Gruesome Zombie

2081 Words
“Please stop teasing me Aizen! Just get-” Quincy’s lips formed into an ‘o’ and her eyes rolled in pleasure. “Oh. My. God.” Quincy mumbled between hot breaths and moans.  “How was that Quincy?” “Y-You’re good. Oh, God. You’re really good at this Aizen.” Quincy tighten her grip on Aizen’s arm and pulled the girl to kiss her hungrily. “Aizen. Aah. You’ll be the death of me.” Quincy said when their lips parted. “Faster Aizen. Aah. Make it faster. I’m getting near.” A loud bang brought Belle into reality. She almost fell out in the chair in shock so she glared at her friend who slaps her hand on the dining table. “D-don’t startle me like that!” Alexa laughed out loud and look at her friend. “What the hell is wrong with you? Since you come back here 40 minutes ago, you’ve been like that. Spacing out and you know what’s odd? It’s actually your 4th can of beer for tonight but I look like more drunk than you.” Belle avoided her friend’s eyes and look down at the can she’s holding. It was really her 4th can for tonight but she doesn’t know why but up until now she’s not even tipsy. Is this really beer or just water? “I’m just- I’m just tired f-from all the running I made when I come back to the office and up to here.” “Oh? Then that means you should be knocked out now since the 1st can you drank. If you drink alcoholic drinks when you’re tired, you easily get drunk. If you’re really ‘just tired’, how come you’re now on your fourth can?” Alexa blurted out and even air quoted the words ‘just tired’. Belle sighed in defeat but there is no way she will tell what she witnessed tonight on her friend.  It’s not good talking about someone behind their backs. And also, the topic was something not hmm- I don’t know. “You’re overacting Alexa. My tolerance for drinking beers just gets stronger.” “No Belle. I know there’s something up with you. Why can’t you say it to me? Don’t you trust me? I’m your best friend! We’ve been friends for 9 years already asdfghkjklmnb#%&*” Belle just rolled her eyes in her friend and didn’t even try to understand what she’s saying. Belle drinks the remaining contents of her beer then stood up to go to her room. “Hey, where are you going?” “I’ll go to bed now. Remember to clean the kitchen before you go to bed.” Belle heard Alexa shouted ‘no way’ but she just ignored her friend and enter her room, making sure the door was locked. It’s 11:00 pm when Belle lay down on her bed but it’s already 2:47 am and she’s still wide awake. She’s exhausted and wants to sleep now but she just can’t. When she’s closing her eyes, she can see the scene she witnessed and even can hear their voices. Gosh, let me sleep. Belle grumbled and pulled the comforter to cover her up to her head then rolled from left to right to left to right on the bed.  -- “Oh my God Belle. What happens to you? You look horrible.” Ynah shockingly asked and held Belle’s face. Oh yeah. I’m more like a zombie now because of dark circles under my eyes and it’s all Ms. Woods and the Team Leader’s fault! No- It’s all my fault, if I didn’t leave my purse that day then I won't need to go back to the office and I wouldn’t witness it! Jeez. “I barely sleep for 3 days. I think I’m going to die now.” Belle yawned and stared at Ynah with barely opened eyes. “Why thou? Is it because you kept thinking and devising a new concept for the new manga? You are pushing yourself too hard. Don't you know that having less than 3 hours of sleep is enough for us to die? Think of your health first.”  Belle just nods her head while still have her eyes closed. Even though Belle wants to insist that that's not the reason why she barely sleeps for 3 days, she thinks that it was better for people to assume that that's the reason because there's no way she can tell the real reason to them.  “Belle I think-” Ynah didn’t get a chance to finish what she’s saying when their boss suddenly appears behind Belle. “Ynah let’s go back to work now.” Belle said in a sleepy voice and yawned. She opened her eyes to look at Ynah but found her missing and instead find her boss staring at her, more like inspecting her face.  The images of that night appeared again on her mind and she suddenly heard the hot moans again on her ears. She blushed in embarrassment and turn her back on Aizen. The hell is she doing here and where the f**k is Ynah? I’m going to f*****g kill that girl later. She didn’t even inform me that she’ll go back to her cubicle already. And now what? I was left alone with Ms. Woods. Jeez. Everything I witnessed that night was loud and clear on my mind and it's killing my innocence.   “M-Ms. Woods, d-do you need anything from me?” Belle opened the office’s fridge, pretending that she will take something from there.  “I think it would be better if you go home now to sleep Ms. Cameron.” Aizen said and closed the fridge, startling Belle. Belle kept her back on Aizen. She can’t face Aizen or Quincy now without remembering that night and blushing madly. “I-I can’t do that Ms. Woods.” “Why thou Ms. Cameron? I’m your boss. Shouldn’t you do what I asked you to do?” “Y-yes but still.” Aizen pulled Ms. Woods on her arm to force her to face her. “No more buts Ms. Cameron. It’s an order. Go home now. Take a rest and sleep.” Aizen said while looking directly at Belle’s eyes. Belle look down, can't take the intensity of Aizen's eyes anymore and decided to just go with the idea. “Y-yes Ms. Woods.” “Good. Take a long and beautiful sleep.” Aizen takes a step closer to Belle. She held Belle’s chin, lifting it to have their orbs meet again. She lowers her head, just the same level as Belle, and smiled at her. Their faces are only a few inches away from each other. Wow her eyelashes were pretty long.  The hell I'm thinking about in this situation? “Even though you look horrible now, I still find you beautiful, Belle.” Aizen said then smiled at her cockily for the last time before she left her alone. Belle heard something exploded, her head. It exploded due to her lavishly blushing just like in manga or anime. -- Belle sighed, feeling exhausted even though it’s only 10:03 am and she didn’t even do something in the office. She’s walking very lazily back to their apartment. Sunlight was pretty harsh already at this hour and she didn't even have an umbrella she can use as a shield.  I doubt if I will be able to sleep once I get back. That scene, I witnessed is still engraved in my mind. It just keeps replaying and replaying. And also, “Even though you look horrible now, I still find you beautiful, Belle.” Belle turned into a tomato again when she remembered what her boss tells her earlier before she left the office. Why that girl kept hitting on me. She's always trying to make me blush. Always making her face closer to mine. Jeez. Don't tell me she has hots for me? “Belle!” Belle sleepily looks in the direction of the girl who called her name. The girl jogs onto her way, pulling slightly the girl she’s with. “Via!” Belle called in an excited voice, her face lit up seeing her best friend again.  Via is a best friend of hers when she was still in College. They rarely see each other after they graduated because of the tight schedule of their respective jobs. But they always tried to keep in touch by making calls.  Belle and Via enveloped each other in a tight hug. Missing each other’s presence more than all. “Oh my God. I can’t believe I’m seeing you right now. How are you doing Belle? Every time we’re seeing each other you’re becoming prettier than the last time.” “Come on Via. Stop with the lies. Look at my state right now, I look like nothing but a zombie.” Via laughed out loud at what Belle just said. “Just a couple of sleep and rests will instantly wipe those dark circles then you'll become prettier again.  Also, even though you have that dark circles under your eyes you still look beautiful.” “Stop with that already. How are you? How come you’re here?” “Right.” Via reached for the hand of a Blondie she’s with to introduce her to Belle. “Belle, I would like you to meet Maui, my girlfriend. Maui, she’s Belle. A best friend of mine when we’re still in College.” Belle was shocked not because she’s a homophobic one but because she never expected or never knew that her best friend was into girls. Maui stretched her hand for Belle to shake and mumbled a low “Nice to meet you, Belle.” “Nice to meet you too Maui.” Belle mumbled back on Maui and shook her hand then back her eyes on her best friend. “Oh wow. For how long are you two into a relationship?” “7 years already. We’re actually living under the same roof now.” “Really? I’m happy for you, but excuse me for asking this but I’m really dying to know, how? I mean, I never knew you were into girls. When we’re in college you never pay attention to girls and even though some girls confessed their feelings to you, you never entertain them so I just kind of curious. I guess?” Via and Maui didn’t even look like offended and more like find Belle funny. So Belle was more than grateful to that. “Actually I never expected it too. But when I saw her for the first time at work, I can’t get her off my mind. She’s straight too so she never liked me, she never treats me more than friends or colleagues. So I tried my best for her to notice me even though I look desperate. It’s just that one day, I don’t how. It’s just that I fell, I madly fell in love with her.” Via said, looking back at Maui while saying the last sentence. Belle froze, she felt like cold water was thrown into her. She just kept standing and staring at the two, looking madly in love with each other even though it’s already 7 years when they started their relationship. “Belle?” Via waved her hand on Belle’s face trying to get her back into the real world. “Oh, s-sorry Via. I just spaced out.” “It’s o-” “Sorry Via, I need to go now. Nice meeting you Maui. Thank you for today and for giving me a new concept for my new manga. Bye. Bye. Take care and stay in love with each other.” Belle hugged the two before she left them alone, question marks were almost visible on their heads but they never had a chance to voice out their thoughts because Belle instantly vanishes before their eyes.  Oh my God, I’m so excited to get home and start writing. -- Belle still didn’t sleep last night not because of that scene she witnessed nor because of what Aizen said to her. It’s because she’s so eager to write everything on her mind, the new concept for her new manga. She’s afraid that once she closed her eyes to sleep when she wakes up she doesn’t know what to write anymore. So she stayed wide awake since she came home yesterday after talking with her best friend up until this morning and when she came to work, “Lyka. Good morning is Ms. Woods in the office?” Lyka almost screamed when she sees Belle's current state. She looks more horrible yesterday. Her eyes were a bit red and she has more dark circles under her eyes. Now she looks like she’s not like a zombie but a gruesome zombie. “M-Ms. Cameron, y-you look horrible than yesterday. Didn’t Ms. Woods asked you to get home and sleep yesterday?” “Yes. But I can’t sleep until I finished the draft of the 1st volume for my new manga and I just finished it this morning. It feels like my mind will explode at any moment if I didn’t type everything last night.” “But still Ms. Cameron.” “Drop that Lyka. Just answer my question. Is Ms. Woods in the office?” “Y-yes but-” Belle didn’t even let Lyka finished her statement and even if Lyka called her name again she didn’t even look back. She’s dying to present the draft now. She can’t wait any longer so she opens the door, forgetting to knock first and welcomes herself then everything turns into black. 
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