Chapter 4

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Austin opens the door and has an enigmatic smile on his face. “If the lady would take the trouble to…” Oh God! This gesture. But I decided to play hard to get. I run my hand through my hair, as if it were noting and grab my purse. I finally step out of the car, delicately.   He closes the door and takes a step towards me. He runs his hand along my cheek and plants a kiss on the edge of my lip. “I don’t want to lose you.” He says in a sad voice. My heart skips a beat. And I’m not shivering because of the wind.   I don’t have time to answer, that his lips are already pressed against mine. His kiss is so intense, so full of promises, that I completely forget that we’re in the middle of the street. I’m unable to hold a grunt. It’s been such a long time since we’ve shared a passionate moment like this! Since everything’s happened…   He unfolds his arms from around me and looks at me half-amused, half in love. “What did I say?” he smirks raising an eyebrow.   “It’ll take a lot more to convince me, Mr. CEO.” I pat him on his shoulder. He simply takes my arm and leads me to what seems to be a place which looks like a boutique shop.   “Austin… I would have preferred a more intimate place, where we could talk.”   “Be patient…”   We entered the shop. It's clean, bright and fully furnished… but empty. As if the customers had abandoned the place. I look at the counter, that's full of dresses, but there's no owner in sight… I turn to face Austin.   He's leaving against the door, arms crossed, and watching me in silence. "When I said I wanted us to talk in an intimate place, I didn't mean that you had to chase all the customers away!" I chided him. "And this is a boutique."   Austin, confident, smiles at me. "No one fled. Welcome to your boutique."   Huh! I must look as lively as a dried out mollusk. I stare at him, completely shocked.   "I bought the place, so you can do what you want with it. The previous owner has a good clientele, you'll do wonders here…"   "I'll do… but? What are you talking about?"   "I want you to be the head designer of this boutique."   I stare at him wide eyed! What is this madness?! "You want me to be… wait…" I'm in shock, but deep concern overwhelms me quickly. Why is he doing this? "This place is great but I won't be able to handle this and working at William Enterprises." I can't work thirty six hours of the twenty four like Austin.   "Don't worry about William Enterprises anymore. That's behind you."    What?! "Am I missing something, or are you nicely trying to fire me from William Enterprises?" My time goes up a notch and one can probably read the anger on my face.   Austin came to me. "Don't take it that way… I thought you'd be happy… Wasn't it your dream to have your own designing studio?"   "Yes." I sighed.   "So where's the problem?" He asked slightly touching my arms.   "You can't solve everything by snapping your fingers, or with millions. Did it ever occur to you that you should have talked to me first about this?"   This is the first time that I've seen Austin speechless. So I continue "At William Enterprises, you give orders to everyone, but that's not how it's supposed to work in a healthy relationship. We have to make decisions, especially the important ones, together!"   "I'm not a pawn you can move whenever you like. I'm not one of those little start-ups that you eat up when it pleases you."   "I wanted to surprise you Rachel. And don't tell me that you wanted to be my assistant your whole life! I'm serving you your dream on a silver platter."   "If you think you can buy me with your money, then you know me even less than I thought. And that makes me sad…"   "Rachel…" he said in a sad voice.   "Did it not occur to you that there are some files that I really care about in William Enterprises? I don't want to let go of the Congo file!" I said all this with a sad frown on my face.   Austin gives me a determined look. "Can I explain myself?" His voice is earnest and calm, but I know the character. I know that anger isn't too far behind his impenetrable mask.   I let out a gasp of surprise. "Please, yes, explain. Explain to me how you can be so wrong about me."   He heads towards the counter and sit on one of the designer stools. He rubs his forehead for a second and seems to be looking for his words. He better choose them wisely, because I’m ready to head out the door. “You being my assistant is hard for me. I have a hard time separating my lives. I can’t concentrate knowing that you’re in your office, so close to mine. I want things to work between us and this is all new to me. I don’t know how it works.”   He looks at me with puppy dog eyes. How is it possible to remain impassive when faced with the great Austin William’s distress… He rubs his chin and breathes deeply. The situation wouldn’t be so critical between us, if I didn’t find him unbelievably sexy, sitting there, both elegant and vulnerable at the same time.   “If I had wanted my own restaurant I would have fought to get it. I would have taken things into my hands. I wouldn’t have waited for my millionaire boyfriend to do everything for me!” I explained carefully. “I know you. I know you would react the same way if you were me, and you would never accept to be spoon-fed!”   Suddenly, I understand what Andrea must feel when her brother wants to meddle in her projects. “I feel like we’re not on the same level of discussion.” I told him. “You’re an excellent businessman, but it’s sad that you don’t understand the people you love the most.” I feel sorry for hurting him and leaving him confused. I know that these notions are hard for him to grasp. “Austin, take me home now.”   “Rach…”   “Now… please…” I don’t wait for his approval and leave the boutique. I need for him to understand me, I have to firm, even if it breaks my heart. The ride back was quiet. We’re both lost in our thoughts, and thinking about what we just said to each other. I assume everything I just said. I mean it. He can’t behave like that and expect me to agree like a little sheep. He bought me a boutique, that’s crazy!   I’m not a line, on his Excel spreadsheet, that he can move as he sees fit. All these emotions, even the contradictory ones, overwhelm me. I would have liked for things to be easier! But Austin isn’t the type of guy that does things half-heartedly. My existential problems are abruptly interrupted by what I see.
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