Chapter 16

1970 Words
Diana was a witch and she coveted power. Power over things, people, and possible reality itself. She craved power not for any good reasons, but simply to do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. She was tired of relying on other witches to cast powerful spells, having to decide as a group what to do and why. It was time to go out on her own, and there was only one way to get the power she needed. The kitchen was just big enough to embark on this journey for power. Diana had set to work weeks ago carving a circle into the floor of her kitchen. Her landlord would have a fit if he ever saw it. The most expensive part about all this was buying and melting down all the silver she needed. Once the circle was carved perfectly into the floor, she carefully poured molten silver into the circle. It took days for it to be perfect, always finding small imperfections. More than a month after starting, she finally had the kitchen ready. The circle was perfect and she had all the things she needed for the summoning. Diana knew that the summoning would be stressful, so she dressed comfortably. Her bright red hair was tied back; the end of her pony tail brushing the straps of the sports bra that barely restrained her large breasts. Black leggings were like a second skin over her long legs and small pert ass. As always, at home, she was barefoot. A rapid heartbeat could almost be heard as it pounding against her ribs. She was nervous but confident. Most of the candles and sacred instruments laid around were only there to help her focus, not actually necessary for the summoning. All she needed was the proper incantation and bait. Inside the circle was a clay jar. She had made the jar herself after enchanting the raw clay. It was designed to hold a human soul. The jar contained the soul of a young girl, a small sacrifice for the power she was after. She felt bad for killing the girl, but she had to, as souls were the only thing guaranteed to draw in the creature she was after. An ancient incantation, that sounded weird coming from her human mouth, resonated through the kitchen. The air around her grew thick and the symbols she carved into the silver began to flow red with resistance. Black smoke began to curl up around the jar and then spread out testing the circle. The spell carved into the circle created a bubble of power, keeping the smoke inside. Spell having been tested, the smoke started to gather and slowly took form. Standing in the circle was something barely humanoid. The creature was just over seven feet tall. Long silver hair parted around thick white horns curving back along the skull with its hair. The face was stern, solid black eyes set in a face of dark grey with blood red designs seemingly carved into the flesh. Its body was lean but appeared to be carved out of solid stone, every muscle defined. Only black leather pants covered what was an impressive display of physical prowess. Diana's ears hurt when the creature inside the circle spoke. "What have you summoned me here for human? Why do you bait a trap for a creature far outside your limited understanding?" She had to clench her fists to keep her hands from shaking, trying to appear calm in front of the demon she had brought into her kitchen. She was terrified of the humanoid figure before her, but she was still confident in her containment spell. It was a demonic spell, so it should hold as long as she wishes. There was even a release spell for when she was done. It took all her will to keep her voice from shaking when she spoke. "I have summoned you and given you a sacrifice so I am may obtain power. I wish to know how a human can possess the power of a true demon. I wish to warp the world around me to my desires and do as I wish. I will release you when you have given me the power I desire." Her heart skipped a beat when his laughter rang out through the kitchen, his voice giving the air the same quality as the spell did. "You ask for much, and give so little. You do not understand demons at all. Your kind lost touch with their understanding a very long time ago, proven by the fact that you offer a clean soul. I feed on sin, not innocence, ignorant girl." The demon gently pushed the jar aside, just inside the circle. It still glowed slightly, the soul still inside. Worry began to eat at Diana, the soul being her only bargaining chip with the monster before her. It was possibly she misread the texts, even missed something. The worry grew as the demon started to scratch at the ground with the claws on his feet, as if interested in something. She almost fainted when he smiled. "You humans have come a long way since last I was here. Many modern ideas cluttering your metal tubes just under the floor." Horror gripped Diana. The sphere of the spell had to be completely unbroken by anything but earth and silver. If she had checked for pipes, she would have put the circle elsewhere. But it was too late; the demon had vanished from inside the circle. She had barely registered the fact when she was torn from her seat and thrown into the wall. She tried to scramble away and the demon waved his hand, an invisible force slamming her back into the wall, the sheet rock cracking. Her back was sore from hitting the wall, but she knew it was nothing compared to the death she faced at the hands of a true demon. She could only watch as he approached her, his featureless eyes boring into her very soul. "The soul inside you, tainted by demonic spells, is a much tastier treat than the one you presented. I believe I will take it instead." He was so close, she could smell sulfur on his breath, the heat radiating off him making her start to sweat. "But first, your reward for wasting my time." The claws on his hand made short work of her sports bra, her breasts falling free. She felt her n*****s start to harden, exposed to the heat from his body. "I do so enjoy the soft body of human females." She made a soft noise when he grabbed one of her large breasts, squeezing it. She could feel his claws poking into her soft skin, her n****e rubbing against his hot palm. Diana's attention moved from his hand on her breasts to the front of his pants, a bulge much larger than she had ever seen growing steadily. His laughter boomed in her ears when he noticed her looking down. The pants vanished, wisping away like the black smoke he arrived as. She knew what he had planned for her, but seeing what had been released struck a whole new fear into her core. Not only was it thicker than her wrist, but it looked to stretch from her elbow to past her fingers. His claws made short work of her thin leggings, warm air making contact with her naked p***y. He took a deep breath and grinned into her ear. A shiver ran up her spine as he licked the inside of her ear. "You smell simply delicious." The invisible force released her and his powerful hands lifted her off her feet, dropping her onto her kitchen counter. One powerful clawed hand pinned her torso to the counter, the other forcing her legs apart. She watched in terror as he lowered himself, his face moving between her thighs. A loud gasp left her lips as she felt a warm, snake-like tongue slide between her lower lips. His long tongue slid over her opening and clit at once, setting her p***y on fire with pleasure so intense it almost hurt. Once the tip of his tongue reached her opening, it shot into her, exploring her depths, tasting her core. Two, maybe three orgasms tore through her body as his tongue explored her, a pleasure like she had never experienced blurring out the world around her. She was almost disappointed when he stopped, lifting his head from between her legs, her juices dripping from his strong chin. When he stood up completely, she felt the head of his massive c**k brush against her p***y, fear and anticipation warring inside her. She wasn't sure whether to plead for mercy or beg for more. His hips angled so the entire length of his thick shaft slip between her lips, giving her an intimate knowledge of just how large he was, letting her know what was to come. Diana's eyes locked onto the demon's when he once against lined up his monstrous c**k with her small opening. It was the fear that won out when she saw his stomach muscles tense. She didn't even have time to beg before he drove his entire length into her body. For a moment, it was like someone had poured fire into her p***y, her back arching in pain, stealing the breath from her lungs. A moment later, before she could gather the air to scream, pleasure more intense than before slammed into her, ecstasy carrying her away from the horrors of her situation. Every thrust of his demon c**k caused another orgasm, juices from her running down his thighs. He pounded into her without mercy, using her body for his own pleasure. She knew her body was being damaged, but was unable to care, the pleasure masking any pain he caused. Hours, days, maybe years passed. She had no concept of time, lost inside her own body. When he finally yanked himself from her, she was dropped onto the ground and watched as he sprayed her with his seed. What seemed like a gallon of thick grayish c*m coated her face and large breasts. She looked at her legs with blurred vision and realized she could not move them. A clawed hand gripped her under the chin and lifted her with ease off the ground, her feet dangling far above the ground. "You are mine now, human. I have claimed you and I will keep you for eternity. You may have enjoyed this experience, but know that this is not my true body." He laughed as his body began to change. Where a roughly humanoid man once stood, now stood a massive creature. His long curved black horns broke through the ceiling. His skin was now bright red, eyes burning with fire. He was wider than her kitchen island and stood almost 13 feet tall. Hanging between his legs was a c**k the size of her leg. Terror once again gripped her heart. His body started to turn back into smoke and they were both pulled toward the circle he was summoned into. A massive clawed hand gripped her ankle, dragging her down with him. She was screaming and clawing but was unable to get free. As she flailed, she knocked over the jar at the edge of the circle. Her last view of this world was the captured soul flying upward, being set free. Her scream was cut off as she was pulled from the world and suddenly the kitchen was quiet, still stained with the horrible things that had happened there.   “You think you will be able to bring him under control?” asked Annie as Luna smiled. She had to and she knew just how it was going to be possible.
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