17 The Agreement

1071 Words
At present   Rena dreamed of the fire again. It was the same fire that had plagued her dreams on and off for the last four years. It was a fire that destroyed her family as she knew it.   She was reluctant to look back on those four years of hardship, even though she knew that there were many more hardships to come. Her family had fallen into this situation because of the Ashby Family, and so Rena's nightmare was most likely triggered by her encounter with Sarah today.   Rena shook her head and brought her focus to her current situation. She took stock of her body and found that her clothes weren't in disarray, and her stomach pain was gone. She tried not to overthink if Leo showed restraint on account of being a gentleman, or because she was on her period.    Either way, being passed out in the presence of this man risked a full-on assault. When she finally focused on Leo's face, his glacier-like expression caused a shiver to run down her spine. Rena knew she had to get out of here as soon as possible.    "Mr. Caswell," she addressed with a square of her shoulders, "I thank you for assisting me this time. However, I need to leave so that I don't bother you anymore." Rena then lifted the covers and swung her legs out to the side.   As soon as she stood up, Leo extended his arm to stop her. "No, wait," he said. "We aren't done here."   Rena picked up her purse that was on the table next to the bed. "I say we are," she replied, her voice steady. She then ducked under his arm and headed for the door.   "I have Adam blocking the door outside. You can't leave until I say so," Leo declared as he crossed his arms.   A loud groan came from Rena as she turned around and threw her hands up in the air. "What do you want from me?" she asked in frustration. "Are you my stalker?"    Oh, how she wished she could alter the past to never visit that damned cafe.   Leo's eyes were cold and distant, with a touch of arrogance.    "Tell me what you want already," Rena reiterated when he didn't answer right away.    He raised his eyebrows. "To settle accounts," he answered simply.   "I don't have much money if that is what you are after. Or do you want to take back the jacket?"   "Do you think I need your money?" Leo spat.   "I don't speak stalker, so I'm reaching here," Rena returned, her chin held high. "Hurry up and spill."   "Marry me."   She froze and began to cough after she swallowed the wrong way. Rena hoped that Leo forgot about the previous proposal, but she never expected that he would still insist on it.    After she recovered somewhat, she met his gaze head-on. "Mr. Caswell, this isn't funny."   "And I'm not joking," Leo replied, his tone serious. He took a couple of steps closer to Rena with his long legs. "You owe me a girlfriend, because of what happened with Lucy."   Rena was caught off guard by his approach, but it only distracted her for a moment. She narrowed in on the inconsistency in his words. "You said girlfriend, not wife. If it's a girlfriend you're wanting, then I can-"   "Be my girlfriend."   She was going to say, "I can find you a girlfriend," but Leo cut her off. Rena wondered if he was crazy. Why would he want her, of all people, to be his girlfriend? The man had everything going for him except his personality, so he should have no trouble finding a partner.    Rena sighed. "Mr. Caswell, you should try and find someone who is more your equal," she reasoned calmly.   Leo frowned slightly. "You are my equal," he said slowly.    Huh? What the heck is he talking about? She thought. "Mr. Caswell, you are CEO of a major company and part of an affluent family, and I am just the daughter of a poor sculptor. How are we equal?" She was starting to believe that Leo was insane.   Instead of answering, Leo's expression was one of confidence, as if there was no way Rena could leave without giving him a yes. For the first time in his life, he found himself being rejected by a woman. Since more women wanted to marry him than he could count, Rena's attitude was a new experience.   All the emotions that were shown in both her expression and her eyes were authentic. She had zero interest in him and didn't try to make him feel anything different. Leo just happened to like that about her.   There was a tense couple of minutes as Rena thought about the offer carefully. Leo was persistent and unlikely to leave her alone. He had a significant degree of power that, should he chose to, could make her life hell.    Since he was never going to take no for an answer, Rena came up with an alternate plan. She figured that when Leo gets an actual girlfriend, be it Lucy or someone else, that he would naturally leave her. Additionally, she had a hunch that his family would not approve of their relationship and would force him to end all ties with her. The Caswell's were too rich to associate with such "peasants" as the Marsh's.   "Alright, I will be your girlfriend. In title only, though," Rena clarified, still a little apprehensive.   Leo's face, which was always clouded over, suddenly shone brightly as if the sun had broken through. He pointed at Rena. "Remember that a verbal agreement is a valid one!" he announced.   "Yes, yes. I am a woman of my word."   The corner of his mouth quirked up a little, obviously satisfied with her answer.   "Before I forget, what's in it for me?"   "I will take care of you," was Leo's simple reply.   Well, that didn't sound too bad. "Can I go home now?" Rena asked as she glanced at her phone. It was already nine o'clock.    "I'll give you a ride," he replied casually.   She rolled her eyes at how quickly he filled the "boyfriend" role. The man had no shame.   In the parking garage, Leo opened the back door of his black Escalade for Rena. She had just sat down on the seat when he reached a hand towards her and began to lean in.  
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