Chapter 16 the change double trouble

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When he threw the wolf down, he shifted back, grabbing Heather, "baby baby," "please wake up,"I should had never let you come with me, please get up, Seth rushed into the woods seeing Heather in his arms, "take her to the pack doctor now!" He rushed her to the pack doctor, he laid on the table as the doctor hooked stuff up to her. He looked at Michael shaking his head "She's lost to much blood," the only ways to save her is a blood transfusion, or you bite her to change her, Seth walked in the room, hearing the doctor, screaming No, No transfusions, that's how Skyler lost Kris, Michael you need to change her and change her now, he shook his head no, I don't want her to be like this, like us," Seth was angry, "So you're going to let her die?" Shaking his head, the machine started to flat line, if your going to do it, do it now. The doctor screamed, Micheal bent over. Whispering, I'm sorry please don't hate me, he it into her neck, then the other side to make sure he did it right, then he cut his wrist letting blood drip into her mouth. He but her one more time on her leg, sinking his wolf fangs deep into her veins, he just wanted to make sure, she will be ok, he backed up, the doctor checked her heart, as the flat lines started going up and down once more, beeping slowly, Doctor Kyle looked at Michael, now we play the waiting game, her heart started back up, she wasn't completely dead, so there won't be any brain damaged, she will be just fine, Michael looked at Seth, "I'm sorry" I know you love her like a daughter," I'm just scared. I don't want her to hate me," he walked over to hug him, "She won't hate you, she might be a little confused, but she won't hate you, Michael looked down, I should had never agree to take her with me, but she kept asking me to go, so I finally gave in and said yes, I  should had said no it was to dangerous he fell to his knees crying, "I'm sorry" I'm sorry" Heather I'm so very sorry, I love you please be ok. Please be ok, Seth stood him up, "Listen Michael, this is the time to be strong, this is the time to talk to her, let her know you are here for her, that you love her, this is going to be hard on her at first, but you must keep her sane, so she won't go rogue. He nodded, I won't be going on patrol until she wakes up Seth, "it could be months before she does," then I'll be right here. Would you have left Skyler, Seth knew he was right, "No I wouldn't have left her," okay then I'm not going to leave her. Suddenly Hannah Penny and a few other pack members came running in the room. They walked over to her, Heather sweetie, I'm here, we are all here, your my sister, "I'm not leaving you," tears started forming in everyone's eyes, no one left until Seth growled, Hannah you have school tomorrow so does the rest of you, go rest. When you get home. You can come see her, Micheal will not be leaving her side, so she will be alright, he won't let nothing happen to her, they all nodded, kissing her checks in the forehead, everyone told her, they will be back after school, when everyone left, and Seth was standing there, he bent down whispering in Heather's ear, I'll be back tomorrow, your going to be just fine, don't be scared, we will all help you, he hugged Micheal and then left, noone was left in the room but them, he broke down crying, "I'm sorry Heather," I'm so sorry, I didn't see that other rogue, no one did, you are my life baby, please come back to me, please wake up please be ok, I'll never forgive my self, I can't loose you right when I found you," as Heather slept, she was in darkness she wondered what was happening to her, she remembered Michael and the other guards killing what they call rogue's and then I slide on wet ground and something was throwing me around and all I felt was pain, and now darkness. I couldn't find my way out of the darkness, I was screaming for Michael, were was he, I can't find him, then suddenly she saw a light. She started to run to it, as it got brighter. She stepped through it, she was in a green meadow, she walked around screaming for Michael, but she still couldn't find him, she saw a woman sitting in a lot near a river, she ran to the woman to beg her to tell her where she is, she was scared and felt so lost, when she reached the woman the woman turned smiling, she was beautiful, she was wearing a long white dress, long dark hair, she was just beautiful, when she begain to talk, her voice was so sweet and loving, "I see you finally made it here," relax don't be scared sweetie, everything is going to be ok, your body is going through changes, changes that needed to be done, "do you remember anything Heather, she nodded, yes I remember, I remember watching Micheal and the others kill what the call rogue's, I remember falling and then being tossed around, and very horrible pain, and then darkness, I hear voices telling me they will be back, I don't understand, where is everyone. Where is Michael, the woman only smiled, my name is Skyler, I'm one of many moon goddess, I was Seth's mate, but I died giving birth to Star, honey. Don't be scared, Micheal had to bite you to change you. You would had died if he didn't, so don't be mad at him once you wake up, this is already destroying him, he won't leave your side. She nodded, I "thought you looked so familiar," I see your pictures every where," in his office," he misses you so much, he wont even look at another, Skyler nodded, he will in time. But I can't let him see me right now, it will only give him hope. And I can't do that to him, suddenly Heather felt pain all around her body, she fell to the ground, "what is this pain coming from?" it feels like my bones are breaking," Skyler nodded, "your body is adjusting, your getting your wolf, the pain will go away in a few minutes, and then she will start talking to you," Heather kept kneeling as she grabbed her stomach. This was awful, she started to cry, crying for Micheal to help her, Skyler kneeled beside her, to try and comfort her, twenty minutes went by, then pain started to go away, she heard Michael's voice begging for her to be ok, Skyler stood up helping Heather up on her feet, congratulations sweetheart you are a werewolf your wolf will be talking to you soon, how old are you, I'm 17 my birthday is in five months, Skyler chuckled, sweetheart, you been in a coma for four months now, time passes when you are here, it's time for you to get back, listen for your wolf, and when your birthday is here you will have your first shift, it's going to be painful, but everyone will help you, do me one favor, tell my daughter Star I love her, Heather nodded, I will I promise now get back because your birthday is just around the corner. She hugged Skyler, will I see you again. "only in your dreams, my sweetheart, she nodded running back into the light, she heard beeping loud beeping, the machines started to go crazy, Michael looked up from his sleep, he was looking around. He mindlinked everyone, Heather baby. If your awake squeeze my hand baby please squeeze my hand, it took a few minutes as Heather squeezed his hand, he screamed for the doctor to come into the room, he came rushing into the room, Heather please open your eyes please be ok, Heather started to blink her eyes once twice three times. She tried to open them but shut them because of the bright lights, someone shut the f*****g blinds. She heard someone rush to shut them in dim the lights, "alright baby you can open those beautiful eyes of yours" she blinked a few times, opening her eyes looking around she blinked a few more times, then she looked at Micheal, "you look terrible," everyone started laughing, baby you been in a coma for five in a half months. I haven't left your side, tears started to form in his eyes, I thought you would never wake up, she softly smiled, well someone told me I needed to get back, so I ran back,, Stars eyes lit up, you must had met one of the moon goddess, she nodded, she was beautiful, just then she heard a voice in her mind, hello beautiful, it's nice to finally meet you, my name is Honey, Heather eyes went wide. "What was that?" They all looked at each other. "what was what?," Someone  name Honey just talked to me. You didn't hear it?" They all shook there heads no, "of course they wouldn't hear me," I'm your wolf not there's," her mouth dropped open, she said she's my wolf, am I going crazy or is this for real, Star smiled.sweetie that's your wolf talking to you, it must be close to your birthday, yes it's in a few weeks, the moon goddess said I been there for five months, she said time passes when someone is there, they all nodded, we brought you some clothes, but the doctor, wants to keep you for a hour to make sure your ok, she nodded, "trust me sweet cheeks with us together, you will be ok," Heather started laughing, she just called me sweet cheeks they shook there heads. All our wolfs and bears drive us crazy some times you just have to bear with it, suddenly Heather smelled a strong scent, leather and a hint of blue berry, she wanted to get up to look for the scent her wolf started screaming mate mate mate, then there he was, it was Micheal she was smelling, "oh my goddess you smell so good, my wolf is screaming mate, so this is how it feels like when you meet the one you are one with, you are truly right. There is no other but you, I love you Micheal, his eyes lit up, she finally realized, how it truly is to be one together, he smiled wide at her. An hour later the doctor told her she could go home, but be careful, she got out of bed almost falling down. Her legs were wobbly, Star and Hannah and Penny helped her up, and helped her get dress, when they came out of the bathroom, Micheal helped her walk, when she got her strength back in her legs. She walked with out help, it felt good walking with out help, She felt different, her eye site was so much better. And she felt stronger, she loved how she felt, they finally made it to the pack house and up to the room, she felt so tired, Honey kept in talking away, about the many things the could do, and then suddenly she got cut off, a rougher voice came through to her, my name is Sarah, I'm your bear, suddenly she shouted "What The f**k!!" Micheal stood up on guard growling what's wrong what's wrong, "calm down sorry I'm a little surprised, not only I have a wolf, I have a bear as well, what the hell man, Micheal shook his head, honey I'm half bear half werewolf I guess when you drank some of my blood, it made you have her as well, what is her name. "she's calling herself Sarah, he nodded, double trouble, he smirked kissing her softly, as the night went on, she felt so tired, she laid down trying to stay awake but she was just to tired, she fell right to sleep, Micheal covered her up, he thought to himself, sleep well baby, we will be training tomorrow to get you stronger for your frist shift, he laid beside her cuddling her, she moved close to him, as her back was to his chest, he finally fell into a deep sleep, Hi guys what do you think so far. Heather is trying to tell you her story. I hope you like it so far. Please comment thank you so much
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