
2050 Words
“So, how was it?” The three widen their eyes as they examined the illustrations. Their mouth was slightly hanging, especially Belle due to astonishment. Their former boss mentioned that Aizen was once a manga artist but he didn’t mention that her daughter was actually a pretty good one, marvelous to be exact. Aizen’s sample illustrations possessed something that is indecipherable which makes it different from Vince’s previous illustrations. It's not because of how the characters look like but how it felt like when you stared at the illustrations.  Aizen drew it like how Belle wants it to be. Even though she never mentioned her thoughts or give her opinions on the manga it surprisingly satisfied her.  Aizen surpassed their expectations, hitting perfections and the only thing the three can do is to mumble “Woah” repeatedly while admiring the works. “I hate to hurt my ego but this is marvelous Ms. Woods. You drew it pretty well.” Aizen smiled at him, a smile that shows how much she was proud of her work. “Thank you, Mr. Dudley. But if you’re the only one who appreciated my illustrations then it doesn’t have any sense.” Vince nods and looks back at the two. “I find it very good too Ms. Woods, I thought Vince’s illustrations are already perfect but seeing this, wow, Vince’s illustrations is far from being perfect.” Vince slightly groaned at Ynah’s statement but Aizen didn’t pay attention at that. Her attention was focus on a certain person who still has her eyes on the illustrations. She’s intently staring at the illustrations, shock, amusement, and something else is visible on her face. Aizen didn’t know if that’s actually a good thing or not. Belle startled when Ynah slightly nudged her on her ribs. Aizen pretended that she didn’t see that and averted her eyes, looking at the stack of papers on her table but her ears are all on Belle.  Aizen heard Ynah asked Belle about her thoughts on the illustrations in a low voice. Aizen pretended that she’s not looking forward to what Belle was going to say even if the truth was she’s dying to hear her opinions. She raised her head and met Belle’s nervous eyes. Aizen saw her nervously gulp and she found it as the cutest thing. “I-I like it b-better.” Aizen couldn’t hide the happiness she felt when she heard what just Belle said as she gave the three the sweetest smile she can give. Vince and Ynah are shocked, seeing their arrogant boss gave them the sweetest smile, while Belle slightly expected that already. The reason why Aizen was happy is not only because her illustrations were approved by them and now she will work with Belle but also because of the dinner date they agreed to do when Belle likes her illustrations. She didn’t even notice that her excitement was now visible on her eyes as they glistened and high light the color of her eyes. Vince and Ynah don’t have any courage to bring the sudden change of their boss’s mood to the conversation. Only Belle can do that but don’t have any intention to bring that up. “I’m happy to hear that. Then that concludes this meeting, I hope to see you Ms. Lindsey and Ms. Cameron on Monday at exactly 9 am here at my office. And you, Mr. Dudley, please see Ms. Lyka before this day end.” The three just mumbled their thanks and goodbyes to their boss then exited the office. During lunch, Belle barely eats anything. She’s just staring into an empty space, trying to figure out something but failed to form at least one possible answer. After a few attempts of calling Belle’s name, slightly tapping her shoulder in an attempt to get her attention, Alexa decided to just give up and let her best friend spaced out. She knows that even if she successfully get her attention, there’s no way her best friend would tell the reason why she was acting like that again. Truthfully, Alexa hated the fact that her best friend is not telling her everything that’s happening or going on her mind but since she’s starving now, she decided to let her get away from the interrogations for now. Food is more important than gossips.  It’s already 6:05 pm, time for Belle and Alexa to went home but Belle is still won’t budge. She’s not staring at an empty space anymore but at the illustrations Aizen made. She’s been like that for almost 3 hours, just alternating the pages that she’s looking at. Alexa couldn’t take it anymore. She slammed her hand on her best friend’s table startling the girl. Belle glared at her, didn’t like what her best friend just did. “Wow, now you’re glaring at me. Seriously girl, what’s gotten into you? Since lunch, you look like you’re out of this world and after that, you’ve been staring at these illustrations for almost 3 hours already. I don’t get it. Better explain yourself.” Alexa took the Illustrations on Belle’s hands and inspected it like what Belle just did a couple of minutes ago while waiting for her best friend to open her mouth to speak. Alexa tried to find something odd to the illustrations but failed to find any.  Belle doesn’t know how she will explain what’s happening to her. She doesn’t know how will she make her best friend understand her thoughts without misunderstanding everything. She just wants to say that she finds it weird how Aizen drew it like how she wants without her giving hints or opinions. She finds it weird that Aizen can draw it but Vince cannot. She finds it weird. She finds herself weird. Even if Belle tried to open her mouth to speak, no words came out causing Alexa to look back at her in disbelief. “What’s with these? I didn’t find anything odd here.” “B-because there’s really nothing odd there. L-let’s just go home.” Belle snatched the illustrations back to her and turn her back on her best friend, fixing her things and shoving them all into her bag. Alexa just shrugged her shoulders and wait for her best friend to finish readying herself while scrolling down on social media, trying to find something interesting. It took almost 10 minutes for Belle to finish because she’s been fighting off the thought of bringing the illustrations to their apartment. In the end, she decided to just leave the illustrations to her table, after all, what will she do with it if she brings it home? “Finally! Now, let’s go.” Alexa said when Belle faced her. She hooked her arm on her best friend’s arm and walked towards the elevator. As soon as they heard the sound *ding*, signaling that there’s an available elevator, they set their feet inside, pushed the button to close the elevator but a hand stopped it from closing. That may be hurt a little bit. Belle thought and waited for the elevator to open again and let someone accompany them. Belle and Alexa widen their eyes as they get a glimpse of their boss. Aizen stood just between the elevator’s door so it won’t close. “Where do you think are you going?” Belle froze as she heard her boss directed a question to her. She found the question weird. She doesn’t have any idea why her boss was asking her that question. “Ahm. Going home.” Belle mumbled in a low, nervous, and awkward voice and received a smirk from her boss. “Home? Are you trying to ditch me?” Aizen asked in an amused voice. She doesn’t really know how to be pissed at Belle. She always found her amusing. “W-what are you talking about?” Belle doesn’t have the slightest idea about her boss's question. She doesn’t understand a thing and it’s creeping her out. “The dinner date. Don’t you remember? We agreed that if you like my illustrations you’ll go on a dinner date with me, right?” Hearing that, Belle felt like all of her blood left her body. Her knees trembled and felt a shiver run down her spine. She’s nervous about the dinner date. Worried that her boss will get mad at her for forgetting about it and almost like ditching it unintentionally. Afraid that her best friend will misunderstand everything again which is what is happening right now.  She wants to defend herself. Say that she just forget about that dinner date. She wants to say that her mind was just too occupied by those illustrations that she forgets about their deal. She badly wants to but she doesn’t know what’s the right thing to say. “N-no, i-it’s not like that. I-it just slipped my mind because my mind was occupied with something. I-I’m not trying to ditch it. S-sorry if I forget about it.” Aizen nods, buying the excuse. For her, it doesn’t matter if Belle forgets it. What matters is, the dinner date tonight will go as planned. “Is that so? Then shall we proceed with the plan?” Aizen asked with a big smile plastered on her face. Belle gulped, trying to get rid of the nervousness that was trying to kill her calm nerves. Belle just nods because she somewhat loses the capability to speak. She looks back at her friend and saw the creepiest smile she has ever seen in her whole 26 years of existence. “Then I’ll head home first. Enjoy your date Belle and Ms. Woods.” Alexa pushed her friend towards the outside of the elevator and pushed down the button to close it while waving and still giving Belle the creepiest smile. This time, no one tried to stop the elevator. “Can you give me a minute? I’ll just get my things in my office then we’ll go.” Belle still just nods and watch Aizen retreating form. Once her boss was out of her sight, she leaned her back on the cold wall and sigh in exhaustion. Now, what? On the way to the restaurant, Belle was awfully quiet. She’s trying to come up with excuses for her best friend’s interrogation later but can’t seem to formulate at least one. Aizen noticed her quietness and guilt started hitting her. “You’re awfully quiet. I don’t mind canceling this if you really don’t want to eat dinner with me.” Aizen suggested but in reality, she’s praying for Belle not to cancel it. She badly wants this to happen. “Ah no. It’s not like I don’t want this to happen. I’m just ah- nervous? I think?” Belle mumbled in a not so sure tone which caused Aizen to stifle a laugh. “Why would you be nervous?” “I don’t know neither.” Belle answered shyly and slightly lowered her head in embarrassment. “Stop worrying. We’ll just eat and talk then I’ll take you home.” Belle just smiled at her and shut her mouth again, but this time, she’s starting to be at ease. Realizing that there’s no need for her to worry because again, this is just a friendly dinner date. “Ahm. Aizen you’re a manga artist too when you’re in Japan right?” Belle asked as they finished ordering and the waiter leaves them alone again. “Yes. But I’m also the one writing the flow of manga, more like an artist and a writer.” Belle gasped in awe and Aizen found it again, the cutest thing. “But I decided to stop 5 or 6 years ago I think, after the release of the last volume of my last manga.” “Ahm. Why though?” Aizen was shocked hearing Belle ask a question about herself but felt her heart flutter a little bit because of the thought that the girl was interested in her life. “I-It’s okay if you don’t want to answer.” Belle nervously said and clasped her hands under the table. “No Belle. It’s okay. I’m just shocked to find you interested in my life. And to answer your question, hmm. Let’s see.” Aizen tilted her head and held her chin trying to think of a valid reason why she suddenly stops but can’t think of any. “Hmm. I just don’t want to write anymore. I’m kind of tired and lose the love for the job and maybe I lacked inspiration too.” “But what about the manga I wrote? Why did you suddenly volunteer to be the artist of it?” Belle asked, not fully aware that her awkwardness around her boss vanished. Aizen smiled, it was a sweet smile. The smile that she used to give Belle when she's amused by her or she’s just happy because of Belle. “Hmm. Let’s just say, that I finally found someone to be my inspiration to write or illustrate again.”
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