Chapter 12 finding out the truth

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Sitting at the computer she turned it on, it was a little weird out tonight she kept hearing howls and growls all !ones of weird noises tonight, she decided to look on youtube to play some music while she looked up stuff for her home work, she liked up werewolves again, so much to read then she thought for a moment, shutting off the computer she took a long hot shower, she didn't think Michael would come by after work, so she laid in bed after she got dressed, and cut on the tv, her homework can wait, it's the weekend, so she decided to watch some TV,she found Amecain werewolf in London, so many scary movies on tonight.The craft, freddy v/s jason, she decided to watch The Adams family, she was sitting back watching the movie, she heard a knock on the door making her jump, she hurried to the door to answer it, when she opened the door, Michael was standing there with a red rose in his hand, he was showered and smelled nice, "Sorry it took me to long, we had a slight problem but we handled it, she looked a little confused but shook it off, she moved to the side to let him inside, I'm just watching The Adams Family," "did you eat yet?"he nodded yes, smiling she walked over to her bed, it was something about him that made her feel safe, you can lay over here if you want, we can finish watching the movie, then you can pick one if you want, he nodded and went to the left side of the bed and set down, he laid back on the pillow, he could smell her scent, he tried so hard not to grab her and hold her marking her right there then mating with her. But he told his wolf to calm his self, in time she will know what we are, she laid back and started to watch tv, a few minutes later she heard low snores coming from Michael, she softly giggled, it must had been a long shift for him, she let him sleep on his side, she finished watching the movie, then turned the TV off, she covered him with a blanket then covered herself up, falling a sleep, that night she dreamed a weird dream, a lady in white came to her, calling herself Skyler, she was beautiful, she told her, to take care of the pack Seth was her mate, "wait what" a mate what's a mate, she was so confused, but the woman kept on, look up vampires you will need all the information she can handle, some are evil some are not, as the dreame faded, the sun started to come up, she turned to see if Michael was still sleeping, but he was gone, he left a letter "Sorry didn't want to wake you up" Wanted to let you sleep," I'll be back later, we can make it another date night movie night, my pick this time, see you soon Michael, She thought the note was cute, she stretched her legs and arms and got out of bed, took a shower and got dress, she decided she was going to take a walk, all she does is stay in her room, she got in her shoes and went out side. It was a little weird with everyone turned looking at her, then went back to doing what they were doing, some was watching tv others were on there phones or talking, she made it out side just as a small girl with red hair and green eyes walked up to her, "hi my name is jolene, I hear your new here, it's really nice to finally meet you," Hannah and Penny told me all about you, she looked a little confused as she started to walk around, Jolene stepped beside her to walk with her, I go to school to, "maybe I can ride with y'all so we can all go together" Heather smiled at her. She seen the girl around, she just didn't know she lived her, this is just all so new to her, she got to the woods, just as Hannah walked up to her, "Hey Jolene, y'all going for walk?" I'll go with you, Penny yelled hey you going with out me, they all turned laughing, well come and let's go. They mind link each other, we need to get her to stick to the trails. So she will be safe, she's getting curious now, we can't just force her to stay in her room, nodding in agreement, they had her stay on a trail, Hannah kept talking, we have lots of animals that rome around here, I'm sure you will see them from time to time, some Scarey but they won't hurt you, there more scared of you, then we scared of them nodding, "wolves and bears, at night is that normal around here?" they all looked at each other. Yeah it's normal, but they never come close, I see, well I guess that's good, just then a man with eyes red as fire came walking toward us, but his eyes changed when he saw Heather, they were gold and silver. When he reached them Heather blinked a few times. She was thinking, that's just weird, I could had sworn his eyes were red, she will ask when he leaves, he talked to the girls for awhile. He said he had to go and see Hope, they nodded and watched him leave, after a few minutes, Heather cleared her throat, they turned looking at her, she took a deep breath, I could had sworn his eyes were red, when I saw him, but when he got close they were silver and gold, I must be seeing things, Hannah coughed softly, "the woods will make you see things sometimes, that was Justin, that's Hope's husband, nodding she started walking again, stepped faster, she wanted to get back to her room to look up some information, Hannah cought up to her, "Why are you walking so fast?" She suddenly stopped, Hannah bumped into her, she sighed, listen, I know something is going on, and noone will tell me, I hear wolves howling loud at night, bears growing, and that man had fire red eyes, and don't tell me the woods can play tricks on the eyes, I want to know what's going on, I've been lied to by my mother for years, so please don't lie to me, Penny, Hannah and Jolene looked at each other. "Well we might as well tell her," were werewolves, we guard our pack at night from rogues, Heather looked at all three girls, then she started laughing shaking her head, of all things they were were wolves, she rolled her eyes, alright you say so, but hey thanks for the laugh, she walked down the path back to the house. The girls was keeping up with her, when they got to the edge of the woods, she turned, I know all of you are trying to help me, but can you stop following me so, it's a little creepy, "Heather we are just trying to help you, "Help me"... "Help me" ....your trying to help me, then help my by being honest with me instead of telling me jokes, or lying to me, "Werewolves please, she rolled her eyes, walking in the house up to her room, she set on the couch for a few minutes, then sighed, she was determined to find out the truth, she walked over to the computer turning it in as she set down, 
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