Chapter 9

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She watched as Gideon's dark head move in between her legs. She then felt him place kisses along her inner thighs. Shelby gasped when she felt his warm tongue touch her wet core. "Yes," she moaned as he licked at her folds. Gideon took his time pleasuring her with his mouth. He wanted to savor her unique taste. When he closed his lips around her swollen bud and started sucking on it, her bucking hips nearly thrust him off her. "Please," she begged. "I need you now." He moved above her and Shelby spread her legs wider to accommodate him. She cried out when she felt Gideon enter her willing flesh. He held her hips steady as he continued to thrust his c**k in and out of her. The bed squeaked as he drove himself harder and harder into her. Then suddenly she was lost in one of the most powerful orgasms she ever had. Waves and waves of unbelievable pleasure traveled up and down her body. Above her Gideon grunted with pleasure as filled her with the last of seed. "That was wonderful," Shelby said breathlessly as she languished in the aftermath of her orgasm. Gideon moved beside her and Shelby tried to reach up and touch his face but she couldn't. Something was wrong, she thought. She tried to push herself up but it was like her arms and legs were lead weights. "Gideon there's something wrong with me," she said in a panic. "I can't move." "Shhh. It will be alright," he said and then caressed her cheek. "What's going on?!" she cried hysterically. "Calm down Shelby," he said. "And I'll explain everything." "You did this? What have you done to me?" she shrieked. "It's just a little spell," he answered. "Spell? What are you talking about?" "Do you remember asking me if I believed in the de Wren curse?" "What does that have to do with anything?" "It has to do with everything," he replied. "The curse is not real but the story of the necklace is true. Cassandra does takes form every All Hollow's Eve and every year since her death I come back to be with her." "Every year since her death?" she repeated. Her eyes widened. "Who are you?" "Can't you guess Shelby? You're a smart woman," he told her. "I was Cassandra's lover, Gideon Maxwell Faulkner." "Maxwell Faulkner? No you're not! That's impossible," she gasped. "That man died over 300 years ago." "No, I disappeared like you said," he replied. "But not before I got my revenge on the people who killed my Cassandra." "You murdered all those villagers?!" she said in shock. "No, I just made sure that they got what they deserved," he said tersely. "Cassandra was a sweet and innocent young woman and I loved her. She wasn't a witch, I was." It took a moment for Shelby to absorb what he was saying. All of it was unbelievable. Why would he create such an elaborate lie? He probably drugged her wine earlier and that was why she couldn't move, not a spell like he claimed. "You're lying. I don't know why you're playing this sick game with me. I don't know why you're claiming to be a witch when they don't even exist." "Witches do exist. Not as many as before. I actually came from a long line of witches and warlocks. Over the years we learned to keep quiet about our identities for our own safety." "I don't believe you," Shelby said. "That doesn't matter. You won't be here for much longer anyways." He walked over to the desk across the room and pulled open the top drawer. He reached inside and pulled out the emerald necklace she just saw in a glass case at the museum 2 days ago. "What are doing with that? Oh my god did you steal it?" Shelby accused him. "I borrowed it," he replied. "You got the story only slightly wrong Shelby. Cassandra doesn't appear to other men, she only appears to me. I find a young woman for her to inhabit and for one night we are together again. The woman never remembers anything in the morning." "So you want to use me as her vessel this time?" she asked. "No Shelby. You're special," he said. The way he said the word special had the hair on the back of neck stand up. "I believe you can bring Cassandra back to me for good," he told her. He made his way closer to her and Shelby began to scream. "Silence," he commanded. Suddenly her mouth shut and she couldn't open it. He fastened the necklace around her neck. She wanted to fight back but she was paralyzed. "I gave Cassandra this necklace the day she died. It was meant to be a wedding present," he told her. "Instead it became her prison. I was too late to rescue her that night. When I came upon her burning body I saw her spirit rising up and I refused to let her go so I trapped her into the necklace. But thanks to you we'll now be together again." He closed his eyes and began to chant words she had never heard of before. At first nothing seemed to happen, but then the emerald around her neck began to glow. Shelby tried as hard as she could to move but no avail. She suddenly felt very drowsy and everything around her looked blurry. It felt similar as if she drank too much alcohol. Her eyelids felt so heavy that she needed to close them. Gideon watched as Cassandra's spirit rise up from the emerald. There was a burst of green light that emanated from Shelby's body and then heard a gasp for breath. The body on the bed looked wildly about the room. Its hands went to its face and then grabbed at its hair. It stared at its arms and then down towards the rest of its body. It finally looked up at him and Gideon smiled in response. "Max!" she cried out and flew into his arms. He caught her and immediately began kissing her everywhere, her cheeks, her chin, her nose, her brow. "Cassandra," he said with a sigh and lowered his mouth onto hers. ***** Massachusetts Colony Oct. 31, 1692 He waited until the last of the mob left. He looked down at the burnt remains of Cassandra de Wren. A greenish glow among her ashes caught his eye. It looked to be an emerald pendant. He thought it strange that the necklace looked to be in perfect condition. "You should have never left me," he said aloud. It took Richard Shelby over a year to find his runaway wife. He was surprised to find her living several hundred miles away in New Bedford as the recently widowed Cassandra de Wren. Richard was about to haul her back home to Virginia when he spied her fornicating with the Englishman. He decided right then he didn't want her back instead he wanted her dead for all her treachery. It was so easy to manipulate the villagers to do the deed for him since they believed she was already a witch. His resolved almost faltered when she began screaming for help. He had fallen so completely in love with her when they first met. He was blinded by her beauty and seduced by her charm. Richard was about to come to her aid but then she began calling for the Englishman. No, this is what the w***e deserves, Richard thought as he watched her burn. "You might have not been a witch but you were hardly innocent," Richard said to his wife's remains. He turned his around and made his way back to his lodgings. The sooner he put distance between himself and this backwater village the better.   Finally Luna opened her mouth to speak. This was not a time that she had witnessed but Annie had. She was a lamia and she could live for many years without even being detected by human beings. And she could also mask herself and change appearances. This was considered to be a curse but once in every fortnight she needed to come to her full and original form and stay in the forest and pray. And then again she could go back to living her normal life. So it was expected that she would live a very well detailed life which meant that she would know stories from all over the world. “So what do I exactly need to do here?” asked Luna as she waited for Annie to say murder but she was a spoilsport. “You need to collect his semen in the form of a hag,” said Annie and then she cackled with laughter. Luna looked at her and then said,” Was that supposed to be a joke?” “No that is supposed to be the next task that you perform. And that too on a Shelby. It is the revenge of a witch on behalf of his innocent wife.”  
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