Chapter four finally letting go

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As he stood there looking at the woman now dead on the bed, he kneeled down on the floor, he finally let the tears flow, my dearest dearest love, you go now and rest, I'll be fine. You are right you will be forever in my heart, but it's time to let go, I don't want to. Goddess knows I don't want to, but I need to, he started to cry like there was no tomorrow, Star hugged her father, it's ok daddy, she's ok, I finally got to hug her. To actually say goodbye, they both sighed, we will give her a burial now, there is no need for the others to know about this, they picked her up taking her out side on top of logs, Seth spoke softly, rest well my love,  Star spoke rest my mother, and now we know we are ok, they took the torches lighting the logs on fire, burning the body to a crisp, the ashes flew around them touching their faces then flew into the sky, "Did you feel that daddy,?" That was momma telling us she loves us, "I felt her.". Yes sweetheart. I felt her to, they both watched the ashes until they were all gone, come on daddy you need to start being a Alpha to this pack again, "And shape it up," he chuckled your right, let's go back inside in get some rest, it's late, they walked arm in arm into the house he went into his room, she went into hers, she collapsed in Kevin's arms and cried telling him everything that just happened, he held her tightly letting her cry  Skyler POV Well I did it, I finally said goodbye to my family, but she turned to the moon goddess, where was my son, just as she said that he appeared, hi mama, she looked stunned. My son what happen baby, "it's ok mom really it is, me and my wife was heading to dad's when rogues attacked us and killed us, I wanted to tell you I'm ok, she nodded hugging her son, where is your wife, "she's waiting mom, you stay here be the goddess I know you can be, she nodded I love you son, "I love you to mom."  Then he was gone, she turned looking for Kris, "where is he?" the moon goddess smiled, "he is on a mission, but will be back soon," you my dear, will be becoming a moon goddess, and when you are ready. You will be looking after Seth's pack, but not all the time, you will have others to look after as well, but first. She snapped her fingers, Sky was suddenly in a long white gown, your training starts now dear. Come with me.  As soon as Star stopped crying, Kevin looked into her eyes, "it's ok baby," I'm glad you finally got to say goodbye to her, you got to hug her, I'm very happy for you, but sad as well that she is gone,  nodding, just hold me ok it's comforting, he held her tightly, inhaling her scent, she did the same, she looked up,want to watch some TV I can't sleep right now, sure come on let's sit up, he turned on the TV they started watching the next forty eight hours, a few minutes later Kevin heard light snores coming from Star, sighing, my poor girl been through so much today, "sleep baby,I'll wake you in the morning," kissing her on the cheek then her forehead, he laid beside her. Watching TV until he fell asleep, the next morning, there was a light knock on the door, Star set up in bed cleaning her eyes, liking over at kevin, he was still sleeping it was a late night last night, with everything that happened,  "Come in please" Hannah open the door, "Mrs Star are we training today?,"she looked at the time, oh s**t it was eight am, she should had been up hours ago, but she just couldn't pull herself out of bed, but she forced herself, I'll be down in twenty minutes, I overslept sorry, she hurried to get dress sliding on her boots putting her hair in a ponytail, then ran down stairs, out to the training ground, "Sorry everyone"I overslept, let's do fifthteen laps to get us started, we need to get these legs muscles going, they started running, after the tenth lap Howard one of the wolves fell over, "Howard I give you ten seconds to get up and start running, before your kicked out of the warriors, and you will be cleaning our bathrooms for now on, one....two......three....four....five...six... He jumped up and started running once more, after the laps everyone fell to the ground. Catching their breath, alright people forty pushups now, one...two... Three... After the pushups, they stood up, alright these where just warm ups everyday our laps get longer, our pushups and situps get longer. In two weeks if you can run a fifty lap run, then you will run until you can, I will no longer baby you, other warriors will be here next week to help train, now Hannah banana, step up to me, you other girl what is your name ,she looked shocked hmm.hmm. " you don't know your name ok how about I call you girl until you remember your name, "step up here now," this is not the time to be scared, or nervous, this is a time for you to step up your game. Now I want you to to battle,  Stand your ground, when I say go go, "are you ready," yes we are ready, "Go attack" she watched them fight, Hannah had her by the head of her hair, punching the girl in her face, throwing her down, before she could kick her, the girl stood up spitting blood out of her mouth, she pretended she was going to punch but slid her foot under Hannah legs making her fall back, the girl got on top punching her face breaking Hannah nose, then kneed her in her ribs Star saw enough, she pulled the girl off Hannah, "alright girl," "Do you remember your name now?" She nodded "My name is Penny," alright Penny get back in line, Hannah stand up and fix your nose, get back in line," now you did good both of you did, but you need to get stronger. You will train together before you shift to fight.  Now you Howard come forward, he stood before her. She turned looking at the werebear, Josh come forward, get in your fighting stance, when I say go you go, one...two...three.. go attack, Howard started to attack Josh first, he elbowed in the nose then kicking his knee, josh went down, for only a second, then stood up, jerking Howard back, he turned punching the back of his head then bending him kneeing his back making him fall to his knees, Howard turned punching him behind the leg  getting up to twist his head, Star looked on and saw what was going on, she yelled stop right now, she pushed Howard to the side, "You do not kill other pack members, If you try that move gain, you will be kicked out and you will be cooking like a b***h for us for now on" DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!! Getting in his face, daring him to do something, He submitted showing his neck to her. "I'm sorry I got carried away," Josh nodded it's cool man, Now I want you to she points at the other two males Kyle and Mark, get out here and battle, they both looked scared, but did what was told for them to do, , they attacked each other, punching kicking elbowing it was all over the place. Okay stop, both of you will be training together. But you have to get it together. That was to much, I'll need to teach you how to fight tomorrow,, but first we'll do 10 laps before we stop training today, "Now go they all started to run, after the tenth lap, they were wore out, got shower and relax, tomorrow will be just as hard, as they walked away, she heard one of them say, "Dude you lied, she's no push over. She'll kick your ass," shaking her head she walked into the house to shower, when she was done she put a towel around her  When she walked out. She stopped right in her tracks, Kevin was standing there leaning against the wall, his wolf was in control, she wasn't ready, they were only dating for a week now, it's to early, she backup up toward the dresser as he moved closer, he pressed against her inhaling her scent, he licked the side of her neck where he will mark her, she whispered "kevin I'm not ready for this," "it's to early," "it's only been a week," he kissed her neck, then he suddenly stopped he moved away, I'm .. sorry kurt took control, it won't happen again, he left the room so she could get dressed, when he came back she walked over and hugged him. It's ok, my wolf and bear, were fighting to come out, but it's fine I'm wore out these kids need a lot of training, "Well tomorrow if you want I'll come and help, nodding I would like that, were up at six am better get your sleep, he chuckled alright then sleeping it is
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