Chapter 10

9033 Words

The next two weeks passed by quickly and so did the exams. It was Friday morning; we were in the last class of the semester and everyone was looking forward for the frat party that was going to take place later that night, in order to celebrate the end of the exams and the start of the holiday season. Amy and I returned to our dorm, where we were greeted by Snowflake, who jumped on my lap as soon as I sat down on my bed. “f*****g finally.” Amy said, throwing her bag under the bed and collapsing on it. I stroked Snowflake’s fur and she started purring, burying her head into my palm. We were buying her food regularly and no one knew about her except of Amy, Niall, and I. “You think she’ll be alright on her own?” I asked Amy. “I’m just surprised that-“, she started after noddin.g There

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