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Everyone at Liberty High knew Elias Knight. It was impossible to not see the golden boy of Everdale, after all. Being the star quarterback of Liberty High's football team, he was the pride of the small town and the crown jewel of the Knight family who just like his father was going to get his medical degree from St. Paul's Medical School and become a surgeon. Girls in the school wanted to be with him, and the guys wanted to be him. He was so typically handsome it was almost unreal; blonde hair, clear blue eyes, tall frame, sharp jaws that could even challenge scissors, and chiseled muscles that always peek through his shirts, as if he'd walked right out of an old Hollywood. Usually, these qualities would've ignited jealousy and turned other guys against him, but he was so goddamn nice that one couldn't even hate him, just envy him from afar. One toothy smile from Elias was enough to brighten anyone’s day in the gloomy town. He was so good at everything he did that it was easy to forget that he had a twin sister. Elias shone so brightly that he seemed to eclipse Selena, who wasn't blessed with any of her brother's athletic prowess or heart-melting charisma. Where Elias looked like a marble statue sculptured with love and care by Michelangelo himself, Selena was slim and short with an even shorter temper. Her eyes were grey, a gift from her mother, and her hair copper like her father's. Despite her black-framed glasses, small frame, and the worst hand-to-eye coordination ever seen by her gym teacher, Mr. Fairchild, in his twenty-two years of career, she loved playing volleyball and soccer more than anything. She was so different from her brother that it became a running joke throughout the school that she was adopted. Some people actually believed it, even when she mirrored their parents more than Elias. Selena wasn't bothered by it much, she was happy because no one was watching her all the time and the spotlight was never on her during family gatherings or holidays. No one talked about her grades or inquired about her personal life, and neither they had great exceptions from her. In a way, she was happy with it. Her goal was to finish her senior year without any hiccups and get into a college as far away from Everdale as possible. The thought that she only had to endure the coldness of the town and its people for less than a year and then she'd be free was what kept her warm in the town that was known for its unpredictable rainy weather. She was practically counting down the days. Start new, start fresh in a warm place, that was her dream. That was her plan and she was good at sticking to plans more than anything. Even on the weekends, she used to follow her schedule and wake up in the early morning to help her father in the kitchen. On the weekends, it was Mr. Knight who used to prepare breakfast for the family so that Mrs. Knight could get some hours of sleep after her late night shifts on Fridays and Saturdays. For the most part, it was a usual Sunday like any other. Rain was falling down the heavens lazily, Mr. Knight was busy with his beacon, egg, and cheese sandwich while Selena was mixing the vegetables for the salad. Pancakes stacked with maple syrup were on the counter next to her salad bowl. Mrs. Knight was awake and on the dining table with a mug filled with steaming coffee in her hand and eyes fixed on the newspaper that was sprawled on the table. Then the most unusual thing happened, Elias Knight, walked into the kitchen on a Sunday morning at around 9 o'clock in the morning. Everyone stopped doing whatever it was they were engaged in and fixed their gaze on the seventeen years old who walked straight to the fridge and pulled the bottle of milk out before chugging half of it in a single breath. His footsteps were heavy and his eyes were down, something must have happened. “What happened?” He asked when he saw all the eyes on him. “Is it midday already!” Mrs. Knight exclaimed in horror, looking straight at Elias and then at her wristwatch. “Kevin, I think my watch has broken.” “My watch has broken too.” Mr. Knight said as he walked out of the kitchen carrying the plates with her breakfast. “Nice joke, guys.” He laughed sarcastically before passing them and walking toward Selena. He saw the plates with pancakes and without asking took a bite from them. “These are for dad, asshole.” Selena took the plate from him. “Dad has made sandwiches for us like you demanded yesterday.” “But, I want pancakes too.” He tried to steal the one he took a bite from, but Selena slapped his hand away and walked out of the kitchen with Elias tailing behind her. “No, yesterday when I asked you said sandwiches.” She placed the plate on the table and went back in to bring the salad bowl and her own plate. “It's okay, you can have some of the pancakes.” Mr. Knight said, sitting down on the chair next to his wife. “Elena, bring the orange juice too.” “Also, my food,” Elias added as she brought the salad bowl and her plate. “I'll bring the orange juice.” She answered her dad and went back to the kitchen. “Don't forget my food,” Elias screamed while stuffing his mouth with the pancakes from his dad's plate. “You two got legs and hands too. She isn't the only one with limbs in the house, so stop ordering her.” Mrs. Knight said, glaring at her son who smiled sheepishly. Selena came back with Elias's plate in one hand and a carton of orange juice from the fridge in the other. “Thank you,” He took the plate from her and started eating. She took the seat next to him and poured the juice into her parents’ glasses. “No phones at the dining table,” Mrs. Knight warned when Elias received a series of texts and opened his phone to check them. “Yeah, sorry.” He turned the screen off and placed it back on the table. “What's wrong with you?” Mr. Knight asked Elias when he sighed. “Hmm?” He raised his head to look at him with a questioning look. “Come on, I can see that something's bothering you. What is it?” Elias looked down at his phone that was on the table next to his plate and groaned loudly. “I got a text from Matt earlier, he saw June and Victor together at his cousin's party. Now everyone in the team knows that and they are texting me the same things over and over.” “June?” His mother asked with a small smile on her lips. “Who is June?” Selena rolled her eyes as the conversation progressed. She knew exactly what her mom was thinking and what was going through Elias's head, and she also knew that those two things weren't the same. “She's our cheerleading captain.” Elias groaned again and threw his head back. “How could she be that stupid and play around with Victor?” “Is she a close friend of yours?” His dad asked, copying the smile his wife had. Selena stuffed her mouth with the sandwich to stop herself from laughing out loud, seeing the hope in her dad's blue eyes. She wanted to laugh so badly because she already knew the reason why her brother was bothered by June and Victor, which was not what their parents were assuming. “No, we hardly talk with each other.” Elias explained, “We used to be friends, but after I rejected her last year she doesn't even look at me.” “So, what's the problem then?” His mom asked with a frown of defeat. “Ah… you don't understand. Victor is the captain of Lake High. I'm obligated to hate him, everyone in Liberty is, yet she chose to screw him.” “Language,” Mrs. Knight scolded. “You can't hate someone because they are on the opposite team. Have you ever spoken to him?” “Yes, I have and he's an asshole.” Elias clenched his jaws. “Last season when we kicked their ass, he lost his head.” “Wait, was it the boy who shoved you after the game?” Mr. Knight turned his head towards Selena who was busy with her food. “He did what?” Elias looked at her too with anger in his eyes. “Selena?” “Yeah,” She said, but when he kept his eyes fixed on her she explained further, “Remember you asked me to come and cheer you for the finals last year. I was waiting for you after the game near the gates off the field when he came and ordered me to move even though there was enough space for him to pass through and when I didn't move, he pushed me to the side.” “And you never told me?” Elias questioned. “You were practically flying with joy in the field. I didn't want to spoil the night for you, and I forgot about it the next day.” She stood up and carried her empty plate to the wash basin, ignoring Elias, who was not happy that she didn't tell him about it. He kept going on and on about Victor and how horrible human he is and how she's fueling his crappy behavior by keeping quiet. “Okay, okay, calm down.” She told him when she returned with a cup of coffee from the kitchen. While most people have their coffee before breakfast, Selena liked it after. “You can't ask me to Cal—” Just then Mr. Knight's phone rang. Mrs. Knight turned towards him with her signature scowl. Her husband mouthed sorry as he pulled the phone out of his pocket and seeing the caller's id confusion reached his brows. He excused himself from the table in hurry to answer the call. “Who's that?” Elias questioned no one in particular as Mr. Knight opened the sliding door and went out into the patio, in the rain. “Maybe work.” Mrs. Knight said, but both of her children knew that even she didn't believe it. “Anyway, you finish your food, and Selena please sit down.” “Yeah, sorry.” She took a seat on her previous chair. They all sat quietly, stealing glances in the backyard. Mr. Knight looked really stressed as he spoke on the phone and after around ten minutes he finally came back in, sliding the door behind himself. Elias was done with his breakfast and was waiting for his father, while Mrs. Knight haven't even touched the food. “What happened, dad?” Elias asked as soon as he sat down. “Who was it?” Mrs. Knight asked, rubbing the back of his hand. “Pratik,” He answered before clearing his throat and sighing loudly. “Pratik Ray?” Her face turned sour hearing the name. “What does he want from you?” “Sue…” “No, Kevin. I don't want to hear anything about him.” The twins didn't know anything about the man, but it was clear that their mom hated him more than anything. “Susan, please… not the right time.” He sighed again and looked toward the twins. Mrs. Knight sat straight and tried to look composed. “We'll talk about him later.” “But, Ke—” “Breakfast, Susan,” He said, cutting the pancakes with more force than needed. She sighed but didn't say anything else and continued eating. The atmosphere got thick, the twins could feel the tension between their parents. It wasn't the first time they argued, but unlike the other times, Mr. Knight was actually pissed this time. Aside from the anger, Selena could also sense frustration and sadness behind her father's eyes. Elias wanted to ask about the mysterious man, but Selena shook her head as if she could read his mind and knew what he was going to say. He rolled his eyes and went into the kitchen with his plates. “I-I have to go to Matt's house, we're doing a report analysis for the online certificate course we took in the summers,” Selena said, looking from her mom to her dad. “Okay, for how long you'll be gone.” Her mom asked. Elias walked back at the same time and said, “I'll also come with you.” “Why?” “So that you don't bore him to death.” Elias smiled brightly at her. “I can't have my best friend turning into a nerd like you.” She rolled her eyes and answered her mom, “It will probably take some time, I'll call if it will take longer.” “Okay, take care.” Her mom said, with a pulled smile. Her eyes were still down from the previous argument. “Yeah, I'll… bye.” “Wait, I've to change,” Elias said, running upstairs. He was still in his boxers and t-shirt. “I'll be back in two.” And he was back in two minutes in a pair of black jeans and a flannel shirt. “Bye guys,” He kissed his mom on the cheeks and whispered something in his dad's ears before pulling Selena outside. “What is wrong with you?” Mr. Knight asked with a disgusted look on his face. “Wait… Elias drive safely, the roads are slippery near the woods.” Mrs. Knight also ran behind them to the door as they got inside Elias's car. “Okay, bye.” He screamed before hitting the road and driving in the soft rain. “What did he say?” Mrs. Knight asked her husband after closing the main door behind her. “Elias?” He confirmed because he wasn't sure. “Or Pratik?” “Both...” Mr. Knight sighed, “Pratik is in some trouble with his son and he needs help from us. I don't know exactly what, he told me that he'll call again in a few hours and explain the situation. And believe me, you don't want to know what Elias said. The boy is getting disgusting day by day.” Mrs. Knight chuckled softly before taking a seat at the dining table. “So, any plans for today?” “Probably sleep.” He kissed the top of her head and went towards the room. “You know, I won't mind some company. The kids aren't home either.” Mrs. Knight smirked and followed him into their bedroom.
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