Show Her Around

1038 Words

Agnes was nervous. She stepped out of the car and hid behind Jude while walking into his office. Luckily, Jude didn't share the same parking lot and entrance with the rest of the company, so there were not too many eyes glaring at her as she made her way inside, behind Jude. They entered a private elevator that opened up to a penthouse. Agnes walked behind Jude, and quickened her steps until she was right behind Jude's heel. Then she followed him inside his office. She started at him knowingly, waiting for him to tell her what to do, or why she was at the company. Jude grabbed the intercom and made a phone call. ''Come to my office,'' he said abruptly into the phone and hung up. Shortly after, there were footsteps in front of Jude's office. Agnes could hear the dainty steps of

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