Chapter 4

2746 Words
Violet POV         “I’m not good for you Vi. I’m damaged goods” he says, my eyes go wide and I’m about to argue but he continues “Guys like me, we don’t get the girl you know? We’re the ones that show them a good time and are forgotten about. The one night stand guy, the fling. I’m not forever material” he says and my heart clenches at his words. I sit there and wait for him to finish and after a few minutes I clear my throat and he looks up “Firstly, I can decide for myself whether you are good enough for me. Secondly, stop selling yourself short Dean. You’re a kind man, a bit rough around the edges sure but you have an old soul” I say and to my surprise he chuckles gulping down his drink “Kind huh? Haven’t heard that one before. Asshole, stubborn, hothead and insane yes but not kind” he says running his hand through his hair. I wonder how it feels? No focus Violet. I take his hands in mine squeezing them tightly “Dean listen, we don’t have to figure anything out now okay? Let’s just have a good time tonight” I say smiling but he seems to tense up more “No, I need to tell you the truth first. If you don’t hate me after that then we can have fun” he says firmly. I nod, glance around the bar and spot an empty table a bit hidden in the back “Let’s sit there, it’s more private” I say getting to my feet. He follows me to the table and we sit down facing each other “Okay, so lay it on me” I say playfully. He shifts in his seat, clears his throat and locks eyes with me “First promise me you’ll listen to the end before you freak out” he says and I nod slowly “Fine” I say nodding and he takes a deep breath “So I told you about my job, not all of it, obviously. I do a special kind of work. It’s like detective work but totally different” he says sitting quietly waiting for my response “Okay” I say frowning a bit but I gesture for him to continue “The thing is Violet, I know you. I know you very well” he states but I shrug “Cool, so you looked me up on the web. No biggie” I say nonchalantly but he shakes his head “Well yes and no. The things I know is not on the web” he says and my face pales “What?!” I whisper yell at him slamming my hand on the table. He sits back raising both his hands in surrender “I can explain, I’m not a stalker or anything-“ I cut him off “Then you better do it quick” I hiss out “I really know you. Your favorite food, how long you lived in the house, your last pet’s name. I know all of it” he says calmly. I sit there stunned, not sure what to do and my question surprises me “How and more importantly why?” I ask my voice a bit louder than I wanted and I see him deflate “It’s part of my job. But I couldn’t help myself when it came to you, I was fascinated. I found out everything I could about you” he rambles and I sit back “Okay, getting weirder” I say not taking my eyes off him “You captured me. I couldn’t stop myself, then I saw you in the diner. You were even more beautiful than in any picture I saw of you” he says his voice now higher as his excitement seem to rise. I cross my arms over my chest scanning his face, looking for any sigh of dishonesty but there’s none. “Uhm thanks. But you know how this sounds right?” I ask and he nods but his eyes don’t leave mine “Yeah I know. It’s just I’ve never felt this way before. I want to tell you everything, which I never do by the way, and when I’m with you I am myself. My real self you know?” he says and I nod again slowly “So just to be clear, if I phone the police and they arrest you for stalking I will still be alive in three months when you get out?” I ask and he chuckles “If you tell me to go and leave you alone, never speak to you again I will, it’ll break my heart but I will” he says honestly. I sigh holding out my glass to him “I think we need a refill for the next part” I say smiling. He stands, leaves for the bar and I glance around the bar. A tall dark shadow catches my eye in the far corner near the restrooms. I sit up squinting a bit then it moves, a thick black mass blocking out the doorway. I gulp as I watch the figure move slowly in my direction I sit there staring at the tall black mass as it moves toward me, my heart is beating fast, small beads of sweat forms on my brow as it moves closer and closer, no one else seem to notice it. How the hell can’t they see that thing?! I yell in my head but I can’t move, I’m frozen in fear as the mass gets denser at it nears. My body trembles, my heart is racing my fight or flight instincts are going hay wire but my body is numb. Then just as the mass comes within a few feet from me Dean’s voice breaks the trance like state I’m in as he speaks up “Here you go” he says and I snap my gaze to him. I take a deep breath and glance back but it’s gone. Okay I’m officially going insane “Sorry what?” I say breathlessly making him sit up “Hey you okay?” he asks scanning my face. I nod glancing around the bar but the black mass is gone “Yup. So tell me why you did the research” I state taking a big gulp of the beer “Your parent’s murder” he states making me look at him “Yes, you said that before but what about it? It’s a ‘traditional’ case” I say taking another swig. He looks me dead in the eye when he answers “No Violet it’s not. No human being committed that atrocity” he says and my mouth falls open. With shaky hands I bring the beer to my lips gulping it down. He opens another one handing it to me, I smile gratefully gulping down the bitter drink. The police said they’ve never seen such a gruesome crime. The sheriff told Killian that the person who did this was so disturbed and twisted, he even hinted that there might have been more than one person involved because of the nature of the killings. I jump when his hand covers mine “Hey where did you go?” he asks his eyes caring again “Nowhere. I’ll get us another round” I say standing and walking away glancing around. I get the drinks and place it on the table, he whistles in response “Okay so we’re drinking now” he says and I nod taking the drink gulping down the scotch enjoying the way it burns down my throat “Might want to ease up there miss” he says but I take the next glass, look him straight in the eye and gulp it down with vigor “No more serious s**t. I need fun” I state but I can see his expression is mixed. He looks me up and down before the mischievous grin appears on his lips and I see the same fire ignite in his eyes he had when he kissed me. He gulps down the drinks gesturing to me that he’ll be back. I sit down my head now becoming foggy. I came here to have fun and to get out and away from the heartache. What he said creeps me out, but he’s a good man and drop dead gorgeous to boot. He comes back and place the two glasses in front of me “So what do you do for fun?” I ask sitting back, he smiles at me roguishly with a glint in his eye “Well it depends on what type of fun we’re talking about” he says with a sexy smirk on his face. I gulp down my drink leaning forward “I’m talking about fun in a friend kind of way Mr Colt” I say sternly making him chuckle. He nods toward the pool tables “In that case, you play?” he asks and I nod “I did, in high school” I say and he stands holding out his hand “Let’s bet on it” he says leading me to the empty table “What’s the wager?” I ask taking a cue stick off the rack “If you win I’ll tell you everything you want to know about me” he says and I nod “And if you win?” I ask chalking the tip “If I win, you have to go on a date with me” he says and I tilt my head to the side “You sure?” I ask and he nods stacking the balls “That’s what it is” he says placing the triangle back on the rack “Okay you’re on. Let’s go” I say but pause before I shoot looking at him “You do realize that this is basically a win for me both ways right?” I ask and he taps his chin with his index finger in thought “Hmm, what do you have in mind?” he asks and an evil grin spreads on my face “If I win, I get to solve my parent’s murder with you” I say but he shakes his head furiously “No Violet. Nope, no way it’s too dangerous” he says but I just lean down lining up my shot “Well then you’ll have to win” I say as I take my shot. Not a bad break but I lose the first round. As I reset the balls I catch him ogling me “Seems I have to step up my game” I say smiling. He smiles and breaks, sinking two balls. I sigh and line up my shot but he clears his throat “I wouldn’t do that if I were you” he says earning a glare form me “Don’t try and distract me Mr Colt” I say and line up again, he coughs and now I’m getting frustrated “What Dean?” I ask irritated but he just smiles and move standing behind me “If I may?” he says softly in my ear. I’m very aware of what he’s doing but I can’t fight him, he completely over rules my senses, especially my sense of restraint. He places one hand over mine and guides the cue to an easier shot. He presses my body down with his strong chest, his breath fanning my neck when he whispers “Not too hard love, go for corner pocket” he says and my body trembles. I can barely remember to breathe, screw pool. I turn my head toward his, our lips mere inches apart as I look into his eyes. mesmerizing. I glance at his lips and let the cue fall on the table turning in his arms. Our chests now flush, breath mixing as I look at him through my lashes “I give up” I say and he blinks “What? Why?” he says leaning toward me, pinning me between him and the pool table “Because I… I just can’t” I breathe out, he steps back but I grab his belt pulling him to me. He lowers his head softly biting my neck “Can’t what Vi?” he whispers planting soft kisses in my neck “I can’t keep doing this” I whisper into his hair. He pulls back looking at me as if I’ve grown another set of eyes “Doing what?” he asks stepping away “Let’s do the date now” I state stepping closer but he holds me in place, looking at me confused “Now? Why now?” he asks totally confused. I step closer and run my finger down his strong chest stopping at his belt buckle “Because I want to see you naked on top of me” I say and I see him swallow hard. His eyes flash with desire but he shakes his head “As much as I would love that, I think it’s time we go” he says handing me my handbag “Hhmm yes, my bed is big and soft. We could order champagne” I say in a dreamy voice as he guides me out the door. I stop dead in my tracks when I’m met with a classic muscle car standing on the curb. He walks over to the car and open the door for me. I smile climbing in looking around the car. It’s immaculate. When he closes the door I grab his collar pulling him in for a searing kiss “Take me here. Right now, in your car” I command making him smirk. He leans over me, so close I can see those awesome blue streaks in his eyes, but then he pulls back and I hear the seat belt click. I glance down realizing I’m securely strapped in before the car roars to life making me shiver “Oooohhh. Power!” I squeal making him smile. He revs the engine before we take off toward the lodge. The next thing I see is his handsome face as he gently lies me down on the plush bed. He kisses my forehead, switch off the light and turn to leave “Dean” I whisper making him turn back “Yes love” he says in a soft voice “Stay please” I ask but he sighs “Violet I-“ he starts but I cut him off “Please stay. I don’t want to be alone. I’m tired of being alone” I whisper. He sighs and sits down on the bed taking off his shoes and shirt before crawling under the covers, lying on his back “Good night love” he says and I turn around snuggling up to him. I lay my head on his shoulder and place my hand on his muscled chest “Good night” I say through a yawn before I fall into a deep sleep. Waking up I squint at the bright sunlight streaming in through the window, groaning I turn on my other side to a much better view. His back steadily rise and fall, smiling I snake my arm around his torso snuggling closer to him. He stirs slightly making that low groaning noise, which reverberates through me, interlacing our fingers
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