her to come deeper into the shadows. Heath. My skull tingled with the unpleasant sensation as Master’s voice echoed in my mind. Ignoring it, I focused on her footsteps as she approached, her eyes narrowing. Sienna raced back around the corner, distracting her. “Spoke to Ron. They’re on their way.” Sienna turned to follow Snow’s glare into the darkness. “Ilaria, what is it?” Ilaria. Ilaria. Perfect. Stunning. I wanted to try speaking it aloud, but I didn’t dare make a sound. I liked watching her from the dark. I needed to know more about her. I needed to understand her. To get under her skin and figure out what made her heart race. I needed to make her mine. Make her as addicted to me as I was to her. And that’s exactly what I intended to do. Heathen! “Nothing. I just thought I heard something but it must have been a cat,” Ilaria replied, turning to walk back towards the body with her friend. Demon! The tingling intensified until it was unbearable and I had no choice but to answer Master’s summoning. Taking one last look at my new obsession, I licked my lips and released my wings before taking off into the night with a newfound purpose. Ilaria. You’re mine now.
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