Chapter Two

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    It's been almost two months since Bardik took Chusi as his luna and she was taking on the role rather well. Between all their duties to the pack, they were still looking for a way to destroy the sword. The answers seemed so elusive.      They had tried all they could think of, but nothing was causing the sword to break. So while they were figuring that out, they kept it under strict lock and key. It's whereabouts, hidden from everyone except them, the triplets, and Justin. They were taking no chances that it would be stolen again, especially since Abigor was still out there.      ***********     Abigor was slamming things around in the hall of the castle. His mind was wracked with grief over the loss of the baby that accursed witch was carrying.      He picked up the nearest item, a large antique-looking vase, and threw it blindly into the room. The minion the vase struck as it shattered let out a small pained cry causing Abigor to look at it and glare.      "What are you doing in here?" he snarled. He wanted to be alone and these things kept bothering him.      "I- I came in to check on Master," he said weakly.      "Your master is dead, I am just here. Now go away," he snapped cruelly at the small minion. Referring to the death of his father.      The small creature wasn't sure what to do, he was bound by the rules of the isle. Mavaka and all his heirs were to be taken care of by the minions, if they dared to stop they would die.      "But, you are master now," the small minion said confused because Abigor was clearly breathing and had a heartbeat. "And you are not dead," he said. "It is our job to serve you, master, what would you like?"      Abigor laughed at the thought, he has a whole isle of these creatures that are willing to do anything for him. And yet, the one thing he wants is no longer even alive, if it even was alive.      Abigor turned to the shaking minion, and for some reason, his hard heart softened just a little, "I want answers," he said.      "For what would master like answers to?" the minion asked, he was happy to be helping. His job was back.      Abigor looked at the minion and he could see a spark of happiness in its eyes. Something that right now, he felt he could never feel again, "Life," he said.      Abigor's answer made the poor minion stop, his face screwing up in a confused look. He didn't understand his master's answer. Wasn't life just breathing and eating and doing what job your master assigned you?      Abigor just shook his head sadly, "Leave me to my thoughts," he said, pointing to the door, dismissing the confused minion.      Once the minion was out the door, Abigor looked around the room. He had made such a terrible mess in his anger and grief. His eyes fell on the portrait of his father and he shook his head, "What is so great about love that you gave up your life for it?" he asked the picture. He never felt love, just lust and he didn't know why. He walked over to the chair in the room, too exhausted to go up the stairs to his room, and fell asleep.      ********     Selene looked down at the sleeping Alyona, her heart broke for her. The one female in the family she had hoped would be spared from mistakes and pain is again tossing and turning restlessly on her bed. "Why did they have to cause that to happen to you?" she whispered in the wind. Her voice falling softly on the closed window of the sleeping young woman.      Alyona was reliving her nightmare over again, she had caught the ever so faint scent of her mate and wandered outside to see if he was there.      ******flash back*****     She never saw the men in the shadows, they covered her mouth and nose with the handkerchief, making her feel drunk from the sweet-smelling chemical. The men were dragging her away from the party. She couldn't recognize their scents or their faces, she was trying desperately to figure out who they were.      As they took from her what they wanted she screamed in pain, this only fueled their sick adventures, even her wolf couldn't break free to save her, no matter how hard she tried. When they were done, they warned her that if she ever told anyone her sisters would be next. They sent her back to the party, where she snuck in the back door and ran to her room.      She stood under the hottest shower she could stand scrubbing and crying. Begging the pain to stop and the still fresh memories to be just a nightmare. She slid to the floor of the shower and cried when she washed her still sore lady parts. It was then that she accepted the one thing she had wanted to save for her mate was gone forever. How could he ever love her with that gone? Her anger began to rise then, she would find the worthless souls that stole this from her and her mate and she would make them pay dearly. But, she vowed, she would never tell a soul what happened to her, she would be sure that her sisters were safe.      She got out of the shower and dressed in a different gown, thankful her mother had bought them so many over the years. She redid her make-up and hair and walked proudly down to the party. No one would ever know. As for her mate, she saved him the pain of her not being pure, " I Alyona Svet Boyets, reject you, my mate," she whispered silently into the air. Letting the wind take her intentions and making herself single for the sake of her family's safety.      ***********end flashback********     Selene had heard Alyona's rejection that night but thought nothing of it because she didn't name her mate. Therefore the rejection wouldn't take. She didn't know why Alyona, of all the girls, would reject her mate. She was the one that wanted one more than anything.      Selene made her way down to Alyona's room she needed comfort right now and knew that no one else would be able to help her. When she appeared beside Alyona, the poor woman's fear was palpable.      She touched the girl lightly, "Alyona, you're safe, wake up," she said.     Alyona jerked awake, swinging her arms, and stifling a scream at the sight of someone in her room, "Who the hell are you?" she asked suspiciously.      Selene couldn't help but stifle a small smile, she definitely has the spunk to deal with him, she thought. As she stepped out of the reach of the woman's arms and legs, "I'm Selene, my dear," she said gently.      Ally sat up in her bed studying the celestial woman in front of her, "Why are you here?" she asked.      "I saw you suffering," she said quietly. She took a step closer to the bed again and sat beside her.      "Yeah, well, it was just a nightmare, " she said into the pillow she picked up, hugging it tightly. She can't tell anyone, not even the moon goddess. This was for her and her wolf to fix.      "I know what it was," Selene said softly, she rubbed Ally's shoulders.      "But, I didn't tell you," she whispered her eyes round with fear.      "You don't have to, I do see things," Selene said.      Ally fell into Selene's shoulder, this was the first time she had been comforted since it happened and it felt almost good.      "They can't know that someone else knows," she whispered fervently. Her fear for her sisters' safety overtook her fear of them doing something worse to her. She needed to protect them, that was why she didn't say anything to her father either.      "Your sisters are safe," Selene said. She made a mental note to plead a case to protect Isabella and Irina with the Fates.      "Promise?" she asked sleepily, Selene's comforting hands making her drowsy.      Selene smiled at Ally, "I'll do my best," she swore.      "Now, get some rest, you need it and so does Svet," she whispered. She guided the exhausted young woman back down into the bed and covered her gently with the comforter.      As she left Ally's room she was met by Apollo.      "I can't help but be a little jealous," he admitted to her.      Selene looked at him, shocked, "Why?"      "You got the easy one," he said. "Mine is so twisted and broken, I don't know what to do with him," he admitted.      "Have you seen him yet? And she isn't that easy!" she asked him as they made their way back up to the hall of the gods.      "No, I'm going to wait until tomorrow," he said, "That man has made such a pigsty of that castle, I hate going into it," he told her with a disgusted shiver.      Selene laughed, "Well, maybe start with the minions and get them to clean it up," she suggested.      "Well, what good will that do?" he asked.      "For one, when the area around you is neat and tidy, you tend to feel better. And, I have an idea for him," Selene said. If the Fates wanted him to have Alyona, then she would make it great for her as well. Her biggest concern was all the darkness of the isle.      "And just what is your plan?" he asked. He was curious that she was plotting again.      Selene grinned, "You forget, Apollo, I have plotted with your sister, Herema in the past," she winked.      "How could I forget?" He asked. "The end results are all over the place!" he laughed, indicating Bodhi and Esmy.      "It worked didn't it?" she said, shrugging her shoulders and looking as innocent as she could.      "Yeah, but look at what you have to do," he said. He knew that Selene was still under the supervision of the Fates. Sometimes he thinks they are just playing a cruel game with her.      "Has Bardik and Chusi destroyed the sword yet?" he asked.      Selene stopped, her mind racing as she thought, "No, they haven't," she said.      This could put a whole new twist into her plan.      "Well, they need to do it. And soon," he said.      "I know," she admitted, her mind swirling at the implications of the sword not being destroyed. What was missing from that?      The Fates were watching with fascination over the events unraveling in front of them. Their plan was working out swimmingly, they thought as they peered into the pool. Not only would they get what they wanted with Abigor and Alyona. But that sword would finally be gone too. Now to be sure that he finds that missing piece.                     
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